Ok, sorry but it's noob question time again.
I seem to have hit a wall yesterday. Nothing unbeatable, it led me to think a little : I have a good Mundus (#199, DARK), a serviceable Kuroda Kanbei (#307 / GREEN), but yah, there is no denying that including Stryker Jr. (#537, LIGHT) is not a good idea in his non buffed up to the ears form.
So as the game is a bitch that gave me 4x4* (including a duplicate, uguu, I think I will swap Stryker Jr. with Ishida Mitsunari (#309, LIGHT). He's just a 4* but he doesn't cause internal bleeding when you look at his stats.
1 / My noob problem is... how do you level up ? I mean I'm not strong enough to do a Shellmageddon, so my primary ressource is the deluxpie login bonus but that won't last eternally. I need pie T_T
2 / And on a side topic, how do you level up, again ? ^^
I noticed that simple monster aren't worth shit when I give then to my team. What do I do ? Do I give them anyway ? Should I fuse the low level creatures together and give them to my mains later ? In other words, what is the correct way of handling low exp critters ?