Lovely Twitter thread that has been going since January about how Rami Ismail (one half of the dev studio Vlambeer that made games like Super Crate Box, Nuclear Throne, Ridiculous Fishing, and LUFTRAUSERS) got his mom to play and beat Final Fantasy XV, her first videogame. Really fun read! Glad she enjoyed the experience and was surprised about how much the medium has to offer emotionally and artistically.
Full thread:
Full thread:
I bought my mom -who doesn't game at all- FFXV.
An hour in she's halfway through chapter 1 & slowly starting to get dual stick controls.
My mom today walked from Hammerhead to Galdin Quay because she forgot about the Regalia. She also met Dino & some "arms dealer".
She also said the right stick felt upside down & I had to sit her down to have The Talk. Turns out unlike me, she plays inverted
Mom finished Chapter 1 of FFXV, but "all the boys but Noctis died and I forgot the buttons so I'll try again tomorrow."
Cindy: "Prince Noctis, could you bring this parcel to the next village?"
Mom: "Absolutely not, I'm a prince, do it yourself."
Mom: "Got to a place named Galdin Quay"
Me: "And?"
Mom: "Met some shady guy."
Me: "Do tell."
Mom: "He tried to sell me weapons."
The past few minutes, I learned that to mom the "Talk" prompt in FFXV doesn't look optional, & repeat lines don't mean "move on".
Prompto: "Chocobos!"
Mom: "We literally all just agreed we need to hurry to Lestallum to figure out this evil empire thing."
Mom defeated Titan, took down Deadeye, and finally got herself a Chocobo. She is already smiling and nodding along with the song.
The Titan battle went rather well, my mom commenting that "Did I beat the really big guy? I have no idea. Where'd he go?"
Deadeye was her 1st hunt of the game, since my mom continues to insist Noctis' royal heritage means she shouldn't do sidequests.
After days, mom figured out her objective marker was pointing at an underground objective, & the cave entrance is somewhere else.
From her texts, it sounds like she went & beat the Naga in Fociaugh Hollow, but couldn't find the rune stone & left confused.
Though she's mentioning that 'she bought a superpower but forgot what it was called or what it does', so maybe she did get it?
For mother's day, I taught my mom to place map markers. Moments later she summoned her first ever FF summon with Ramuh.
Mom's response to the Ramuh summon was a sort of overwhelmed "heavens" which given the summon seems entirely appropriate.
Also: it takes enough of mom's attention to distinguish "bumper" from "trigger" that it sometimes messes up "left" and "right".
I also asked Mom who her favorite character is: Gladiolus, since he has the best face & Tempest saves her when she's in trouble.
Mom has her 1st videogame rival: when Aranea boasted she doesn't do "unpaid work", mom yelled "who do you think you are?" at her.
When Aranea then made her dramatic escape, flying straight up, my mother just nodded "yeah, that's what I thought, run away".
Mom is slowly learning simultaneous dual stick controls, and managed to mentally map "team left bumper", "noctis' right bumper".
Mom also think Iris needs to stop being a try-hard ("oh, her again?" at every post-battle scene), but does think she is adorable.
Got a panicked message that "Load Game" is greyed out in mom's FFXV, turns out it's just background installing the 1.10 update.
Just forwarded mom her first ever fanmail (she says "aww!"), and she also sent me a picture of her clearing Malmalam Thicket?
Update from mom: Gladio left the party for some reason, and now she's looking for Mythril with Aranea. She's unhappy about this.
Mom has learned the Pro Gamer Skills of turning a corner while walking, and complaining about of repeating closing lines.
She couldn't map stairs to a dungeon having multiple floors, so her spatial awareness isn't yet fully functional in the game?
She also 100% *crushed* Quetzalcoatl, but the game crashed & that save corrupted. I redid the fight for her, but barely made it.
Finally, mom always grins at Prompto's whistling after using Piercer, & mentioned Aranea isn't "half bad as a Gladio substitute".
I leave for E3 & now mom messages me this. Guess she finished Chapter 8 and navigated all of Altissia on her own.
Gladio returned to the party, she took the boat, negotiated with Camelia (harsh negotiator, she said), & navigated the city.
The Leviathan fight is a bit too much: "I think Prompto helped on an airplane & I jumped on the dragon but fell in the water".
Anyway, she faced her first game over in the game against Leviathan & is a bit shook up over it, so more play some other day.
She just added: "The story is getting a bit complicated - I don't know who is on what side. I guess I'll follow Noct & find out."
From this point out, contains severe spoilers for FFXV's story. If you want to avoid those, mute the hashtag now.
So the Leviathan fight was pretty much impossible. A lot of fast camera movement, and fast telegraphing. Mom nails QTE's tho'.
Mom seemed to enjoy the back and forth between Leviathan sequences and cutscenes, as it gave her some breathers and context.
Mom's roleplaying is still great. 0 chill in the negotiations, demanded Leviathan give Noctis her powers. "King time!", she said.
She was shocked at Lunafreya's fate during the fight, and of Ignis' injury afterwards. Ardyn is "a bad man".
Mom mumbled "these games have beautiful images" at the most beautiful shot in FFXV.
Anyway, mom's at Chapter 10 now. She agrees with Gladio yelling at Noctis, but added maybe Gladio "shouldn't have said coward".
Oh, she carefully admitted that she bought some healing items before the Leviathan battle "just in case". One proud son right now
Mom got stuck during the Marboro fight because of the Ignis section and she spent a week trying to beat an unbeatable boss.
Mom progressed rapidly today! She beat Marboro, cleared the train section, and died several time on the aircraft section.
Mom was sad to learn dying in a crashing imperial craft full of self-detonating enemies does not trigger the "Ruby Light" revive
Anyway, mom really liked the train, & was quite proud to successfully defend it. "It's a nice train. Very cozy. A bit too long."
Mom totally missed that Noctis threw Prompto off the train, and was confused as to why he was gone. "How do you follow all that?"
Mom didn't really remark on Tenebrae, but easily followed the Shiva reveal, and found it "really surprising". "Good, right?"
Mom finally made a smooth 180 turn with the camera while walking. She was 34 hours into the game. "That was good!", she grinned.
Watching mom try to do the driving segment was the most endearing thing. It took 2 hours to get it, and it's a 2 minute segment.
Mom had several giggle attacks through the segment, most notably when she crashed the car as soon as Gladio said "don't crash".
Mom also had her 1st ragequit, & decided to "whatever" about an hour & a half into her attempt. Went back after 5 minutes.
Finally, she encountered her 1st clipping bug when the car fell off the road. She just exclaimed an "oh" as the car fell forever.
When mom was gonna drive us to the train home, @MsMinotaur said "don't crash" & mom had another giggle attack so we had to wait.
By the end mom started driving using the left thumbstick vice-grip with 2 fingers. Never seen that before but it sure worked.
My mom reviews FFXV Chapter 13 better than anyone I've seen discuss it before: "Well, there's a lot of hallways here."
Chapter 13:
"Ardyn just won't shut up"
"I think Ravus might be hurt"
"I found everyone"
"Noctis put his sword in some cabinet?"
Mom's biggest enemy is timed sequences. She's gotten the hang of QTE's, but putting any timer on the screen is instant despair.
"Enemies & a timer appeared, so I tried fighting them a lot of times, but I think I might've tensed because my neck's stuck now."
I asked why she tried fighting while the 'guys' tell her she should run for the crystal. She said she tried but couldn't do it?
Oh no, she almost completed it on her second try, but seems the tiny cutscene at the end is still on-timer, so she got game over.
So I guess she's been thinking that running away is bad, & instead of trying again, she's been fighting infini-spawns for hours.
"Noctis looked very sad looking back for his friends and then the screen said game over, so I just didn't want to do that again."
Mom just apologized for the times she made me stop playing before a savepoint. "I had no idea thats how it works". Big grin here.
"That was the Crystal? I didn't think it looked like one. It looks more like some sort of amoebe."
"I met Bahamut and he has very big hands."
My mom's response to Bahamut's explanation is that she doesn't believe Noctis will come to any harm in this game and uh oh.
The impact of ruined Galdin Quay is dampened since mom couldn't control the camera when she was there before, & only saw sky.
My mom's surprised "oh!" and relieved smile at "It's me, Talcott!" makes me believe that yeah, this is a resounding success.
Aw, mom's really happy to see the boys!
"10 years & Gladio still hasn't learned to button his jacket", mom grinned. "Thankfully."
Mom super boss-rushed the Behemoth. It didn't stand a chance. She's at the citadel. This is it.
I don't think mom remembers the in-media-res opening of the game, but she's going straight for Ifrit.
Bahamut's summon made my mom exclaim "heavens", to which she grinned and added, "guess that's appropriate."
"Wait, if Bahamut can't defeat Ifrit, what's a bunch of dudes going to do against him?", mom rightfully asks. She looks worried.
"I guess Shiva and Cindy have similar clothing stores"
"I don't know how this game went from some boys making a campfire to the Chosen King purging darkness from the world."
I guess y'all will have to wait for the end of to see what photo she picked.
Mom can't find the point warp to get to Ardyn's fight so she keeps walking back and forth between the throne and the wall.
Mom beat Ardyn.
Mom's expression at Noctis' final moments with Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio is heartbreaking.
"This scene is beautiful & the music is beautiful" is the only thing mom managed to say between the stairs & "It's finally over."
Mom's first credit roll.
I don't think mom has quite realized the campfire credit scene is a flashback and she's happy and confused at it and oh no.
Oh, there is the realisation it's a flashback.
"Oh, it's the sunrise. It's beautiful!"
46 hours and 18 minutes.
That was , and that was my mom's first ever videogame.
Mom says: "I had no clue this was what these games are: the views, music - I started to enjoy playing it and I'm very sad it's over."