Updates And Corrections:
New Confirmed Characters:
-Tali: Has unfinished business with Shepard.
-Jack: Had a character redesign. Was a popular romance option.
Confirmed Part of Squad:
-Kaiden/Ashley (Has achieved Spectre status)
-James Sanders
-Admiral Anderson
-The Illusive Man
-Mordin (The plot dictates that he stays close to Shepard)
(And, from Game Informer earlier, Wrex)
Confirmed Locations:
-Salarian Homeworld Sur'Kesh
Description: A peaceful world. Very tropical, with palm trees, waterfalls. The Salarians live near a Volcanic crater. From top to bottom you'll see the houses they live in. You will visit Sur'Kesh earlier in the game.
-Quarian Homeworld Rannoch (The Geth Occupied One)
Description: A desert with huge pyramid structures.
-Mars (A human-mining operation)
-A human mega city that formed when Vancouver and Seattle merged.
Description: That's where you'll spend your time on Earth. So not London or New York like previously mentioned. Describes the planet: 'It's curved, futuristic buildings bathe in beautiful light as the sea laps into the waterfront and docks.' They also saw the aftermath in which the Reapers decimate it.
-Palaven (?)
-Palaven's Moon
Heavy Melee Attacks
-Class based one hit kill melee move.
-There is a new charged-up melee attack where Shepard uses his Omni-Tool to inflicting a big burning hit.
-They saw a cut-scene where the Normandy and a fleet of alien ships go through a mass relay together.
-The structure of the story is a little different to Mass Effect and ME 2 but it bears more resemblance to the first game's story. 'Mass Effect 3, in simple terms, is a little more like the first game. You're collecting pieces of a story, but the more you investigate and explore these themes, the more the game will unlock and you'll see the bigger picture.' Its more of a traditional story.
-They're not going to end the game like a traditional war story, where you beat the bad guys and celebrate.
Space Battles:
Additional Details:
-Casey Hudson says, the game will have some epic moments, as well as 'smaller, more personal moments' that exceeds the previous 2 games. The player will start realising things from Shepard's personal life. He will have to deal with the consequences of the sacrifices he's had to make.
-Obvious: Your choices will all have an impact in ME 3 such as the genophage, the collector base, your LI choices etc.
-New enemy type: The Cannibal. Part Batarian, part Human and part Reaper. Consumes other enemies in combat to gain strength.
-The Turret that Engineers can use won't kill enemies, but distract them.
-Gunfights are quicker and more deadly (confirmation).
-Visually it's tapping the heels of games such as Killzone 3 and Crysis 2, with 6 months development time left.
-The Rachni decision may haunt you in ME 3.
-Character customisation will be as extensive as ever.
-The action, rather than the all-linear affair of ME 2, will be more along the lines of Uncharted.
-New Cerberus troops are called Phantoms and Assassins.
-Shepard faces full-on bosses in the game's story. Some are really huge. One part, you have to lure a Reaper up to a Thresher Maw so they can duke it out.
-"Many of the core story levels are built around the largest, most dramatic moments in the galaxy."
-New and improved Biotic powers.
-The Mass Effect series has sold over 7 million copies.
More details from Gamer.nl / Full Translation - Post 572 (Thanks to Blue Ninja)
-Normal in ME 3 will be the equivalent of Veteran in ME 2.
-Kai Leng (known from the books) will work with Cerberus to kill Shepard.
-James Sanders is muscular, like an American footballer on steroids.
New details from Swedish magazine Level. Courtesy of Arcian.
-Every single squad member who survived in ME 2 will be back.
-Cerberus crew will leave the SR-2 and at the beginning of the game, it'll feel empty.
-Shepard won't play the role of a General, but instead, will inspire others through their actions. An inspiration for Shepard is the WW2 pilot Jimmy Doolittle.
-The Turians
-There will be more stuff to buy in stores and more stuff to do in menus. They will do a lot more to please RPG fans but they won't tone down any of the shooter elements.
-You will be able to visit Illium once again.
-They want to create a greater variety of enemies. It mentions 'Reaper Zombies' but I kind of think these are just Husks.
-Talks about the Batarian Husk and how you can shoot various parts of it to incapacitate it:
Shooting it's hand cannon will disable it's ranged attacks, shooting it's claw will prevent it from meleeing you or you can just shoot it's durable torso and go straight for the kill.
-Anderson will have more of a combat role this time around.
-Some species are on the verge of civil war and you may need to choose / sacrifice species. Such as the Geth vs. Quarian scenario. Think of the Virmire but on a grand scale.
Check out the Game Informer ME 3 hub for video features on Garrus, the origins of certain species, sound design and a few great interviews with Casey Hudson.
From: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/103/index/7146063/1
Thanks to DJ-MAT
We're due to get some more information from PSM3 and OXM soon.

New Confirmed Characters:
-Tali: Has unfinished business with Shepard.
-Jack: Had a character redesign. Was a popular romance option.
Confirmed Part of Squad:
-Kaiden/Ashley (Has achieved Spectre status)
-James Sanders
-Admiral Anderson
-The Illusive Man
-Mordin (The plot dictates that he stays close to Shepard)
(And, from Game Informer earlier, Wrex)
Confirmed Locations:
-Salarian Homeworld Sur'Kesh
Description: A peaceful world. Very tropical, with palm trees, waterfalls. The Salarians live near a Volcanic crater. From top to bottom you'll see the houses they live in. You will visit Sur'Kesh earlier in the game.
-Quarian Homeworld Rannoch (The Geth Occupied One)
Description: A desert with huge pyramid structures.
-Mars (A human-mining operation)
-A human mega city that formed when Vancouver and Seattle merged.
Description: That's where you'll spend your time on Earth. So not London or New York like previously mentioned. Describes the planet: 'It's curved, futuristic buildings bathe in beautiful light as the sea laps into the waterfront and docks.' They also saw the aftermath in which the Reapers decimate it.
-Palaven (?)
-Palaven's Moon
Heavy Melee Attacks
-Class based one hit kill melee move.
-There is a new charged-up melee attack where Shepard uses his Omni-Tool to inflicting a big burning hit.
-They saw a cut-scene where the Normandy and a fleet of alien ships go through a mass relay together.
-The structure of the story is a little different to Mass Effect and ME 2 but it bears more resemblance to the first game's story. 'Mass Effect 3, in simple terms, is a little more like the first game. You're collecting pieces of a story, but the more you investigate and explore these themes, the more the game will unlock and you'll see the bigger picture.' Its more of a traditional story.
-They're not going to end the game like a traditional war story, where you beat the bad guys and celebrate.
All these characters and relationships created will be a big part of the ending.
Space Battles:
There will be a space battle when you visit the Turian homeworld. You'll work together with the Turians to try and destroy a Reaper fleet.
Additional Details:
-Casey Hudson says, the game will have some epic moments, as well as 'smaller, more personal moments' that exceeds the previous 2 games. The player will start realising things from Shepard's personal life. He will have to deal with the consequences of the sacrifices he's had to make.
-Obvious: Your choices will all have an impact in ME 3 such as the genophage, the collector base, your LI choices etc.
-New enemy type: The Cannibal. Part Batarian, part Human and part Reaper. Consumes other enemies in combat to gain strength.
-The Turret that Engineers can use won't kill enemies, but distract them.
-Gunfights are quicker and more deadly (confirmation).
-Visually it's tapping the heels of games such as Killzone 3 and Crysis 2, with 6 months development time left.
-The Rachni decision may haunt you in ME 3.
-Character customisation will be as extensive as ever.
-The action, rather than the all-linear affair of ME 2, will be more along the lines of Uncharted.
-New Cerberus troops are called Phantoms and Assassins.
-Shepard faces full-on bosses in the game's story. Some are really huge. One part, you have to lure a Reaper up to a Thresher Maw so they can duke it out.
-"Many of the core story levels are built around the largest, most dramatic moments in the galaxy."
-New and improved Biotic powers.
-The Mass Effect series has sold over 7 million copies.
More details from Gamer.nl / Full Translation - Post 572 (Thanks to Blue Ninja)
-Normal in ME 3 will be the equivalent of Veteran in ME 2.
-Kai Leng (known from the books) will work with Cerberus to kill Shepard.
-James Sanders is muscular, like an American footballer on steroids.
New details from Swedish magazine Level. Courtesy of Arcian.
-Every single squad member who survived in ME 2 will be back.
-Cerberus crew will leave the SR-2 and at the beginning of the game, it'll feel empty.
-Shepard won't play the role of a General, but instead, will inspire others through their actions. An inspiration for Shepard is the WW2 pilot Jimmy Doolittle.
-The Turians
have evacuated to a nearby moon from their homeworld Palaven due to it being inoperable as a military stronghold (probably meaning the Reaper's are attacking). The fires on the surface of Palaven can be seen. There also seems to be some concept art of Palaven (awaiting confirmation) so maybe in actuality we still get to go there?
-You will be able to visit Illium once again.
-They want to create a greater variety of enemies. It mentions 'Reaper Zombies' but I kind of think these are just Husks.
-Talks about the Batarian Husk and how you can shoot various parts of it to incapacitate it:
Shooting it's hand cannon will disable it's ranged attacks, shooting it's claw will prevent it from meleeing you or you can just shoot it's durable torso and go straight for the kill.
-Anderson will have more of a combat role this time around.
-Some species are on the verge of civil war and you may need to choose / sacrifice species. Such as the Geth vs. Quarian scenario. Think of the Virmire but on a grand scale.

Check out the Game Informer ME 3 hub for video features on Garrus, the origins of certain species, sound design and a few great interviews with Casey Hudson.
From: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/103/index/7146063/1
Thanks to DJ-MAT
We're due to get some more information from PSM3 and OXM soon.
-The reason that Cerberus is put against us is explained at the beginning of the adventure (could it be because the Alliance gets the Normandy SR2 and technology, and SID, the AI ​​of the ship? This a suppose of mine, not in the magazine)
- Cerberus' troops: mechas, assault units, shock troops ninja-style.
- Reapers: they have different sizes, ranging from 500-600 meters of the smaller ships to the 2km for Herald.
- New skills for Shepard: launched in search of coverage to Max Payne, rolling, jumping small holes in the ground, as the SWAT turn and strike the enemy with greater variety of melee attacks. It specifically mentions "a new class: Heavy Melee" take advantage of these capabilities of combat [Edit: 27/04 - A Heavy Melee class has been claimed as a mistranslation by gameplay designer Christina Norman.]
- New skills: Engineer can build turrets.
- Customizable Weapons, guns, sight ... five variants in each section.
- More items to "loot."
- Space Battles? Perhaps, but unconfirmed.
- Scenarios: larger. We will see people walking, ships fighting, architecture in greater detail. Searching for the photorealism of the sites using new lighting techniques on the stage. It has also improved the atmosphere and the number of dynamic elements of the stage, increasing interactivity with the player.
- Locations to visit: New York, London, a moon of ¿Koriano? [Quarian] world, a salarian world and Mars, among others. The development of each environment takes about 6 months, testing the levels from the outset.
- Enemies: we can do dynamic damage into them. The Cerberus mechas, for example, requires that we shoot a weak point, the glass cockpit in order to overcome them. In other enemies we can cut off the arms, break the head or break various pieces of their armors.
- Fighting more dynamic, forcing us to move more frequently. The game speed is improved by 10 to 15%.
- Exploration: we won't drive vehicles seen in previous games. The main gameplay is designed without them and will continue so. This does not mean that there is no vehicle, but they can't reveal more now. There is a new scanning system.
I looked through the scans and google translated the details they gave about the future of the series after Mass Effect 3.
BioWare said:This being the end of the trilogy, can we expect in the future?
With Mass Effect 3 closes the history of Shepard, but the universe that we created is still there, with many possible stories to tell. I see many possibilities in the future from an MMO to a degree of action in first person or even why not a platformer. It all depends on what players we ask in the future.BioWare said:Mass Effect 3 will have multiplayer?
We've always wanted to include it, since the first Mass Effect. Explore ways to be able to offer for each delivery, but noestamos fully convinced of the solutions we have found so far.
In which way this issue evolves the franchise?
Great challenge of Mass Effect 3 was our own ambition and goals. We wanted to increase the level of adventure and at the same time satisfy the expectations of the players. The aim was to make Mass Effect the best possible and we're getting to a comprehensive improvement of all the sections from the technical aspects to the most minute details of the gameplay. Details such as improvements in the combat system and the increasing importance of the inventory system are the most tangible proof of this.
Source: http://translate.google.com/transla...s/178-avance-de-mass-effect-3-en-marca-playerUniverso Mass Effect said:Coincidence or not, the May issue contains a first look at Mass Effect 3 exclusive national was also the fastest to hit newsstands in the history of Marca Player. Today, 19 April, I had no trouble finding the magazine in a relatively small town lost in the southeast Spanish. After a brief stop on the way to work and 1.90 euros less in the pocket, case solved.
To avoid legal problems I have chosen not to reproduce the image story. Yes I can, at least broadly discuss what you can find in the report. The magazine costs less than 2 euros, so I encourage you to buy some and you to take a firsthand look.
The most and the least has been able to see scanned the 12 pages published by GameInformer, the first magazine in the world to open fire. It is well known reputation of "cazaexclusivas" this veteran American publication. Almost always the first and the most material received, so it was not expected that a young Spanish head could make shadow.
In total, the story of Mark Player has an area of ​​seven pages, of which the first two are a double page purely introductory, half page with a list of influences and a small one-page interview with producer Casey Hudson (rather soda, by the way). That leaves three and a half pages "useful", although it should be clear that the space is pretty well spent thanks to the good work layout.
As for photos, things are regular. Most of the catches of Mass Effect 3 have already been published by GameInformer. To these are added a few new images, four of them in-game and a pair of conceptual designs. This may disappoint the fans more anxious, but is in line with what was expected.
I assume you've all read the summary of the progress of GameInformer (and if not, here is the link ), so I omit all that has already been told to avoid repeating information. It is well known BioWare secrecy, so we appreciate the good work of writer Mark Player, which has managed to get some new details.
The Galaxy is never big enough
The most interesting part of the story is probably the one devoted to the stage. It is confirmed that the maps will be considerably larger and open. Also transmit more life, more supporting characters and certain dynamic events, which may be interactive or not. A level of detail we can enjoy a more complex architecture and implementation of new lighting effects.
Some locations are confirmed planet of origin salarianos, Mars, moon Koriana world (this seems a transcription error, probably means "world quarians") and several cities on Earth, including London and New York probably. According to the BioWare team has been a challenge to imagine what could be the cities earthlings in the future. The artists have finally chosen to design mega halfway between Seattle and Vancouver.
Something does not change too much of Mass Effect 2 on the third installment: Normandy. Although the ship is now in the hands of the Alliance, which will make some small changes, the overall design will remain, so the units will be very familiar.
Making friends
This time the enemies pose a greater challenge than ever. AI has been greatly improved by introducing a new system of coordinated assault. This means that every enemy will have a specific role within their group, like chess pieces, and will be able to adopt strategies based on their own role. The variety of enemies is much higher, with units of different size and power. Even within the reapers will own ranks, from the main buildings of 2 km in length to a smaller escort reapers of between 500 and 600 meters.
In general it will be a game harder than previous ones, but Shepard also have new advantages. For starters there is a new dynamic damage system that will injure or destroy specific parts of enemies. For example, shielded enemies will be defeated only be hurting their weaknesses. The character will also be much more agile, able to perform new actions such as seeking cover roll, roll or jump over obstacles without prior barricade (about time).
The fighting will be more intense than ever, with a rate between 10% and 15% higher. It has paid particular attention to the combat, which has been expanded and improved to the point of giving way to a new class that will make the most: the "Heavy Melee.
Are in some respects as air vehicles. Instead of reusing the Mako or Firewalker will be new vehicles and a new navigation system that, for now, is a mystery.
Becomes the role
After Mass Effect 2 will focus on improving the mechanical action of the parties, the end of the trilogy will attempt to recover some of the elements rolero that fell by the wayside. Will not play as dense as the first part, but an inventory will be more generous, more types of objects to collect, a skill tree much richer and weapons can be customized mounting accessories such as scopes or canyons, which also have a aesthetic effect.
The dialogue system will remain virtually unchanged, though BioWare "is putting emphasis on increasing the bond between the player and their characters." For its part, the decisions will be more important than ever and have an effect more evident. As the end of the trilogy, BioWare has no pressure to prevent chaos things too, so there will be many and very different end.
On the argument has not been said virtually nothing we do not know. There are no confirmed new names of colleagues or clarified what happens with Cerberus. At least the producer is wet and has promised that the story will be less evident than in Mass Effect 2. The plot will be revealed little by little, instead of showing all his cards right from the start, and vary throughout the adventure as the player's own choices.