Willco: The fact that global warming is happening is a fact. Why it's happening is a matter of theory.
McLesterolBeast: I believe you misread my second post. When it comes to global warming, there are scientists who:
1) Believe the recent increase in temperature is attributable to human factors. These are a majority.
2) Believe the recent increase in temperature is attributable to other factors. These are a minority.
3) Deny that there is a recent increase in temperature at all. These I tend to write off as quacks.
Why do I say the first group is a majority? Because of reports by
the National Academy of Sciences the
American Meteorological Society, and the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. There is also
the Science article by Naomi Oreskes, which looked at 928 peer-reviewed articles dealing with climate change from 1993 to 2003 and found a resounding consensus for human-caused global warming.
As for Sallie Beliunas, you might want to get another source. She co-authored a paper that was published in Climate Research, which turned out to be so flawed that
it triggered the resignation of several editors from that publication. Climate Research went on to later publish the McKitrick paper that
mixed up radians and degrees.
The credentials you provide for her should set off some warning bells. The head of the George T. Marshall Institute is William O'Keefe. He used to be an executive at the American Petroleum Institute, and the head of the Global Climate Coalition, an energy industry lobbying group. The Marshall Institute has received funding from ExxonMobil to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
TechCentralStation is a
astroturf front for corporate lobbying.
The Petr Beckmann award is given out by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, a small quack-farm that markets nuclear-war preparedness and a home-schooling curriculum to combat
"socialism in education." The Beckmann award itself (named after a scientist who claimed to have disproved Einstein's theory of relativity)
seems to be given every year to someone who denies the global warming consensus, working for foundations funded by energy companies.
So to sum up: Yes, the vast majority of scientists believe humans are the primary cause of global warming. Some disagree, but Sallie Baliunas is not credible.
ToxicAdam: This is almost too easy.
It wasn't thirty years ago .. we were headed for a new ICE AGE. Then, during the mid '80's droughts of N.A. some scientists got money/funding for thier little global warming theory .. and an industry was born.
Here is an article from the mid 70's:
There were 3 or 4 best sellers on the upcoming Ice Age. All from respected scientists ... all in conflict with the thinking of todays "majority" .. (guffaw)
A very unoriginal talking point, and a totally disingenuous one at that. There was never a scientific consensus that we were headed towards an ice age. The Newsweek article you link to quotes exactly one scientific report, and the direct quotes show that they did not, in 1975, have a strong opinion as to where the global climate was going, and this was because they recognized their own lack of data. You can
read the report for yourself, and see that they recommend only further study.
A small, popular fad about ice age possibilities is totally different from the huge scientific consensus that has developed three decades later, expressed through hundreds of peer-reviewed studies.
Here's a more thorough piece about the ice age straw man.
Of the 186 billion tons of CO2 that enter earth's atmosphere each year from all sources, only 6 billion tons are from human activity. Approximately 90 billion tons come from biologic activity in earth's oceans and another 90 billion tons from such sources as volcanoes and decaying land plants.
At 368 parts per million CO2 is a minor constituent of earth's atmosphere-- less than 4/100ths of 1% of all gases present. Compared to former geologic times, earth's current atmosphere is CO2- impoverished.
This is pretty clever. These statistics make global warming seem counter-intuitive, without actually challenging the theory itself. The stats are off, by the way: The World Bank has worldwide human CO2 emissions pegged at 23 billion tons in 2000.
It is true that anthropogenic carbon sources are a small fraction of overall carbon emissions. However, they are significant because carbon sinks can only absorb so much. So while the natural emissions would stay in balance if left to themselves, a certain amount of the human CO2 is left in the atmosphere. Notice how the page avoids discussing how CO2 levels have changed over several decades. Let's remedy that, shall we?
Yes, CO2 is a small part of the Earth's atmosphere. But global warming doesn't rely on the CO2:N2 or CO2:atmosphere ratio achieving some arbitrary value. It deals with the effect on the Earth's climate. Pointing out that the portion seems small is the equivalent of someone saying "I don't think the arsenic killed him. It comprised less than one percent of his body mass!"
Once you realize that science is funded by money ... and that money is raised by organizations that use scare tactics to get people to donate to thier "noble causes", you will be able to take some of this shit with a grain of salt.
Tenured professors feel a need to use "scare tactics" so they'll be able to do research projects? In fact, you're saying that any science that requires money will be fraudulent, and all science obviously requires money, so you're saying all science is fraudulent. That's a pretty strong position.
But there is a lot of money waiting for the people who will say certain things about global warming. Only that money is on the industry side, and can be gotten by denying the consensus. There's the Global Climate Coalition, the Greening Earth Society, the Cooler Heads Coalition, Frontiers of Freedom, the Institute of Public Affairs, the Science and Environmental Policy Project, the George C. Marshall Institute, the Scientific Alliance, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change. All funded by corporations who have a direct financial incentive in convincing people that there is no anthropogenic global warming.
Also, the recent tsunami should remind us all, that when the Earth has a hiccup it kills 200k people ... and there isn't much we can do. We are all a neat little anomaly that is clinging onto this rock, completely at the mercy and whim of forces and trends that would occur regardless of what we do to prevent them.
It's only recently that man's ego has enabled him to think that he actually has control of the Earth ... Ironically, it is only recently that all of Earth's woes have been the cause of man also. At one time, when the ocean brought death ... they blamed the gods. When the Sun brought drought ... they blamed the gods. Now they blame prosperity.
The point is not whether humans have "control of the Earth" in some philisophical sense. The question is whether, through the cumulative production of hundreds of billions of tons of certain types of gases, humans are contributing to a change in the planet's climate. So thousands of scientists have accumulated lots and lots of data, analyzed it, modelled it, argued over it, and now have arrived at a consensus. This is not the end of the process, but the basic question of whether anthrogenic factors are affecting global temperature now has an answer that very few scientists would disagree with.
Crow357: Boo-hoo, don't get your panties in a bunch. If you post something which has absolutely no logic backing it up, you're going to get ridiculed for it. Don't whine because a majority of posters aren't as intellectually lazy as you are.
I mean, your main argument is that there are lots of scientists who disagree with global warming, but they choose not to publish their findings because... people would make websites about it? That is just so mind-bogglingly stupid.
Teflar: You're being a pussy. Don't be a pussy. Pussy.
Michael Chrichton: Your book is as much evidence against climate change as The Day After Tomorrow was evidence for it. That is to say, none at all. Also,
Gavin Schmidt is all over you.
Loki: THIS is how you deliver on a promise.