
Prior to today they owned around 96% of the company.

Nintendo now owns 100% of Monolith Soft - AUTOMATON WEST
Nintendo has finally acquired the remaining 4% of Monolith Soft's shares, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary.

If I remember correctly - Mercury Steam is owned by Nordisk Film, they also own Avalanche Studios and Supermassive Games.Would prefer if Nintendo acquired Platinum Games and Mercury Steam too. Would be good additions to their first party lineup.
Would prefer if Nintendo acquired Platinum Games and Mercury Steam too. Would be good additions to their first party lineup.
No I need Sakurai get off his ass and make me Kid Icarus Uprising 2.Would like to see MecurySteam reboot Kid Icarus. It always was Metroid's cousin.
Well, now you definitely need to go to the ophthalmologist.OK I having a heart attack thought I saw Microsoft 100% owned by Nintendo
Definitely. It was a cousin back in the 80s, but since then there was only 1 game and it was stuck on a hard to port from platform. Metroid has had many follow ups in different genres. Nintendo should reboot it in 2D maybe with a remake of the original. If not a remake, something in the same style. Just don't make it stupid hard like Dread. Replayability is what made the original so good. No way in fuck I am ever replaying a game with boss fights that took so many tries my thumbs hurt.Would like to see MecurySteam reboot Kid Icarus. It always was Metroid's cousin.
Yep, they have owned 96% of Monolith Soft's shares since 2011. The news I guess is that they've now bought the remaining 4% stake in the company that was still owned by the founders.I thought that was already the case, in any case acquiring Monolith Soft was smartest decision Nintendo ever made.
Monolith Soft was originally created by founders Hirohide Sugiura, Tetsuya Takahashi and Yasuyuki Honne with investment from Namco (now Bandai Namco) to work on Xenosaga, a Namco-owned spiritual successor to Square’s Xenogears. In 2007, Nintendo bought out 80% of Monolith Soft’s shares from Namco, and then went on to further increase its stake to 96% in 2011.
Up until recently, Monolith Soft’s founders have maintained a symbolic 4% stake in the company, but it seems Nintendo has acquired the remaining shares. We don’t know when exactly this happened, but Sugiura, Takahashi and Honne still owned 4% percent of Monolith Soft at least until March this year, when their company brochure for 2024 (relevant excerpt below) was published.
To Stop any speculation MS was going to buy it or just to make it official.What's the purpose of buying this 4%?
Perhaps a way to compensate the founders for their good work?
I think no one wants to buy Platinum Games because they don't have their own strong IP, plus all the most famous people and those who created this company left, including the recent departure of the creator of Bayenetta, so interest in this studio is extremely low.
Before was like 96%… So, not a big news here.Wait....THEY WERENT?
Too bad Nintendo doesn't own Xenosaga.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind that either. The only thing is, it's unclear where Takahisa Taura is now, he's apparently become a free agent and is working on whatever he's offered. Although he had a misfire, he recently applied himself to Final Fantasy XVI as a Game Designer, to be honest it turned out so-soPlatinum best work has been under Nintendo so in my opinion, Platinum would surely thrive as a studio under Nintendos guidance. They should continue the Astral Chain IP and turn it into a franchise. The first one was so good and deserves a sequel.
Prior to today they owned around 96% of the company.
Nintendo now owns 100% of Monolith Soft - AUTOMATON WEST
Nintendo has finally acquired the remaining 4% of Monolith Soft's shares, making it a wholly-owned
Wrong Monoli- oh I see what you did thereNow make a new... F. E. A. R. and No one Lives Forever.
Well, actually, that would be pretty good without any jokes, but yeah, these companies are constantly getting it mixed up.Now make a new... F. E. A. R. and No one Lives Forever.
Was jokingWrong Monoli- oh I see what you did there
I bought xenoblade 2, 1 week ago... That was decisive for its purchase.![]()
Prior to today they owned around 96% of the company.
Nintendo now owns 100% of Monolith Soft - AUTOMATON WEST
Nintendo has finally acquired the remaining 4% of Monolith Soft's shares, making it a wholly-owned
Ok, is that a good thing?
Well, basically this changes almost nothing. Acquiring Monolith Soft was one of the best moves ever, aside from making kick ass JRPGs they now provide fundamental support for a lot of Nintendo games.
In hindsight, this thread was pretty funny.
Before was like 96%… So, not a big news here.
OK I having a heart attack thought I saw Microsoft 100% owned by Nintendo
Yeah, I thought they already owned it but I guess 96% is basically owning it anyways from a control standpoint.I thought that was already the case, in any case acquiring Monolith Soft was smartest decision Nintendo ever made.
Yeah...not me, Monolith Soft are about a million times better in every way.Would prefer if Nintendo acquired Platinum Games and Mercury Steam too. Would be good additions to their first party lineup.
Thank god.
The Xenoblade sequels are both huge leaps over the original game on Switch and use either modern (or custom equivalent) rendering techniques. They’re just stuck behind absolutely horrendous image quality which will thankfully not be an issue on Switch 2.Didn't know that wasn't already the case.
Either way, can't wait to see what they do on the Switch 2