I don't know how I do it either. Lol.
I'm at the point now where I refuse to get emotional about any shit......ah fuck it, I'm lying. I have a stress ball lying around that I will pick up and slam on the floor anytime some bullshit happens.
For the most part though I have everything I need/want roster wise, so losing a game is just whatever. Most painful losses still come in BR especially when you are 10-1, two wins from LS Andrew Miller, and you can't hit the ball at all...
Is it a connection thing or is online always that bad? I'm on the East Coast so maybe the distance to San Diego hurts me, I don't know.
I'd hit it to the gap and my runners would literally stop at 1st base for 4 seconds before I could finally highlight them and press triangle.
Sounds par for the course!
Crazy stuff happens online that doesn't happen offline. Slowing fielding animations is what kills me, same with unresponsive base running. When it should be a routine double play but it isn't. Or when your throw to third is so clearly on time but the game takes forever for your guy to tag the runner.
Posted this here a few days ago, worth watching if you haven't yet. It's online play in a nutshell.
Also, I want to reach through my monitor and strangle people who lead off obsessively. In my opinion if you choose to lead off, telling your runner to retreat in case of a pick-off should be manual too. It's bullshit that runners get such an advantage without leadoffs can just keep doing that shit with no penalty. I can throw a pitch out combined with a slide step and still get beaten.
I also noticed there were times when I was trying to hit my pitch accuracy (trying to time the expanding and closing circle as small as possible) and it wouldn't let me do anything... Is this because the opponent is holding down R2? I've seen people talk about that on the ShowNation forums.
Was frustrating the first few times when I thought it was my controller bugging out so I start mashing X and just as he stopped holding R2 I accidentally get stuck with a large circle and bad pitch.
Probably says something that 4 games into Ranked and 2 of them turned into goofball fests where the other guy stopped trying and started doing stupid annoying stuff after falling behind.
Most of my gametime with this game has been online for years so it's what I'm use to. Playing the CPU, to me, is kind of boring.
Next event is going to be fun
Common pitchers and power hitters, 3 inning games, 20 wins gets you 91 Chris Davis, 12 win streak gets you 98 Louis Tiant
10 cumulative wins gets you a live series gold
Get Tyler Cloyd, common pitcher with 96 velocity
POTM cards drop tomorrow. I'm getting my stubs ready because the POTM card sets are one I want to complete each one.
Fuck! I fed that guy to my CAP earlier!
Those are 20k right? Trying to see if the 20k I have wil be worth it for one of those..
What I want is those packs in a pack lol
Since it's all common pitchers I think this is the lineup I'll trot out
C: posada
1b: Cabrera
2b: Sandberg
Ss: ripken
3b: seager...or han ram
Of: trout, griffey, judge
Dunno if that will fit under the cap lol
How did you guys grind the walks for Hanley?
prices of all star places be tanking though
Rommel just says fuck it, save the pain, just buy the cards outright
Wow. I found a Switch-pitcher for this event. Yes switch-pitcher. He changes for every batter. He also throws side arm. He is rated 60 and his name is Pat Venditte.
I did a lot of thinking on this one but I think it wil work out. I sold Thor who I was 5-0 with. I then was able to get:
POTM Chase Anderson 90
Joe Nathan 94
Fernando Rodney 92
I'm tempted to sell Sale and do something similar. I'm not nearly as good with him as I thought I would be, I feel like I can't control him the way I'd like especially for a guy who goes for like 100,000 stubs. I know that seems crazy when you look at his control numbers on DL, but something just hasn't clicked so far with me.
Do you pitch with pitch trail on? I started doing that recently and it's helped. Now you can see what trajectory the batter sees, so you know better where you want to put the location. I used to throw balls in places I didn't think the batter could hit well, but when I got smashed, I started realizing that I didn't have a really accurate read on where my pitches were supposed to end up.
With that being said, I get my ass kicked using Sale sometimes, and I've hit well off him too. It just happens...keep giving it a shot.
I have read that Chase Anderson card is nice. I wonder what people think of Luis Taint. Kind of want to sell my IV Nolan for an upgrade.
Does pitch trail default to off, because I don't remember ever toggling it on anywhere. I think I've only thrown with Sale maybe 5 times since I bought him, first time he got hurt in the 3rd inning, next two times he was great, the two times after that I got shelled including giving up three straight bombs with him. My only real rationale for selling him would be I could buy something like that Chase Anderson, Rodney, and then maybe another diamond starter to plug in my 5th spot since I've been using the LS Carlos Martinez there.
I'm currently sitting at 720 in RS and have tonight, all day tomorrow, and parts of Monday and Tuesday and making a run at 900 and that Miggy card and I'm trying to figure out if I stand a better chance with just Sale, or two replacement starters and a shutdown pen arm.
I'm tempted to sell Sale and do something similar. I'm not nearly as good with him as I thought I would be, I feel like I can't control him the way I'd like especially for a guy who goes for like 100,000 stubs. I know that seems crazy when you look at his control numbers on DL, but something just hasn't clicked so far with me.
When facing right-hand batters, sliders in high, medium, and low. Mix in the 4 seam fastball in once their bat slows down half way from bottom of zone to middle of the zone and half way from top of zone to middle of zone. These halfway marks are better than true bottom or true top because a player is inclined to jam their analog stick to the top or to the bottom. Half way will produce groundouts up high and pop ups down low. Once they get that fastball down and taking it, start with 2 seamer in and out. Then the change, throw it below the zone completely or those halfway marks again. Slider and fastball is his go to though as seen below.
Edit - I must also say, the art of pitching is getting them to swing at shit out of the zone. You can't get into a grove of always throwing strikes, you have to make the batter feel like they shouldn't swing at everything. Walks will haunt but with elite pitchers, don't be afraid of not giving in on those 3 ball counts.
What kind of pitches have been getting smashed?
These are the three most commonly smashed pitches for me, if you miss the location by just a bit or they sit on it (I can get predictable without realizing it)
1. Slider going in --- make sure it goes low enough or really inside. If it stays in the zone and is too high....yikes
2. Low changeup --- people love to launch and pull. This is the same thing as a meatball
3. High and inside fastball --- this pitch can and will get people, but I try to make this pitch happen when I think they're sitting on breaking ball. as you've read before, people will sit on that pitch as it's the one you have to be prepared for
Also, maybe Sale just isn't your kind of pitcher, there's players for all of us that work well for some but not others
When facing right-hand batters, sliders in high, medium, and low. Mix in the 4 seam fastball in once their bat slows down half way from bottom of zone to middle of the zone and half way from top of zone to middle of zone. These halfway marks are better than true bottom or true top because a player is inclined to jam their analog stick to the top or to the bottom. Half way will produce groundouts up high and pop ups down low. Once they get that fastball down and taking it, start with 2 seamer in and out. Then the change, throw it below the zone completely or those halfway marks again. Slider and fastball is his go to though as seen below.
Edit - I must also say, the art of pitching is getting them to swing at shit out of the zone. You can't get into a groove of always throwing strikes, you have to make the batter feel like they shouldn't swing at everything. Walks will haunt but with elite pitchers, don't be afraid of not giving in on those 3 ball counts.
Bolded is a realllllllly big thing
So many times I'd think "OMG if I didn't move my stick that's a home run"
Finally decided to just finish the useless rays collection and get it over with. Now I get to restart my game fifty times so it picks matt garza twice
I just can't trust meter pitching to put it where I want, same with pulse.
The nice thing about analog is even if I miss my spot, I'll know where it's going. I've had many moments where I missed the spot and thought to myself "This might get crushed..." usually it does, lol
opened my 5th and final jumbo pack and it's a 81 AS Jhonny Peralta, GET FUCKED SDS
Gotta say, this card doesn't really look all that impressive now that you see the movement/control on the pitches