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Monster Hunter World |OT| Where The Wild Things Are

Uh, I know there's a mute mic option. It's the first thing I did when I heard someone's mic lol. I don't know about individuals.

thanks, I'll have to look into that next time I play. that noise was driving me nuts lol

now that I got a boost to HR29 from finishing the story, time to really do some hunting I guess. I also need to finish all the optional quests and unlock the Gajalaka's gadget too. I also need to getgud with another melee weapons I think. maybe really work on my hammer game and try out long sword. so many weapons waiting for me, so little time.
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HR49 Quest was so much easier solo than it was in a group. I used my Nerg bow and took him down in about 25-30 mins, only one cart from an unlucky positioning mistake. Also, make sure you do the quests for the Thunderproof mantle before this quest. You can have it up almost every time he buffs himself, which really is a life saver (literally). I've been farming tempered elders for some better decorations the past few days. It's amazing to see the difference between new players and vet players (that actually bring and use items) for Kushala. Like a 20 minute kill time difference, and no chance for him to fly away and go to sleep.
HR49 Quest was so much easier solo than it was in a group. I used my Nerg bow and took him down in about 25-30 mins, only one cart from an unlucky positioning mistake. Also, make sure you do the quests for the Thunderproof mantle before this quest. You can have it up almost every time he buffs himself, which really is a life saver (literally). I've been farming tempered elders for some better decorations the past few days. It's amazing to see the difference between new players and vet players (that actually bring and use items) for Kushala. Like a 20 minute kill time difference, and no chance for him to fly away and go to sleep.

haha, yeah. I was in a fight with some people who obviously knows what they're doing, and they would take turns using flash pod to down Kushala, poison him whenever they can to keep the tornado away. that fight was finished so much faster than my other fights before it's not even funny.

How any different weapons do you all usually use? ( I mean CB/SnS not element/ailment)

personally I'm running bow and dual blade depending on the monster. kinda working on getting better with hammer also. now that I'm in the true HR grind, I might also pick up long sword and maybe one more weapon to try out. kinda hard to go back to melee once you're used to bow thou. the distance is such a life saver in a lot of fights.
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How any different weapons do you all usually use? ( I mean CB/SnS not element/ailment)

I'm maining Insect Glaive this time, along with Bow for ranged-advantaged fights. I also switch around to Gunlance and Switch Axe for a change of pace. When I first got the game, I was using Switch Axe, and really like it in World except the new mounting attack finisher it gave us. All they had to do to make it good was make it optional so you could select to do it only when the monster is downed or tired, or make you "mounted" as a status so you can't get thrown off by running attacks. As it is, every monster with a running attack can knock you off easily, in addition to some random attacks and attacks from other monsters. It's really stupid as it is. and even more worthless than Helm breaker on fast/short monsters.

haha, yeah. I was in a fight with some people who obviously knows what they're doing, and they would take turns using flash pod to down Kushala, poison him whenever they can to keep the tornado away. that fight was finished so much faster than my other fights before it's not even funny.

Agreed. Flash pods are so good in this game in general.


Finished the HR 100 mission. I'll be around to help people with advice, but I'm good with the game lol. Looking up the trophies, I'm barely got any of the gold crowns, so not gonna deal with the platinum.


I'm maining Insect Glaive this time, along with Bow for ranged-advantaged fights. I also switch around to Gunlance and Switch Axe for a change of pace. When I first got the game, I was using Switch Axe, and really like it in World except the new mounting attack finisher it gave us. All they had to do to make it good was make it optional so you could select to do it only when the monster is downed or tired, or make you "mounted" as a status so you can't get thrown off by running attacks. As it is, every monster with a running attack can knock you off easily, in addition to some random attacks and attacks from other monsters. It's really stupid as it is. and even more worthless than Helm breaker on fast/short monsters.

Agreed. Flash pods are so good in this game in general.

SA is the weapon that made this game click for me but as you mention as soon as enemies like Barroth and Rathian showed up that "mounting" atk became so bad, got me killed a good bunch of times with their charges and made me hate the weapon for a while, I finally decided to give it another try and it is pretty fun, shame about that atk, I love the animation and explosion even if it is not optimal for damage it is always fun when you can actually do it.

I'm now making sure to always bring flash pods with me and they are so helful, specially with anoying flying enemies, for such an important item it is quite rare to find someone online using it, same with environment hazards which I'm also guilty of ignoring , only things I abuse are mushroom walls and platforms.


3 flash pods + 10 flashbugs is a staple in my inventory. Then you get 13 flashes without having to go back to camp. I never leave home without it!

And just for anyone who doesn't know, you can make item pouch loadouts (like the ones you make for armor).
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How any different weapons do you all usually use? ( I mean CB/SnS not element/ailment)

e v e r y t h i n g .

I remember casually saying that prior to the game's release and hot dang, nearly 200 hours in and I am practically working on weapon and armor sets for ALL THE WEAPONS.

Started World with the bow because I just loved the way it plays now with the changes, I thought of going with Hammer as the main melee this time around but

I ended up making Gunlance my go to for a long time at the beginning of HR, and started Hunting Horn with my early co-ops.
Eventually I picked up LBGs and a ammo up set, trying to mix my Gunlance set for a HBG set that focus on explosive ammo.

I've just made a messy affinity set that I can use for Dual Blades, Long Sword, Insect Glaive and Switch Axe - so there's a bunch of weapons to make still.

Lastly I'm slowly getting back with Hammers, been doing a lot of Arena quests and I have been inspired to make a set that utilises the impact mantle and I can probably incorporate that into my bowgun or even an exhaust SnS/CB shenanigans.

Haven't even started Tempered farming man... RNGoddess be unkind..


How any different weapons do you all usually use? ( I mean CB/SnS not element/ailment)
I tried most of them except sword and shield and insect glaive.

I just stick with the best melee and best range. I have great bowguns, and I tried them out, but the damage isn't as good as bow in all scenarios, so I just stick with bow.
For melee, dual blade does the most damage, but certain situations is better with greatsword because of block. Hammer is great for knocking things down, but I prefer hunting horn for that. The other weapons just didn't feel good or consistent with damage.


I still find the Insect Glaive's mid-air movement to be funny. It's like some kind of anime move.

I may start exploring other weapons later on - HBG will probably be the next.

Also, my "first" Rathalos quest ended on a flat note. After failing to cap it on it's nesting ground (needed a few more hits), it managed to destroy the dam, and fell off of the cliff. I was able to not fall with it as I was hugging the side of the area. I was supposed to make a finishing blow with a fully charged GS attack by jumping off the cliff, but it was already dead before I landed. Could've made a good highlight reel.

Edit: Not sure if posted yet, but there's an armor searcher available now: http://mhw.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
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How any different weapons do you all usually use? ( I mean CB/SnS not element/ailment)

I started off with the heavy bowgun, then switched to the light bowgun and that is all I have used so far. I dont like button combos, so all the other weapons are a no-go for me.


Anyone see the Honest Trailers one for this? Was pretty funny...

I never liked those but this one was quite fair and funny, I always found them too edgy and controversial, the part with the monsters names had me laughing a lot.

If there is one thing that really needs change and be updated is the investigations tab, at least for me there is never an investigation for the monster I need to farm and there is just too much of the same, they should make it so same investigations stacks or that it works like your hunter notes having a group of investigations for each monster because having to look trough 250 to find like 1 or 2 if you are lucky of the monster is quite tedious.
How any different weapons do you all usually use? ( I mean CB/SnS not element/ailment)
If I want EZ mode: Insect Glaive (stay airborne = rarely touched) or HBG (with 3 shield mods)
If I want to melt a monster: Hammer, and make sure I fight in an area with lots of slopes. Dual Blades as well, especially if I can consistently land the head-to-toe slash move
If I want an actual challenge: Gunlance or Hunting Horn
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Im new to monster hunter.
Can someone explain/give me general guidelines to proper multiplayer etiquette in this game?
Things like dont just spam melee hits because you can hit teammates.

I notice whenever i do MP, no one seems up to capture monsters, just to kill them outright, so i dont attempt it even though it wouldve been REALLY easy to.
Is capturing monsters frowned on in MP?

You know just general stuff like that.


Im new to monster hunter.
Can someone explain/give me general guidelines to proper multiplayer etiquette in this game?
Things like dont just spam melee hits because you can hit teammates.

I notice whenever i do MP, no one seems up to capture monsters, just to kill them outright, so i dont attempt it even though it wouldve been REALLY easy to.
Is capturing monsters frowned on in MP?

You know just general stuff like that.

Be mindful where to atk when the monster is down depending on your and your teammates weapons, it's better to let Hammer and HH wack the monsters on their head, if you are slashing then hit its tail or wings instead, if you get orange damage its fine and even grey worst case scenario as long as everyone is letting each other actually atk and not stopping every second from friendly fire.
If you are LS user be mindful about your position since it seems the role of that weapon is to wack teammates more than monsters lol.
If using bow be mindful of your atk that rains stuff since that can also stop teammates.
If monster goes to sleep wait for teammates and if you can plant as many bombs as you can and let the person with the highest single hit atk trigger them and wake the monster.
Capturing is usually the safest way to complete a first time hunt, when monsters are low on health they will rage and heck if you notice while it is raging everyone is having a hard time, go ahead and capture it, better to complete a job than wasting all that time for nothing, only thing is if you or the leader need a carve only drop then you gotta kill the monster with no other option.
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Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
If theres 4 of you I'm surprised you still only get carted 3 times however if it were 3 times each it would make it too easy.


I don't think carve-only drops exist. I get every drop, tail, gems, etc., every body material from capturing. Capturing just gives you way more stuff. I actually get triggered when we don't get a capture when I'm already setting down a shock trap. lol Most people will just run investigations for materials anyway because gold rewards have a high chance of gems or the rarer materials.

MHW has streamlined a lot of clunky multiplayer stuff that it's really not that bad to knock someone down on occasion. I probably only been knock down a few times in my hundreds of hours. I probably did the same to other people with the hammer. Slicing shot was the worst before it got nerfed, but now it's fine (because no one plays it anymore).
Im new to monster hunter.
Can someone explain/give me general guidelines to proper multiplayer etiquette in this game?
Things like dont just spam melee hits because you can hit teammates.

I notice whenever i do MP, no one seems up to capture monsters, just to kill them outright, so i dont attempt it even though it wouldve been REALLY easy to.
Is capturing monsters frowned on in MP?

You know just general stuff like that.

regarding the "friendly fire" in this game, like Kaname already mentioned above me, just try to attack different parts of the monster when it's down and you should be good. what weapon are you going with? be aware that Heavy and Light Bow Guns seems to have some ammo types that would really stun your team mates if you're not careful, so please use caution when you're using HBG or LBG.

as for capture vs kill, be mindful that some monster materials can only be gotten via capture and some only via killing and carving. you can find out what different parts will offer when broken in your hunting guide once you've research enough on a monster. generally speaking capture is easier since you cut the last part of the fight out and finishing it as soon as the monster is captured. but some folks might be going after specific materials from the kill loot table, so there's always that. but usually nobody will have any issue with you capturing monsters. the reason you don't see a lot of captures right now is probably because a lot of people are not familiar with the capturing aspect and/or not very well prepared while going on a hunt and don't have any capture tools. I've been going capture on most of the fights unless it's an Elder Dragon, which can't be capture and traps doesn't effect them. so far nobody had any issues over this, or at least nobody had expressed it and since I'm providing the materials for capture instead of them and cutting the fight time down, I doubt they'll have any complaints about it.

also, a few tips that folks might not know.
when you're drinking potions during a fight, you can still run instead of walk.
those wedge beetles on the high branches and places, you can aim you slinger at them and grappling hook yourself up to get to high places faster, and can even swing from one to the other all Batman/Spider-Man like.
there's a function for auto sorting your bag and item box, and you can also custom loadouts for your armor and weapons, along with your inventory, for faster gear switching between hunts. you can even go back to one of the camps while on a hunt to switch gear if you want.
if you are short on money, go to the sell item screen and move to the material tab, auto sort it and see what you can sell. you can sell off a lot of those extra monster bone S and iron ore or earth crystals you don't use. and at the end of all the material pages, there are also items like those steel/gold eggs, beautiful scales and such that you might have gotten in hunts before which the only purpose for existing is for you to sell them for money.


The items you can sell 100% since that's their purpose are those with an Orange text saying "Trade-In Item" after auto sort those will always be the very last materials.


The items you can sell 100% since that's their purpose are those with an Orange text saying "Trade-In Item" after auto sort those will always be the very last materials.
You say 100% sell, but past games have had weapons (I think arena stuff) that use steel/silver eggs. For the sake of being safe, I'm keeping 5 of each trade in item.

Like this for example:
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Finally decided to push the story along today and finish the main storyline... now i'm sitting here scratching my head wondering if i'm even going to be interested in the "end game"

It said it lifted my xp cap and put me at level 29, then I went back and completed a handful of quests I skipped (Black Diablos etc) but my xp meter wasn't filling.

Looked it up online and it says I have to complete the dual Beetlejuice mission to lift my cap again, so I have no idea where i'm actually AT in the game cause i'm being artificially held back until I complete that mission.

Played the entire game with bow and loved it, but the upgrades i'm seeing call for tails and gems and those like NEVER DROP.

Not sure I feel like farming the same monsters over and over and over trying to get a gem per upgrade.
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Oh right I completly forgot about the arena, I should check that place, are there any good rewards?
I know there are some Arena specific armor sets in World, not sure if they're good or not. I haven't even started in Arena yet either, lol.


I tried Arena, but I can already see that some things are easier with two people for more traps and stuff. Maybe I'm wrong, but I spent all my flash pods and traps on the azure rathalos, and it still wasn't dead. I was pretty much stuck because my weapon couldn't reach it and I have no way to stop it from rampaging in the air.
farmed a couple monsters via SOS and then realized i need to do the assigned quests to rank up more. went and did the 2 Bazelgeuse fight, which is much easier then I expected, especially once a couple people jump on the SOS. after that, figured I might as well take care of that Kirin fight too, so I geared up and went in. to be fair, with 55 thunder resist and 400+ or so defense, the fight isn't that hard. but it seems a lot of people who tried to do this either underestimated how hard this Kirin hits and didn't upgrade their gears or they simply never fought Kirin before this and have no idea what to expect (is it possible to get to 49 without fighting Kirin once? I know people can miss the LR one, but I don't remember if one can miss the HR one too). 4 fights in a roll the folks in my game would get 1 shoot by Kirin. I was about to give up and just solo it, but last fight see some more competent players and we managed to defeat Kirin with 1 cart left. the person that got 2 carts in a short time actually learned and switched to range weapon (HBG I think) to help do I really appreciate that. anyway, guess the real grind starts now.


Just did my Black Diablos first try with a fellow random, I guess no one wants to join that one lol, that was a great fight, a bit annoying since it never stopped moving to hit it but it was surprisingly fair, we were cornered with 2 faints and ofc regular Diablos always showing up to get its but kicket by Black Diablos but at the final turf war the regular one won haha and as expected Bazelgeuse in da houuuseee. I hate that monster so much.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
No way to get the SFV armour without a SFV save? I thought it was just exclusive to people with a save early and available to the rest of us later?
No way to get the SFV armour without a SFV save? I thought it was just exclusive to people with a save early and available to the rest of us later?

The quest is available early for those with a SFV save, it'll be available for everyone else later.

Apparently I completed all the "research" quests, which gave me the ever swag rainbow armor pigment!
Been spending time going through every weapon in arena alone and man, definitely not made for solo hahah- they just have multiplayer health and even the tzizi yaku gave me a good beating.
Can't wait to start the current event quests, and I hear there's gonna be one that's HR30, but u r tasked to gather 10 unique mushrooms.. hmm
sigh, people need to learn to wait for the rest of the team to arrive before start hitting on a sleeping injured monster, especially if it's an elder dragon or stuff like that. I know u think it's weakened, but just like in real life, injured animals are often the most dangerous, and you want to becareful when approach one. was doing a Nerg hunt, got it to limp back to it's layer to sleep. and as I was running over, sure enough the 2 guys up ahead who went in head first started to attack it without waiting for everyone else. no bombs, no nothing. Nerg ended up super dived one and tail swipe the other within a minute and dashed over to punch me as I arrived, ending the hunt. if they only wait for people to set some bombs down, this would be over just as quick and we'd won instead.
so I was looking through some YouTube videos on MonHun and came upon this little comparison of all the MonHun games from 2004 to now.

as someone who just start playing MonHun with MHW, it feels like the game kinda got a little reboot with this latest edition. the stuff in World isn't as flashy and outrageous than some of the later MonHun games and I definitely like that. it feels a little more grounded and more new players friendly. I'm sure with DLC and updates we'll see more cool stuff to come but in the mean time, I'm really enjoying this game. (220+ hours in so I better like it lol)


sigh, people need to learn to wait for the rest of the team to arrive before start hitting on a sleeping injured monster, especially if it's an elder dragon or stuff like that. I know u think it's weakened, but just like in real life, injured animals are often the most dangerous, and you want to becareful when approach one. was doing a Nerg hunt, got it to limp back to it's layer to sleep. and as I was running over, sure enough the 2 guys up ahead who went in head first started to attack it without waiting for everyone else. no bombs, no nothing. Nerg ended up super dived one and tail swipe the other within a minute and dashed over to punch me as I arrived, ending the hunt. if they only wait for people to set some bombs down, this would be over just as quick and we'd won instead.
Yeah, people need to bring mega barrels too. If everyone had mega barrels, it would be like 180x8 damage plus whoever has the strongest attack which is usually 300 damage. Sometimes that will straight up kill a tempered elder dragon.

Nerg becomes harder when he's near death. He will go insane, so everyone needs to flash pod him, especially when he stands on hind legs and roars, he's going to break the wall or dive at someone. A great opportunity to knock him down, but sometimes the flash pod doesn't work, which is annoying.

I really like this video about the Rotten Vale
being an Elder Dragon
though the youtuber probably stole a lot of the content from forums and reddit.



Just did the HR29 Tempered Bazelguese hunt. Surprisingly easy, or at least not as bad as I was expecting. Jumped up to HR37 and then farmed some more.

Nearly got the gear I want to run on my build for a bit, just missing the Death Stench legs, though I can’t for the life of me get a Vaal Hazak investigation to spawn.

Is there a way, by the way, to get certain decorations? Do curtains tiers only appear later on? Are there decorations available for every talent?

Still addicted. Love this game.


Just did the HR29 Tempered Bazelguese hunt. Surprisingly easy, or at least not as bad as I was expecting. Jumped up to HR37 and then farmed some more.

Nearly got the gear I want to run on my build for a bit, just missing the Death Stench legs, though I can’t for the life of me get a Vaal Hazak investigation to spawn.

Is there a way, by the way, to get certain decorations? Do curtains tiers only appear later on? Are there decorations available for every talent?

Still addicted. Love this game.
It gets pretty random with deco. Four different feystone drops, and they show which rarity they are. Depending on the rarity, like if it says rarity 6, it will can appraise to rarity 5-7 deco, so minus 1, plus 1, or the same rarity level. Deco types come in different rarity as well, so you need the higher level feystone to get more rare decos. You have to do more difficult monsters for better feystones. Threat Level 2-3 will drop warped.

Here's a list:

I got lucky and crit boost drop really early on, which gave me a ton of damage with my build.


It gets pretty random with deco. Four different feystone drops, and they show which rarity they are. Depending on the rarity, like if it says rarity 6, it will can appraise to rarity 5-7 deco, so minus 1, plus 1, or the same rarity level. Deco types come in different rarity as well, so you need the higher level feystone to get more rare decos. You have to do more difficult monsters for better feystones. Threat Level 2-3 will drop warped.

Here's a list:

I got lucky and crit boost drop really early on, which gave me a ton of damage with my build.

Oh nice, cheers. I just want to be min/maxing some stats a bit more, I’ve got some real trash set at the moment, or haven’t got enough of a certain skill to reach the higher and more worthwhile levels.

Really enjoying the grind at the moment. Not looking forward to tempered Elder Dragons solo though.


Oh nice, cheers. I just want to be min/maxing some stats a bit more, I’ve got some real trash set at the moment, or haven’t got enough of a certain skill to reach the higher and more worthwhile levels.

Really enjoying the grind at the moment. Not looking forward to tempered Elder Dragons solo though.
Crit boost, weakness exploit, handicraft, non-elemental, and attack boost are the best skills for min/maxing. Most other skills are situational as they require certain criteria to activate.
I have a build that has all of that, and depending if the weapon has no element, I can fit in non-elemental as well.

Oh, also watch this to understand damage better:

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Anybody know when the Street Fighter event quest goes live for those without a SFV save data? Capcom having no love for PC SFV owners ; ;


Neo Member
From what I understand you can do the SFV quest without the save if you are with someone who does have it. That person has to activate the quest. It can only be accessed at the gathering hub. I think its classified as a special arena. I also think you have to do the quest 8 times to get the full armor set.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I'm just randomly doing side missions / investigations and sometimes when I'm out in the wild, I hear a horn?

Tell me I'm not going mad?


Neo Member
Good tip for novices: Take advantage of the expeditions to learn/ hunt monsters you haven't hunted yet or can't quite beat yet. You can faint 10 million times in an expedition with no consequence. The only downside of hunting during expeditions is the monsters leaving the area after you've been damaging them but with a full team you're golden
What do I do now? Just the optional stuff to level up?

just go hunt for stuff in Expedition and go join in on SOS sessions. remember to pick up the purple color tracks and stuff from monsters. these will unlock the Tempered version of monsters. you hunt those mainly for the decoration drops. also, have you finished the 2 Bazelgeuse fight and the Tempered Kirin fight yet? those will unlock even higher Hunter Ranks for you and make it possible to get to HR 100.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
just go hunt for stuff in Expedition and go join in on SOS sessions. remember to pick up the purple color tracks and stuff from monsters. these will unlock the Tempered version of monsters. you hunt those mainly for the decoration drops. also, have you finished the 2 Bazelgeuse fight and the Tempered Kirin fight yet? those will unlock even higher Hunter Ranks for you and make it possible to get to HR 100.

I dont think I've even seen those in my missions to be fair.


From what I understand you can do the SFV quest without the save if you are with someone who does have it. That person has to activate the quest. It can only be accessed at the gathering hub. I think its classified as a special arena. I also think you have to do the quest 8 times to get the full armor set.
Thanks! I actually found someone hosting it last night, had to do 3 runs to get all 7 tickets you need to unlock Ryu. You were right - it's an Arena type quest and can only be accessed from the Gathering Hub.
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