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Monster Hunter - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Ultimately, Monster Hunter just feels irrelevant. Its seemingly single-minded purpose of re-creating the Phantasy Star Online experience apparently superseded any motivation to make it a unique, original experience. Had Monster Hunter actually been released during the Dreamcast era, which is where it seems to hail from, it probably would have fared pretty well. But in today's world, it's merely a living fossil, reminding us of what online console gaming once looked like."

In before Capbomb

The game rox!
Speevy said:

There is no game on the ps2 that game do better on eh gamecube, and yet nintendo always get skipped and gives it to the ps2 instead.

the ps2 should like lie or something because of that machine it hurting all the great games that can be better.

I am glad to see now that developers making games on xbox first or have the PC port and give the ps2 something different because ps2 is not on the same ship with GC and XBOX.

lol @ that thread


if the final product is anything like the beta version that I had the opportunity to play, I would agree with the score.


The only thing all this Monster Hunter talk has made me want to do is hook up my Dreamcast to my PC monitor and play some single-player PSO v.1 with my old character.


And even i am moderately surprised
"The technical quality of the graphics in Monster Hunter surpasses the Dreamcast game that it's inspired by, though not by much. "

Meh, a review is just an opinion, so if people want to be influenced by this one then fine. Feel free to miss out on quality online fun.... BUT.... on one point, i'd raise contention...

"The technical quality of the graphics in Monster Hunter surpasses the Dreamcast game that it's inspired by, though not by much. "

.... They downgraded the US release or something?

Because you've got to be shitting me (or can only have seen a small portion of the game) to believe this statement.

as i stated in my review, it does feel clunky, it does feel ackward, it does have annoying things like animations having to complete to get your energy back ... but as retarded as this sounds, a lot of this adds to the game. Jeez, it's unlike me to make excuses for a PS2 game, but it adds to the tension, and it makes you freaking learn how to attack correctly, how to make sure you keep your distance, and that, inonline play, everyone is coordinated....

I could play this game all over agian, and now Monster Hunter G is on it's way, it looks like i just might.

edit : and have some blocky level geometry and highly pixilated textures, and yet there are noticeable loading times as you travel between them. "

right - something is DEFINITELY different because "highly pixilate textures" and "NOTICABLE LOADING TIMES" definitely ARE NOT part of the JPN version... it taks a split second to transition from each level....

did Capcom screw soemthign up?
nah the graphics look way better than PSO. Nothing changed in the US release.

You can see pixelated textures when you zoom in with the binnoculars though.
Dammit, I was really looking forward to Monster Hunter...I'll wait to see what some other reviews look like before I completely dismiss it.


And even i am moderately surprised
or rent it!

if it's any other indication as to it's quality (ha, probably not!) it was Famitsu GOTY in the August round up of fan votes. So.... um... if it's worth anything, the Japanese like it.

Voted first for best graphics too - not bad for a game that doesn't look much better than PSO ;)


DCharlie said:
Voted first for best graphics too - not bad for a game that doesn't look much better than PSO ;)

For what it's worth, the XBox exists in Europe and the US :b

and the screens for MH look much better than PSO in motion...sooo--

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
DCharlie, nope, the game is exactly like you described in the Japanese version. It does tend to look a little grainy at times (textures are definitely pixelated when you zoom in on them), but it's still quite beautiful...I love the wide open canyon you are in when you exit the camp, with the rolling clouds casting shadows on the ground in the distance and such.

Monster Hunter is not only a fun game, but there's nothing else like it out there on consoles that I can even think of; it's really nothing like PSO either, as there's not a focus on constantly finding rares or leveling up (do you even level up? I don't see any options for it). Like the title says, you have to HUNT...and even in quests where you just need to find some types of mushrooms, you will still get attacked by angry beasts the second you enter a particular area. While you have to keep up your stamina level, getting meat is easy and cooking it is a snap; I usually hate stuff like this in games, but it's so easy to do here.

I'm completely baffled at this review score. Did the Gamespot reviewer play the same game I did? Long load times? HUH?

BTW, what did Gamespot give Resident Evil Outbreak? Now THERE'S a crappy (online) game from Capcom...it better not have gotten a higher score. :p


Complete bullshit. I got this game tonight, it's a total blast. Might not be 9.0 or even an 8.0, depending on your patience, but a 5.7? I honestly wonder whether he played the right game.


And even i am moderately surprised
"(do you even level up? I don't see any options for it)"

all levelling is done by weapons/armour upgrades...
you can get a couple of items that will increase health and stamina, but that is it.

Hunter Rank is kind of like level, but your abilities don't change.

Also, i just want to check something, it says that you can buy weapons or build them, and that the incentive is that weapons are cheaper to make....

now, the thing is , the weapons you can buy in the japanese version are RUBBISH. You MUST create weapons... and there are LOADS of different weapons. My weapon of choice (beyond the dragon buster) was the electrified samurai sword for instance.

If someone didn't play the game at any length, then this whole facet of the game would be lost. But it would also be lost if you can just buy what ever weapon you want....
Since your control over the camera angle is limited to pressing L1 to snap it right behind you, your struggle with your perspective on the action will regularly be as challenging as your battles with the monsters

actually this is totally wrong. You control the camera with the d-pad. Its like they didn't even play the game.


And even i am moderately surprised
"actually this is totally wrong. You control the camera with the d-pad. Its like they didn't even play the game"

yup , tracking what is going on around you is one of the skills of the game.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the reviewer just played a few of the training missions and didn't bother to actually try a real quest or play online. :p
Trav said:
yes, but if you're running, then using the dpad isn't viable.

yeah it's clumsy. But so far I've found that there's plenty of time to change your view of the action. If your in a pinch you can always snap it with L1.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Cubsfan23 said:
It could be argued that Capcom has been the worst "major" developer this gen.

They died with the Dreamcast

*braces for impact*

They've been hit or miss but they are far from the worst. First off, Dreamcast = this gen. Saturn = last gen. On Dreamcast they released RE:CV, Powerstone 1&2, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, SF3, and Capcom VS SNK 2 which are all very solid games. On the PS2 they did the Onimusha series, Maximo, and Devil May Cry. On the Xbox they released Steel Battalion, which...at the very least...was ambitious. On the Cube they released REmake, Viewtiful Joe (which was GOTY for me any many others last year) and the upcoming VJ2 and RE4 look to be great. On the GBA they did the Megaman Battle Network series.

Yes, they've had some high profile flops this gen (Devil May Cry 2 chief among them) but they've also put out of wealth of quality games. I'd easily put them above Namco, Square-Enix, Sega, and even Nintendo this gen.

I'll start with Namco...they have released very few poor games this generation (a lot less than Capcom) but at the same time the number of quality games that they have put out, heck the number of games as a whole, is a lot less than Capcom. This gen their standout titles have been TTT/T4, Soul Calibur 1&2, Xenosaga, Ace Combat 4/5, TOS, and not much else. High quality games one and all but still substantially less than what Capcom has managed to release for all of the platforms.

Next...Square-Enix. There are two games that can perfectly sum up Square-Enix this gen. FFX and The Bouncer. In other words...hit and miss. They have been just as hit-and-miss as Capcom this gen but I'd still place Capcom above them simply because Capcom has released more games.

Sega...started off great with PSO, Sonic Adventure, JSR, Shenmue, and VF4. Then they hit a bit of a slump but later bounced back with Panzer Dragoon Orta...until they went into a slump again. They haven't turned around since.

Nintendo...pre-Metroid Prime(which technically wasn't even made by them) I think their overall output was downright average. A huge and quite noticable plunge from last gen. The only pre-Metroid game worth mentioning is Luigi's Mansion. Since MP...WW, MKDD!!, M:ZM, and Pikmin 2 are the only games that I think stand out as resembling the Nintendo of old. Thankfully it looks as though they are turning the corner and polishing their games up again but they still have a lot of ground to make up.
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