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MMA |OT3| When you lose you're a can, when you win you're unstoppable.


I have to agree with Heel on this. I used to hate seeing favorite legends fight new gen guys, especially when I don't really like the younger guy. Stann calling out Wand pissed me off.

But I got over it after this.

It doesn't get worse than seeing Leben ko Wand 2011. So emotionally I'm over it. Legends should continue to fight whoever makes sense at the time, regardless of whether that guy is shit compared to the legend's legacy. If they want to protect their records so much, they should retire.

I couldn't have put it any more eloquently. If they don't wanna take on all comers they're in the wrong sport, or at least the wrong league. Legacies are to be made not protected.

And yeah, I hate youngsters calling out legends just as much as the next guy. Schaub being the prime example.

I don't think this is what's happening here, though. Hell Glover is older than Shogun and has been fighting longer than him too. If the fight is so easy he should be jumping at it, but that's not what's happening here.

I'd rather he take the easy W and send Glover back to Shooto Brasil.


Hahaha that gif is a keeper.


this desensitized the ever living shit out of me.


to put it into words, this would be like Chael Sonnen KOing AS with a spinning back kick. IF AS was one of my all-time favorites (which he is, but CC helped introduced me to Pride).
I remember feeling fucking sick all day after seeing Mirko get head kicked and falling with his foot twisted up. I think it was live in the morning here and I had gone to a bar and eaten a mandatory $5 plate of fried spam and hard leftover rice. I had the rest of the day to feel shitty. That was i dunno, 2007-08 or something? It was a 4 year mourning period for Pride with me; think that was probably a couple years too long to be healthy.

Haha, I typed that before seeing the pic Centurion posted.


Anyway, nice to see MMA-GAF revitalized with some constructive conversation. Keep it up gentlemen, I knew we had it in us.

Until next time.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
The idea that Nate Marquardt is suddenly all "lol, jk, I don't need TRT any more!" is the biggest joke of all of this TRT bullshit right now.

The entire thing is beyond a joke now. Also, wasn't there a "conspiracy theory" that TRT is simply there to let American fighters legally cheat? I remember some fighter saying some shit like that. All I know is that TRT is in the vast majority of cases a lifetime treatment. Cycling it does a lot of damage to your levels.


Speaking of TRT though, I just read that Todd Duffee is fighting James Thompson in September on Supa Fite Leeg 4.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
All valid points, about the static champions, yeah, it's a catch 22. When you've got a dominant champion, it either shows how talented they are, or how weak the rest of the division is. When the titles change around constantly, the belts really have no meaning if the division has pretty stable parity.

I wasn't really complaining about dominant champions. The example I used, Carlos Condit, is neither dominant nor a champion. But since he's willing to sit out his glorified No. 1 contender status the rest of the division might as well go into stasis for the next 4 months because if he's not willing to risk his position in the rankings then why should anyone else?

Proper dominant champions on the other hand (Anderson, Jones, Aldo) are great to watch. Simply because you know you're either going to see someone get their ass handed to them or the upset of the century.

I see your point about how a dominant champion can show a weak division though. Gil Melendez is all the proof needed for that.


and I'm glad BJ Penn has regained his fighting spirit so he can return to the octagon and vanquish this young pretender McDonald.

BJ via TKO or submission in round 1.

or he gasses in rounds 2 and 3 and loses a lnp decision


more smoke about Brock's return to the ultimate:

@TOUGHTALKMMA:Had an interesting conversation with someone VERY close to all the Brock Lesnar stuff. He is fighting THIS YEAR in UFC & not Frank Mir..."

retweeted by FRB

wonder if brock and the ultimate are desperate for that ppv cheddar or is fox making the ultimate step up its game for a big free card....


more smoke about Brock's return to the ultimate:

retweeted by FRB

wonder if brock and the ultimate are desperate for that ppv cheddar or is fox making the ultimate step up its game for a big free card....

Thats Mike Sawyer from the Wrestling Observer board. He owns a shop in Vegas that a lot of guys in MMA go to for nutrition stuff. If he is saying it then there is at least something to it.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
gilbert would be a guppy in the shark tank that is #155 in the ultimate.

Right now he'd certainly be in the top ten of the UFC's LWs. The magic of that division being that they're pretty much all viable contenders. Gil's problem is the same with any competitive activity: the longer he stays fighting people at a lower/similar level, he will eventually creep to that level too or at best remain static in his abilities. He needs to be constantly challenging himself, and he won't be doing that by fighting Rock Lukehold (or whoever the fuck he fought a few weeks ago, forgot him already) sixteen times.

wonder if brock and the ultimate are desperate for that ppv cheddar or is fox making the ultimate step up its game for a big free card....

Brock vs. Overeem II ?
Brock vs. Velasquez II ?
Brock vs. 260lbs of chicken salad piled up?
I would like BJ to beat Rory but its already been written by the MMA Gods that Rory will beat the shit and rag doll BJ in a 1st round stoppage.


They should just have some sort of open invitational challenge for Brock. If some random guy from the crowd can last 2 minutes with him they get $100k.


They should just have some sort of open invitational challenge for Brock. If some random guy from the crowd can last 2 minutes with him they get $100k.

Brilliant. Book it! Like I said, just book a Royal Rumble with Brock and all these entrants and call it a night.

It sickens me too, Doug.

Perhaps we've got some fortune tellers here, see Rory getting another loss and he's back to being a can.


My Member!
Now I get it. You're all just like Shogun's management. It's not about whether or not it will be an entertaining fight, it's about Shogun the golden boy being reduced to nothing more than a name maker.

Gus or Glover, pick your poison. Your boy is about to get got.

Actually its about we don't think a 1-0 UFC fighter has proven he deserves a big fight yet. If he wins a couple more fights in exciting fashion, I wouldn't mind him getting a shot, but he's fucking 1-0. Why makes him any better than the other 30 UFC LHW's that have a win on their UFC record that are fighting on Facebook prelims and shit? Like the ones I listed?

I've already said Shogun should fight Gus because he's actually PROVEN something. He just didn't debut and then a month later should be in the main or co main event of a show.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?


Actually its about we don't think a 1-0 UFC fighter has proven he deserves a big fight yet. If he wins a couple more fights in exciting fashion, I wouldn't mind him getting a shot, but he's fucking 1-0. Why makes him any better than the other 30 UFC LHW's that have a win on their UFC record that are fighting on Facebook prelims and shit? Like the ones I listed?

I've already said Shogun should fight Gus because he's actually PROVEN something. He just didn't debut and then a month later should be in the main or co main event of a show.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?


You'll understand that he deserves a big fight when Shogun gets flatlined.


Teixeira is a no win situation for Shogun. He isn't a name people know so beating him isn't going to mean much and its damaging if he loses to him.
Ya, but it will be fine for Shogun if he loses and then Tex runs through everyone else at 205. If Tex goes on to have a spotty record, then it's not so good. But even then, people will say JBJ and Hendo broke Rua. Regardless of whether it can be that simple, those will be the fights that are remembered most strongly.


If Glover wins will the match up be justified, or are you guys just going to keep whining that he didn't earn his opportunity to beat the shell of once was? Fuck your perceived pecking order, I'm here to see a scrap. Somebody gonna get got.

At this rate the whole thread is gonna eat crow. Whining about a match up that's lightning in a bottle? I've seen it all now.


If Glover wins will the match up be justified, or are you guys just going to keep whining that he didn't earn his opportunity to beat the shell of once was? Fuck your perceived pecking order, I'm here to see a scrap. Somebody gonna get got.

At this rate the whole thread is gonna eat crow. Whining about a match up that's lightning in a bottle? I've seen it all now.

I was just talking about the thinking of Shogun's camp and why they may not want that fight. Personally I'd be happy to see it happen.


shogun vs rampage II, shogun vs young mauler, shogun vs machida III are all fights that make more sense for shogun and for PPV buys.

all 3 of those fights would be equally good scraps, would generate a lot more fan interest, and make more sense in the division.

what sien916 is proposing is downright retarded. acting like he don't know how joe silva books matches.


My Member!
If Glover wins will the match up be justified, or are you guys just going to keep whining that he didn't earn his opportunity to beat the shell of once was? Fuck your perceived pecking order, I'm here to see a scrap. Somebody gonna get got.

At this rate the whole thread is gonna eat crow. Whining about a match up that's lightning in a bottle? I've seen it all now.

It will be no different than Lesnar "deserving" a UFC title shot.

I'm not saying he can't win, I'm saying what makes him better than anyone else to get the opportunity though? Why are you on his nuts, and not on James Te-Huna's nuts or someone else to get this fight? They're no different.


shogun vs rampage II, shogun vs young mauler, shogun vs machida III are all fights that make more sense for shogun and for PPV buys.

all 3 of those fights would be equally good scraps, would generate a lot more fan interest, and make more sense in the division.

what sien916 is proposing is downright retarded. acting like he don't know how joe silva books matches.

I'm not the one proposing the match up, Joe Silva is. He's a replacement for the deserving Thiago Silva. Is that how Joe Silva books matches? Maybe he's more interested in giving exciting fights and not worrying about who "earned it"

It will be no different than Lesnar "deserving" a UFC title shot.

I'm not saying he can't win, I'm saying what makes him better than anyone else to get the opportunity though? Why are you on his nuts, and not on James Te-Huna's nuts or someone else to get this fight? They're no different.

I'm down to see any match up that interests me on paper, regardless of rankings which mean absolute jack shit. It's a good change of pace from making match ups based on rankings regardless of whether or not it's a good style clash. I welcome it.

You guys can continue to whine about a match up that has FotN written all over it and whether or not it will be a good PPV draw for the UFC. What the fuck am I reading?


I'm not the one proposing the match up, Joe Silva is. He's a replacement for the deserving Thiago Silva. Is that how Joe Silva books matches? Maybe he's more interested in giving exciting fights and not worrying about who "earned it"

the precedent has already been set, marquee fighters can veto shitty match-ups and sit out until they have a fight they want.

shogun vs pretty much anybody at 205# has potential to be FOTN, it's not like you're making a compelling case for shooto can getting a fight that he hasn't earned.
Unfortunately after Rampages last fight I don't think he deserves Shogun either and I am a huge Page fan.

Shogun vs Little Nog 2
Shogun vs Gus
Shogun vs Evans

Rampage vs Little Nog
Rampage vs Griffen 2


the precedent has already been set, marquee fighters can veto shitty match-ups and sit out until they have a fight they want.

Why are you defending this shitty behavior? Do you like guys who want to protect their rep like Mayweather?

yacobones, did Thiago Silva "earn" his shot by pissing hot, sitting out a year and then losing to Gus yes or not


Unfortunately after Rampages last fight I don't think he deserves Shogun either and I am a huge Page fan.

shogun was just as fat and out of shape as rampage in japan. he just didnt fight a guy that tried to wrestlefuck him.

shogun/hendo was still FOTY, the best display of heart and determination i've ever seen in the cage.
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