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Mono a one time deal like with chicken pox?

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I think I may have got mono sometime during the past week. I had a raging fever, painfully sore throat and lymph nodes the size of cats. I don't want to go spreading it around so is it safe to be around people who have already had it?
You will be contagious for up to a year, get it checked out by a doctor, because you could cause permanent damage and it can come back later in life. If you take care of it, you should be fine and you will never go through that pain again. You will be tired for about a month or two as well.

It sucks, especially the tonsil part.


It's possible to get mono twice - my girlfriend at the time was enjoying a second round of it herself when she gave it to me - but uncommon. Avoid kissing or spitting on anyone for a while. And, yes, go to a doctor to find out exactly what it is you have and/or had.

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