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MMA |OT3| When you lose you're a can, when you win you're unstoppable.


bish gets all the credit :)
If you watch Rocky, Rocky II and Rocky Balboa you have one of the best dramatic trilogies in cinema. The extra bonus is that this Blu-ray deal comes with three beer coasters, too.

I had my first day at work today. Considering it's an East Asian company it was a great sign that my office got deserted at 6.30pm. It looks like an interesting place to work at too, and it looks like pure writing for me instead of just being a spreadsheet jockey like at my last job.

I have to work on Christmas but I get a decent-enough reach around of a four day weekend for New Year.

Also I'm following my own probationary rules: No GAF for the first four months.
Haha I'm all GAF all the time at my work


I love Rocky IV if only for the awesome as fuck training montages. If Hearts of Fire doesn't get you hype, you might have a fuckin problem.
The training montages are cool, but a montage can't carry a whole movie. Plus I could just watch that on Youtube and call it a day. Save myself an hour and twenty-five minutes in the process.


Unconfirmed Member
Rocky sucks and Taxi Driver should've won best picture.

Nope Network should've won

Boo, Rocky's better than both. The sequels are utter trash though. Even though Taxi Driver and Network are both arguably great films they both leave you cold by end of the them. I'd take Rocky any day of the week.

Edit: Oh wow, All the President's Men come out that year too. Fantastic film.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh hey poly - I was watching Jackie Brown (before Netflixed crapped out) and I was really digging it. Pam Grier, the Bail Bondsman guy, and Samuel Jackson are all awesome. Oddly the only person I'm not liking is de Niro. I can't tell if its his character or his performance.

I just watched it too. Still love the shit out of it. Jackie Brown is one the strongest female leads in film. When you think about it QT has balls. Casting a black woman that was over 40 years of age to lead in what was only his third film. I bet he had to have Sam Jackson and De Niro in the room with him when he pitched the idea to Harvey.
Speaking of awesome under-the-radar flicks, I just watched the Criterion Blu-ray of Charade w family.. They all loved it. I believe you can see it through Hulu Plus if you have it.

Oh and Merry Christmas, MMA GAF.
Marry Christmas to you my friend. Poly, You talking about the Cary Grant movie? It's an amazing flick.

I'm going to watch that Melanie Laurent movie I told y'all about the last time we were in chat.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Had all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ earlier. Now I'm sipping on some Famous Grouse before going to sleep.

Merry Christmas, yo.


Got a Kobo for christmas, so perhaps I'll join one of those fancy book clubs and start reading more. Keep me updated on must reads Mak. First on my list I believe is "Marooned in Realtime", a suggestion from a previous thread, it sounds awesome.
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