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Morgan Spurlock of super size me fame dead at 54 from cancer


Gold Member
Regardless of his alcoholism did he not gain a tremendous amount of weight in a short time? If you don't think gaining 25lbs in a single month isn't proof enough that it's trash than I don't know what to tell you.

He was stuffing himself with 5k+ calories not even counting the alcohol everyday. Of course, you're going to gain weight even if those calories were from steak and potatoes. Don't eat 3 supersized meals a day and then get drunk every night. Seems pretty easy to avoid. One fast food meal a day isn't going to affect you if you account for the calories.

Yep, almost like the fast food isn't what kills you young, it's letting it make you fat or being an alcoholic does. Gorske is 6'2" 185 pounds. He's 71 and has plenty more Big Macs in his future. :p
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