Has there been any word on multiplayer yet?
After the reveal, just about all of the people I follow that love Monster Hunter, all either in US or EU, were practically posting "Fuck Switch" the entire night after the reveal of World, mainly because it looks better than XX.
If the MH community doesn't want it on Switch, what's the point of localizing it?
Has there been any word on multiplayer yet?
Doesn't look like Monster Hunter....
From what I remember about the post that leaked XX: This was funded partially by Sony, the contract specifically stated that it couldn't be on Switch but didn't mention anything about XBO/PC. Also the rumor stated that this would be called MH5 and the Switch game in development would be Monster Hunter Portable.
Now it looks like that Capcom is marketing this as a spinoff rather than a mainline title though. MH for the Switch will probably be the proper "MH5".
It's so weird seeing proper 3rd person aiming in monhun. Probably the most objective improvement to the traditional series.
So do bowguns just not need to be reloaded anymore? And what is up with them letting you move and shoot?
Other than the open world, none of these sound appealing to me as a longtime fan of the series.regenerating health, stealth elements, open world, qte
the trailer shown at the press conference was seemingly "tailored" for the west audience.
this is from their Japan website:
the game screams MH5. Seems they panicked and changed the name last minute: the font in the logo is just off.
I'm sure the community would prefer to play the games in 1080p with new textures rather than a 240p screen.And I'm talking about the western community. It's stupid to say the significant crowd that bought the 3DS games doesn't want the direct continuation of those games.
Somehow I doubt the vast majority of the MH community will turn their backs on traditional MH, so your question probably isn't too relevant.
I want to fight Lagiacrus underwater again. Fighting him on land in Generations is a joke.I might warm up to this game some if Gobul comes back.
But only some!
And what is up with them letting you move and shoot?
Huh , not sure if its just me (and my traveling route) but i do see Teenagers and adults playing on Buses and MRT (This is also true when i travel overseas). The worst are those who play on a crowed MRT in SG , i dont know how that can enjoy the game and they are blocking people path.
That's the one good thing in the trailer. Swimming was a great addition that never should have left the series.
God, I thought I was the only one who loved swimming.
The MH4 trailer was a concept trailer for a game that would be released 2 years later.ouch
Imagine if this was called MH 5? Now that would cause some salt
The monhun 4 trailer reminded me how little we know about this entry in this trailer.
ARPG loot grind? Does that explain Monster Hunter? Is the combat good? Monster fights fun?
It's there:Has there been any word on multiplayer yet?
Online drop-in multiplayer: When the battle is too daunting to take on single-handedly, hail up to three other hunters to assist during quests by sending up a SOS flare to a worldwide server full of potential teammates.
See, this is much better than what the trailer showed. More footage like this please.
What's the problem if you can move and shoot?? They can enhance the gameplay and start to allow that, thankfully. You're nitpicking stuff...
To be fair, the monsters weren't all that flashy in MH1. Colors were very muted in Gen 1.
I also hate how the Brachydios looks.
Only 5 people liked underwater combat in Tri. I guess you're one of them.
It was so poorly received they got rid of it and never looked back.
the game screams MH5.
Weird. I'll say in the past year or so I've seen maybe 2 people playing 3DS and 1 person playing a Switch. All adults!
Has there been any word on multiplayer yet?
I'm sure the community would prefer to play the games in 1080p with new textures rather than a 240p screen.
Or do they prefer the 3DS over both Switch and PS4?
They would if they got a new version that has better textures.
Weird. I'll say in the past year or so I've seen maybe 2 people playing 3DS and 1 person playing a Switch. All adults!
You got to go to their natural habitat- The Suntec convention hall =p
That rumor floating around doesnt make sense.
If Sony is partially funding this then why would they allow it on Xbox and Pc?
Is that flowing water knocking the monster over? And is that a monster eating another monster?
What's the problem if you can move and shoot?? They can enhance the gameplay and start to allow that, thankfully. You're nitpicking stuff...
Its the exact same trailer
That rumor floating around doesnt make sense.
If Sony is partially funding this then why would they allow it on Xbox and Pc?
After they removed the swimming mechanics thats when i gave up on MH tooCOMPLETELY AGREE.
God, I thought I was the only one who loved swimming.
That's not the demon pickle. It's a new monster.Yeah, why? Worst part of 3. And they fucked up Deviljho's design.
Why would Sony pay for it to not come to one console, but okay it for Xbox, their main competitor as for as audience interest?
Well for me, I travel a lot and play MH with my friends locally. So while I do want this I really hope handheld MH doesn't die
That rumor floating around doesnt make sense.
If Sony is partially funding this then why would they allow it on Xbox and Pc?