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Mock Interviews are stupid..

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At my shitty school they made me do some mock interview thing.

They told me I lacked confidence when describing my abilities. I explained that wouldnt be so if I was actually taught something well. Then they told me my interview was for a grade so I should take it seriously. I told them I seriously didnt wanna lie about my skills.

I DONT HAVE ANY! THIS SCHOOL SUCKS. haha im typing this on the school network. Funny sorta.


Chili Con Carnage!
Schools dont care if you can do the job you get or not, just along as you get it so they can put another percentage point on the 'Number of graduates who found work' record.


Well it sucks but you really have to come across as super confident in any interview situation.
I do, but I make it a habit to apply to things im qualified for. At this stage in my 'digital design edumication' I wont be applying to any jobs in the field for a VERY long while.

The only jobs they wanna get you into are slave wage shit digital jobs where you watch shit render just in case it errors out or you color stuff for hours on end. Which would rock if they actually instructed us on the use of colors in digital work. There was a class, but then it was cancelled. Sorta dumb.
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