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Moral of the story: Finish chewing and swallow before entering the station

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Yea, DC is fucking stupid. Poor lady. I noshed on half a Taco Bell Grilled Stuft Burrito (and if you've had one you know how big they are) in a Metro Station on Sunday afternoon without any incident.


Stephanie Willett is a 45-year-old scientist for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from Bowie whose skirmishes with the law had largely been limited to a couple of speeding tickets. Until she was caught chewing inside a Metro station. About 6:30 p.m. July 16, Willett was eating a PayDay candy bar while riding the escalator from 11th Street NW into the Metro Center Station. Metro Transit Police Officer Cherrail Curry-Hagler was riding up. The police officer warned Willett to finish the candy before entering the station because eating or drinking in the Metro system is illegal. Willett nodded, kept chewing the peanut-and-caramel bar and stuffed the last bit into her mouth before throwing the wrapper into the trash can near the station manager's kiosk, according to both Willett and Curry-Hagler. Curry-Hagler turned around and followed Willett into the station. Moments after making a remark to the officer, Willett said, she was searched, handcuffed and arrested for chewing the last bite of her candy bar after she passed through the fare gates. She was released several hours later after paying a $10 fine, pending a hearing.

I never knew about this, now I know not to eat on the subway.
It's about time someone cracked down on middle-aged scientists.

"Why don't you go and take care of some real crime?" Willett said she told the officer while still swallowing the PayDay bar as she rode a second escalator to catch her Orange Line train home.

Seriously, it may be good to have a 'no eating' law, but a little judgement is required here. I can see charging someone walking along eating a Big Mac, but someone chewing the last bite of their candy bar? Come on.


Hang out with Steve.
In 2000, police handcuffed a 12-year-old girl for eating a single french fry in a DC Metro subway station.

The thing that bothers me about this particular incident though is that the Metro police officer told her to finish her food, and she nodded, took the last bite of the candy bar into her mouth, threw the wrapper into the trash, and then stepped into the station.

She was arrested because she hadn't swallowed yet. It's not like she brought a whole candybar in there, or a big mac or whatever. It's ridiculous.

Jim Bowie

bionic77 said:
We have cherry blossoms, thus DC >>>> NYC.

Oh yeah? We have more beautiful exhibits and parks, and the delicious smells of Little Italy, ergo:


Wait, what happed to the DC Metro subject?


LOL, that is so messed up? You Americans don't find it the least bit odd or wrong that you can get handcuffed and detained for something like this?


We'd be shocked, but apparently Janet's bewbie has taken away any shock we would've had at this incident. I eat Subway sandwiches in front of MARTA officials and even offer them a cookie if they question me about the food. It almost always works. Or they just laugh and tell me to put it away.

Handcuffs are a whole new level of retardeness though.

Jim Bowie

Teh Hamburglar said:
We wont have to worry about candy wrapper laced anthrax-grams or Milky Way nuget bombs anymore.

I think they're trying to cut down on messes in the train area. I'd be absolutely shocked if they thought that the last bit of the candy bar you were eating was a bomb. It's like, "Mmm, that was a delicious candy bar. Well, time to put the bomb part of it into my mouth and blow up the Metro."

Then again, I had a pen taken away from me at an airport.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
darscot said:
LOL, that is so messed up? You Americans don't find it the least bit odd or wrong that you can get handcuffed and detained for something like this?

Wha? Who the hell said we don't find it odd? Where did you get the idea that people don't find it "odd"?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

That's what I was thinking. The the 'odd'ness is what made this news in the first place.

Some people...


I guess odd was too soft a word. I find it hilarious that it's even possible for this kind of thing to happen. I would think the cop would be charged with a crime.

I guess I should have said wrong to the point were something gets done about it.


Hang out with Steve.
This isn't a homeland security thing. The policy started being heavily enforced BEFORE 9-11. It's about keeping the Metrorail cars & stations clean (and they definitely are). The problem is they're being ridiculous about enforcing the policy.

Doth Togo

Fuck Metro Police. Those gorillas need to graduate high school before they start arresting 12 year olds.

- - - - -

"Metro occasionally has come under fire for what some considered extreme enforcement of its no-eating rules. The best-known example was in 2000, when a transit police officer handcuffed a 12-year-old girl for eating a single french fry on a subway platform.

The incident catapulted Metro into the national spotlight, and talk radio hosts debated whether the agency had gone too far in its devotion to order. A federal judge later said the police were "foolish" to arrest the girl but ruled that Metro did not violate her constitutional rights."
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