I have to agree with Heel on this. I used to hate seeing favorite legends fight new gen guys, especially when I don't really like the younger guy. Stann calling out Wand pissed me off.
But I got over it after this.
It doesn't get worse than seeing Leben ko Wand 2011. So emotionally I'm over it. Legends should continue to fight whoever makes sense at the time, regardless of whether that guy is shit compared to the legend's legacy. If they want to protect their records so much, they should retire.
I couldn't have put it any more eloquently. If they don't wanna take on all comers they're in the wrong sport, or at least the wrong league. Legacies are to be made not protected.
And yeah, I hate youngsters calling out legends just as much as the next guy. Schaub being the prime example.
I don't think this is what's happening here, though. Hell Glover is older than Shogun and has been fighting longer than him too. If the fight is so easy he should be jumping at it, but that's not what's happening here.
I'd rather he take the easy W and send Glover back to Shooto Brasil.
Hahaha that gif is a keeper.