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Monster Hunter 3 Tri |OT| Animal Cruelty Made Fun


GAF Monster Hunter Tri community info can be found here. We got Steam and IRC.

Reserving this convenient post for more additional information later on.


force push the doodoo rock
The 10 Commandments of Monster Hunter

1. You will get better. -- If you find yourself saying "Fuck this game is so hard!" Do not worry, you will get better, everyone does. The best way to get into the game is to play Multi and Single at the same time. No one starts out awesome.

2. Choose your weapon based on your playstyle not on power. -- I know everyone sees the power of a hammer or a great sword and thinks "More power = faster kill!" NO! In the world of Monster Hunter 100% damage is almost never guaranteed. The higher the power the harder it is to swing and the harder it is to get the damage you see in that little weapon information window. That hammer may look badass in your hand, but you won't feel like a badass when you get tossed around by a weakass punk like Dos Jaggi.

3. BE PREPARED! -- You should always have 10 great potions (once you can make them) 10 potions, 10 meat (once you can start making your own, start making them) one trap of each type, 2 trap tools, 5 or so of the items necessary to combine with trap tools to make extra traps and a few paintballs for marking your prey. You can carry 4 traps at a time, so when you can do so, do it. People will love you for it. Sometimes they have sandstorm sales online that put a lot of this stuff on the cheap, so take advantage. You can get honey which is a key ingredient to making Great Potions in the single player farm. When I said play single player and multi at the same time this is what I mean, your gathering in the single player will make your multiplayer experience go a lot smoother. Oh, and nuts are great. Get a lot of nuts.

4. Learn the monsters. -- When you know the monsters, you can abuse the monsters. If you know their escape patterns, you can set traps way in advance to punish them. If you know their attack patterns, you can know when and how to attack them. If you know their flight patterns, you can minimize your kill time because they won't be able to fall asleep when they are low on health. If you know their weaknesses and their tells you can paralyze them and turn that roaring dragon into a drunk idiot. The game at it's heart is punch-out. Don't forget that!

5. Be nice, help the new guys. -- Everyone starts at the bottom and getting the hang of the game is hard to do alone. If you've already gone through the 1 star quests, don't think you're too cool to help someone beat their first Qurupeco or Dosjaggi. You can always get materials and stuff.

6. Unless you have your math worked out, buy armor in sets. -- Each piece of armor you get gives you a point or two in a certain armor skill, these points are pretty much useless until you have 10 15 or 20 points in that one skill, the same goes for negative points so don't be scared to wear something that puts you in the negative. Armor skills are the life blood of customizing your character. You can get things like auto monster tracking so you never have to use a paintball again, elemental protections, and all sorts of really, really useful things. Just remember, sets.

7. Know your weapon trees! -- The weapons you can make in Monster Hunter generally come from the weapons you already have. There are only a few base weapons that you can make at any time. Those weapons, through upgrading, then branch and unlock various other weapons. Typically you'll want to have 2 or 3 weapons you're upgrading at a time. The more weapons you have the more options you have, never rely on raw power alone, status effects like sleep and paralyze will help your party greatly but some monsters have their resistances and you want to be ready for that!

8. Communicate. -- If you know where a monster is, let everyone know. If someone helps you out, thank them. You are a group fighting something much stronger than you, if you don't help each other out and communicate, you're bound to fail. If you want to go out and mine  or gather, TELL PEOPLE.

9. Don't jump straight into guns. -- Guns require a separate set of skills and a separate set of armor. Learn the monsters and the game before you attempt getting into a range weapon. Gunners are very helpful because they can heal and do all sorts of things, they are the caster class of the game after all, but just know that it's not an easy road.

10. Eat! -- Online (and eventually in single player), before every quest always go to the dinner table and order some grub. The bonuses you get from food will make your life a lot easier.

That's basically it. Just remember to have fun and if you fail, you fail. Treat your partners with respect and work together to get whatever it is you need to make the next step up the MH ladder.


Nice thread, I like it. The thread title could use some work to underline the game's apparent epicness, though. :D

Newb question: I understand that each class has its different strength and weaknesses, but which class would you MH veterans recommend for beginners (couple of unhappy hours with one of the PSP games) planning to tackle the game in singleplayer?

sprsk said:
Reserving this space for sprsk super newbir guide.


sprsk said:
Reserving this space for sprsk super newbir guide.
Once you get it done, I'll link to it in the OP.

Haunted said:
Newb question: I understand that each class has its different strength and weaknesses, but H veteranwhich class would you Ms recommend for beginners (couple of unhappy hours with one of the PSP games) planning to tackle the game in singleplayer?

Added to the FAQ, check it out.


Haunted said:
Newb question: I understand that each class has its different strength and weaknesses, but which class would you MH veterans recommend for beginners (couple of unhappy hours with one of the PSP games) planning to tackle the game in singleplayer?
I recommend learning a guard weapon and a non-guard weapon. The easiest for those are Sword&Shield and Long Sword.

It's not recommended to stick with only 1 type (at least 2 types) because it's hard to switch to other weapons later in the game if you don't know at least some variation in the weapon types. So always pick 2. You can pick 1 easy guard-type weapon and 1 harder non-guard-type weapon or vice versa.

Weapons with the ability to block: Sword&Shield, Great Sword, Lance.
Weapons with no block: Hammer, Long Sword, Switch Axe
I'm so torn on whether to buy this or not. MH is a series I've always wanted to get into and love and I enjoyed what I played of Freedom Unite on PSP, but I found that it got too hard too fast for me :(

I've read that Tri doesn't introduce the hard monsters until a little later on, but for those that have played the JP version, is it easier to get into than the PSP games?
JustAnotherOtaku said:
I'm so torn on whether to buy this or not. MH is a series I've always wanted to get into and love and I enjoyed what I played of Freedom Unite on PSP, but I found that it got too hard too fast for me :(

I've read that Tri doesn't introduce the hard monsters until a little later on, but for those that have played the JP version, is it easier to get into than the PSP games?

Well your at an advantage here as you get free online now.
I was fortunate enough to have coworkers who played MHFU with me so I got to practice with the more difficult hunts with other hunters.
I mean shit, I didn't slay my first Tigrex by myself until about 80hrs in. Granted I was constantly distracted and doing other things, but in the end, MH is about skill YOU WILL pick up overtime if your willing to learn and commit. Sometimes it can be harsh, but that's what makes MH what it is.


Luigiv said:
Added to the FAQ, check it out.
Thanks. :)

Soneet said:
I recommend learning a guard weapon and a non-guard weapon. The easiest for those are Sword&Shield and Long Sword.

It's not recommended to stick with only 1 type (at least 2 types) because it's hard to switch to other weapons later in the game if you don't know at least some variation in the weapon types. So always pick 2. You can pick 1 easy guard-type weapon and 1 harder non-guard-type weapon or vice versa.

Weapons with the ability to block: Sword&Shield, Great Sword, Lance.
Weapons with no block: Hammer, Long Sword, Switch Axe
Oh interesting, I thought one had to settle for one class in the game. Thanks!
JustAnotherOtaku said:
I'm so torn on whether to buy this or not. MH is a series I've always wanted to get into and love and I enjoyed what I played of Freedom Unite on PSP, but I found that it got too hard too fast for me :(

I've read that Tri doesn't introduce the hard monsters until a little later on, but for those that have played the JP version, is it easier to get into than the PSP games?
I think Moga Island needs attention drawn to it for the fact that it doesn't penalize players for screwing around and experimenting. No matter how many K.O.s you take, or how sloppy your technique is, you won't get punted back to the village until you're ready to call it quits for the day. The Island as one big ol' practice stage is some genius stuff.


Soneet said:
I recommend learning a guard weapon and a non-guard weapon. The easiest for those are Sword&Shield and Long Sword.

It's not recommended to stick with only 1 type (at least 2 types) because it's hard to switch to other weapons later in the game if you don't know at least some variation in the weapon types. So always pick 2. You can pick 1 easy guard-type weapon and 1 harder non-guard-type weapon or vice versa.

Weapons with the ability to block: Sword&Shield, Great Sword, Lance.
Weapons with no block: Hammer, Long Sword, Switch Axe

Also throwing in my thanks for this post, as I was also under the impression that you had to pick one weapon type and stick to it.

Think I'm personally gonna rock the SnS, possibly along with a Lance and Long Sword.

Might even use the Great Sword for good measure too, but the Switch Axe and Hammer don't interest me, and neither do any of the gun type weapons.


Nimyh said:
Awesome OP, I got one silly question though: Is the online play cross-region? At least for NA\EU?
Sadly no :(.

Attack You said:
I think Moga Island needs attention drawn to it for the fact that it doesn't penalize players for screwing around and experimenting. No matter how many K.O.s you take, or how sloppy your technique is, you won't get punted back to the village until you're ready to call it quits for the day. The Island as one big ol' practice stage is some genius stuff.

I think I'm going to add this to the pro tips section once I can bothered getting it done. Should happen sometime within the next few hours :lol.


European hunter reporting in.

I have been in a complete media blackout aside from a couple trailers and commercials. I had no idea that DS is absent, which was my favourite class from MHFU.

Oh well, back to LS / GS it seems. I'm definitely interested in the SA too, but wasn't that the class everyone was playing with nunchuck + remote combo rather than with the CCP?


Unconfirmed Member
Can a lobby (city) not hold more than 4 online players at one time?
This will be my first Monster Hunter game (apart from a half-hour dabble with Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP). I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm praying the online is lag-free, otherwise I'm not interested. I want this specifically because I want to play online with some friends.

I also plan on talking to them over XBox Live Party chat in the background, rather than using WiiSpeak.
I'm pumped. This will be the first MH I intend to play 'seriously'. I had quite some time with Freedom 2 and Freedom Unite which already were really great experiences, but I ultimately felt I'm missing out on one of the bigger attractions of the series when I'm not playing the multiplayer.
Lag's not gonna be much of an issue, I think. Judging by the games of MHFU I used to play with Japanese gamers over adhoc Party, the worst it'll do is slightly delay AoE potion skills or displace trash mobs and make it look like your teammate is swinging at nothing. Very minor stuff. The big baddies are mostly unaffected.


How happy one can get from these Official threads. It's like shooting a flare which explodes into a giant "it's on" in the sky. I think I am going to cry some tears of joy. :D


JustAnotherOtaku said:
I'm so torn on whether to buy this or not. MH is a series I've always wanted to get into and love and I enjoyed what I played of Freedom Unite on PSP, but I found that it got too hard too fast for me :(

Well, they focused on making the difficulty curve more forgiving for offline quests this time around, so that isn't supposed to be a problem this time.


You know I still haven't beaten Jaggi with the lance, and I'm dead set on at least accomplishing that. I think even when I get the game and be done with school, I won't start until I do the lance against Jaggi in the demo.

Really want to see why this thing is the best weapon ever. After I played with it a while back I thought that I might actually roll with it after I get some more practice, but only as secondary to the awesome Switch Axe.

So far I've got Switch Axe down, then toss up (and I stay the fuck away from bowguns and Long Sword, just because it's kinda easy to use). Anyone with their own picks already?

By the way, what do you think about 3 weapons from the start (or slightly after the start)?


upandaway said:
By the way, what do you think about 3 weapons from the start (or slightly after the start)?
It's up to you really, It just means you'll have to grind more early on.

Anyway, finally got the Pro Tips up and I am done with editing the OP for now! Can finally relax. By the way if anyone sees any typos I've missed let me know. I've already fixed a ton since the thread went live and I'm sure there's more.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Attack You said:
Lag's not gonna be much of an issue, I think. Judging by the games of MHFU I used to play with Japanese gamers over adhoc Party, the worst it'll do is slightly delay AoE potion skills or displace trash mobs and make it look like your teammate is swinging at nothing. Very minor stuff. The big baddies are mostly unaffected.

Trash mobs have always been de-synched in multiplayer MH though.


Raging Spaniard said:
Yay thread! Nice job. Also, nice edit on the banner, you made it look better :)
Hmm somehow I overlooked this earlier. I blame your new avatar :lol. Anyway, thanks again for the awesome banner.
OMG! Now it's official! I just can't fucking waaait, aaaaaahhh!

5. Be nice, help the new guys. -- Everyone starts at the bottom and getting the hang of the game is hard to do alone. If you've already gone through the 1 star quests, don't think you're too cool to help someone beat their first Qurupeco or Dosjaggi. You can always get materials and stuff.

It's not recommended to stick with only 1 type (at least 2 types) because it's hard to switch to other weapons later in the game if you don't know at least some variation in the weapon types. So always pick 2. You can pick 1 easy guard-type weapon and 1 harder non-guard-type weapon or vice versa.
I'm stricking with BG and GS.
Finally! Can't wait for this game! I got the PS2 MH game last weekend and I can't put it down. Don't have a Wii or PSP yet so I've been missing out big time, but I'm practicing on the PS2 version right now. This game looks great and I KNOW that it plays great. Adds a new level of freshness to the series, as others have said.

Oh and another tip if I may. From my time playing the PS2 game, it is important to sheathe your sword. If you have a great sword it is also important. But what I've found is that if you have a Great Sword and have it sheathed, wait for an opening then use the downward strike. While fighting monsters in the PS2 game I found that using that technique will cause the swing animation to slow down a little bit, meaning a critical hit. Sheathing your sword is not only important for running away faster but also for waiting for an opening to come up, then WHAM, go in for that critical hit.

I'm new to the game myself, but as others have said, the more you practice with the game, the more you find out things like waiting things out, then going in for the kill.

I'm so pumped, Tuesday can't come soon enough.

I somewhat know what I'm doing so if any of you newcomers want help just let me know.


Someone online mentioned that this doesn't run in 480p. I'm presuming and blooding hoping this is false information?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not being a smart ass when I say that I appreciate the region appropriate date formats in the OP.


Someone online mentioned that this doesn't run in 480p. I'm presuming and blooding hoping this is false information?
That was me, though I admit I may have been jumping the gun then. It's not confirmed but I have suspicion to believe the game runs 360p in 16:9 mode, hence the blur. It's either that or the blur is an artefact of the AA used.

Rez said:
I'm not being a smart ass when I say that I appreciate the region appropriate date formats in the OP.
Glad you noticed :D.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
It'll be my first MH experience, but from everything i've seen and read about, since the MH2 on PS2 i've been keeping an eye, i will love this game almost assuredly. I've got my classic controller and USB keyboard ready :D

How will the joining other players online work? There's no friend codes, will there be a lobby area ala PSO?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Luigiv said:
Hmm somehow I overlooked this earlier. I blame your new avatar :lol. Anyway, thanks again for the awesome banner.

lol yeah I figured. It wont last long, its only for the NBA thread


Choosing only 1 weapon in Monster Hunter is like choosing only 1 character in Street Fighter: you can finish the whole game and completely master that one playstyle and no one will blame you for it. But once you try more characters weapons you'll see there's plenty left to learn and the game is much more variating than you initially think it was.

As I said before, start off with 2, so you'll develop a tendency for switching types for certain quests and sooner or later you'll try all weapons instead of never knowing the idea of changing gear before a quest. Then after a while you'll notice some weapons go well with certain armor skills and you'll make specific sets for weapons.
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