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Monster Strike |OT| Lucy in the Sky with Divine Sharls


Yeah, there are two kinds. Even if you get confused by how they look, you can just look up the name (the ones for leveling usually end in -pie, like "bright expie", while the ones for selling end in -back, like pennyback) or you can just test them to see how much money/xp their worth. The difference should be fairly noticeable.
Anyone else having this? Is it intended? Never seen it happen prior to today, or maybe just didn't notice.

Red mark on boss is weak spot
Grid is for mobs you'll have to get to ascend
You can both TMK
Morlings you want to feed 1 by 1 by FEEDING THE STAT BOOSTED ONE (MEANING LOTS OF MENU FUN PICKING A NEW BASE) to try and get them to double. I don't have time for this and just chuck a batch of 3/4 low levels then try to stack.
Savage seems either extremely high or 100% if you don't die(?)
EXP fodder or keep for looks/collection
Fling = yolo speed unless someone else knows

I thought the rotating triangles are the weak spot.
Sometimes when you do a special move you see in the background either the triangles, or the red mark, or both. They can't be both the weak spot, can they? or are they? but then what, the same type of weak spot or a different weak spot?
I think there are two types of gold turtles. The white/gold skinned ones are meant to be sold, and the green skinned ones are meant to be fed.

Sorting your monster box by ABILITY is very helpful when you haven't learned the pictures, it organises nicely with labels for gold monsters, exp monsters, etc.


So I found time to do another 10-pull [my second on this account] and didn't receive any new 5* [only one dupe] and a few dupe 4* as well as a couple new ones. Feels bad. :/

I mean, I guess I shouldn't be complaining. With 100 Magic Orbs spent I have Zeus [my primary pull], as well as Striker, Wildcat, Valkyrie, and a few "decent" 5* Units, so it could be worse. Still, I was really hoping to have Arthur before this event ended, although honestly, judging from the odds of the pulls from myself and others, I'm not so sure the increased rate is that massive. Still, only being able to get 4* is a great thing, so here's hoping it's accompanied by the next event.

Speaking of, I believe I remember reading that if you do a 10-pull during other events, and not single pulls, that you're always guaranteed at least 4* Units. Is that true? If so, I might always save for 10-pulls and never single pull.

Also, thanks to everyone for participating in the Fire Drake Luck runs. I finally managed to hit 75/90 Luck tonight, which was a great feeling. To those still trying, do not give up hope!

john tv

Anyone else having this? Is it intended? Never seen it happen prior to today, or maybe just didn't notice.

Red mark on boss is weak spot
Grid is for mobs you'll have to get to ascend
You can both TMK
Morlings you want to feed 1 by 1 by FEEDING THE STAT BOOSTED ONE (MEANING LOTS OF MENU FUN PICKING A NEW BASE) to try and get them to double. I don't have time for this and just chuck a batch of 3/4 low levels then try to stack.
Savage seems either extremely high or 100% if you don't die(?)
EXP fodder or keep for looks/collection
Fling = yolo speed unless someone else knows
Red mark on boss is not weak spot -- the triangle is the weak spot. Red spot means the boss is enraged (it appears when the boss gets hit for a certain amount of damage). When a boss is raging, the damage it gives AND takes is increased, so you basically want to try and bombard it (strike shots, powerful laser bump combos, etc.) or get out of range of its attacks (when possible). I think the size of the mark indicates how pissed it is, too, but I'm not 100% sure.


Did my like 40th pull so far, gotten like 10 4* dupes :c

Best I've gotten is Nobunaga.

Better than PAD, at least. The amount of times I got awful fodder is sad.


Dark Odin or Dark Striker? And why?

I can't farm mats a lot like some of you so I'm trying to make sure I choose the better choice, lol.


relies on auto-aim
Red mark on boss is not weak spot -- the triangle is the weak spot. Red spot means the boss is enraged (it appears when the boss gets hit for a certain amount of damage). When a boss is raging, the damage it gives AND takes is increased, so you basically want to try and bombard it (strike shots, powerful laser bump combos, etc.) or get out of range of its attacks (when possible). I think the size of the mark indicates how pissed it is, too, but I'm not 100% sure.
Haha I totally forgot about the anger/enrage thing since all monsters do it.

It hasn't been noticeable except for the times boss jump bombs have dealt 50-70k to the party I guess. Wonder if it scales or has stages like you said.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
btw. I need to hunt down some Aqua Wyrm on the Furious Sea-King later, hope some guys will join me to get it done.

And yes the honey moon phase seems to be over when it comes to Pulls, i dont think i have pulled a 5 star in my last 10 pulls. It seems like the game recognised that im already invested and they dont need to convince me with nice pulls to stay on board xD

Well it was nice, while it lasted ;-)

john tv

No hassle at all! As you can see it's your twitter pic, and I didn't offer it directly to you as I thought you already had it. I'll PM it now.

BTW, it would be great to hear a bit of "inside baseball" about the translation work in the next 8-4 podcast.

There it is (1st Anniversary Blue Maxpie). I did already have one, but I think you can get up to 10. Thanks a lot! :D

EDIT: And I'm sure we'll talk a little about it this week, hopefully!


4S ios7 here and I have the same issues (low memory/crashing when transitioning to results screen). Doesn't seem like a huge deal if drops/other bonuses or other players aren't affected, but yeah, it's annoying.

I'm on iOS 7 too. It's probably worse on iOS 8 on the 4s. But yeah I haven't lost any drops or anything so I guess I'll just tough it out until I upgrade phones lol.


does anyone know if the Event Dungeons run on a fixed schedule? Would they come back? Missed some of the expired dungeons

john tv

does anyone know if the Event Dungeons run on a fixed schedule? Would they come back? Missed some of the expired dungeons
They come back eventually, yeah, no worries. I don't think the schedule is publicized more than a few days in advance, but eventually you start seeing repeats. In Japan, anyway!


Saved my orbs for another 10 pull last night and got Zeus, but now I have to decide whether to evolve Zeus or Arthur first since I have only 1 divine so far. #firstworldproblems


Saint Nic
Saved my orbs for another 10 pull last night and got Zeus, but now I have to decide whether to evolve Zeus or Arthur first since I have only 1 divine so far. #firstworldproblems

If I had both, I'd probably get Queen Arthur first. Her ability is SO good.


Is there are difference between Harley and Harley X? Pulled Harley last night, wasn't sure if I should invest time in her.


thanks for the co-op games last night GAF. Was my first experience with it and got a solid 30 orbs even in the limited playtime I had.


I only found out this morning that you can fuse morlings with eachother to stack stat bonuses and mega fusions. I blew a lot of gold last night fusing individually to my drake. Luckily gold seems to be plentiful.


Is there a reliable barometer to determine if you're ready for Savage without burning the stamina to try/retry?


Can’t stump the diablos
I only found out this morning that you can fuse morlings with eachother to stack stat bonuses and mega fusions. I blew a lot of gold last night fusing individually to my drake. Luckily gold seems to be plentiful.

You can? Does it transfer all the stats over?

I blew 4.5 mil yesterday on morlings.


You can? Does it transfer all the stats over?

I blew 4.5 mil yesterday on morlings.

You should always fuse a higher stated morling into a new one until it reaches the cap, for the chance at doubling up.

Low ranked Hp caps at 95
Attack caps at 85.
I think speed caps at 3.30.

Same thing for drake farming, you should feed morlings into a drake, than feed that drake into a new drake in order for that drake to have a chance at doubling the stat bonus.


Is there a reliable barometer to determine if you're ready for Savage without burning the stamina to try/retry?

I seem to consistently win savage in multiplayer and everybody has 6* leaders and we all agree to stall for Super Strike before the boss stage.

It is probably possible with 5* but I have been on runs with 5* in co-op play and we got smoked and host had to spend an orb.


So I got my Hunter King to max level. I want to evolve but I'm missing some components. Any online resources to find out what I'm missing and where to get them?
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