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Mortal Kombat: Deception - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"All told, MK: Deception is an outstanding, fully featured game. And it's one that's naturally best suited to series' fans--especially those who liked 2002's similar Deadly Alliance. It's these players who'll be most likely to appreciate the game's peculiar emphasis on story and unlockable extras. But make no mistake: The best, most fully developed part of Deception is its fighting system. Like any great fighting game, this one carefully strikes the balance of delivering fast-paced, visceral thrills and rewarding lots of practice and complex tactics. As such, any fighting game fan should be rightfully attracted by the prospect of Deception's online play, which works as advertised and truly does make a big difference, because it provides access to live competition all the time. Not all of Deception's modes and features are flat-out great, but the game's absolutely got it where it counts."


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
8.5 is really high from Gamespot...but I hated Deadly Alliance, so I will still pass on Deception.


Wario64 said:
Like any great fighting game, this one carefully strikes the balance of delivering fast-paced, visceral thrills and rewarding lots of practice and complex tactics.

Complex tactics... they spent what... a week with it? lol

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
CrimsonSkies said:
Wow that 5.0 out of 10.0 review looks all the worse now.

Sounds like a fun game.

Unless something has changed so much from MK Deadly Alliance to make the game that crappy, I really find the 5 out 10 review score hard to believe.

I'm really curious to see what games like DOA Ultimate and SvC Chaos get from the same sites/mags. MK Deception, Def Jam FFNY, Chaos, and DOA should be put into the same fighting game category together. :p
And it's one that's naturally best suited to series' fans--especially those who liked 2002's similar Deadly Alliance

well i'm sold!
on keeping my money in my wallet

at least they fixed MKDA's blocking bug... dunno how anyone could actually like MKDA unless they didn't know about it...


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Anyone that's sitting on the fence regarding this game needs only admire this shining example of the awesome concept art you can unlock in the game's Krypt.



the concept art in mkda was much cooler. Ever since they lost Tobias, the game's visual look has been suffering


And the funny thing this is I bet they were addicted to the series back in the early '90 too. A lot of people are just trying way too hard to give themselve street creds with fighting games.

I mean it's possible to like SF3 and MKD you know. And if you really hate MKD, its ok, just dont need to spam your hate about it in every thread ;)


Sam Houser fucked my wife
ZombieSupaStar said:
people are so bitter towards mk, it must really sting that ts still around, doesnt it? :)
Amazingly, its persisting existence isn't nearly as obnoxious as the persistence of this childish excuse for real fighting game fans hating MK.
no its pretty accurate Ive been having these debates for over 10 years

I mean it's possible to like SF3 and MKD you know. And if you really hate MKD, its ok, just dont need to spam your hate about it in every thread ;)

Exactly, thats why people come across as bitter because they were almost convinced MK would be a fad for teh evul casual gamers, and SF would reign the dick supreme.

But since gaming has gone mainstream alot of "ew mainstream illama fodder" outsells "super deep, super enchanting, works of art to my soul" *token teardrop!*, people get pissy.

Ive owned

tekkens 1 2 3 tag
vf 1, remix, 2, 3, 4, and evo (twice), fighters megamix
soul blade, calibur, 2
SF CE, SSF2 turbo, SFA, SFA 2, SFA 3, Capcom Collections 1 & 2, SF EXplusA, EX2
MvC, MvC2
Rival Schools
Killer Instinct 1, Gold

*deep breath*

MK 1, 2 (sat gen snes), 3 (snes, psx), 4, gold, trilogy (n64 and psx), DA, and soon to be DEC

So dont talk to me about whats a good fighting game, I prefer the fun, mindless camp of MK (altho vf4 is good, i dont take fighting seriously at all anymore so maybe thats why)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
shuri said:
the concept art in mkda was much cooler. Ever since they lost Tobias, the game's visual look has been suffering

Yes, I too miss the same 10 palette-swapped "Chinese Ninjas" that move with their fists in different directions to make them look "different" and the stupid-looking riot cops and robots and such from the early MK games. :p


Sam Houser fucked my wife
ZombieSupaStar said:
no its pretty accurate Ive been having these debates for over 10 years
So you're using the same argument you did ten years ago, when you were a child? Sir, not only have your proven my point but you've also admitted to not being a real fighting game fan yourself. Thankyousomuch.
no i was a real fighting game fan, then I got sick of them in the me too sf2 clone days (member those right?)

MK was always different (OMG TEH SUCKY!?!!?!, no just different), and no one really went there (sans time killers), maybe thats why I didnt get burned out, that and everyone I ever played in fighting games were a no talent pug (a few friends I had to let win just to keep someone to play with)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Zombie, you're crazy. :D MK had such awful game play compared to the Capcom and SNK fighters, and it only got worse. It wasn't until Deadly Alliance that it got GOOD IMO, and that's when the game switched from 2D to 3D anyway.

MarkRyan-IGN said:
So you're using the same argument you did ten years ago, when you were a child? Sir, not only have your proven my point but you've also admitted to not being a real fighting game fan yourself. Thankyousomuch.

Okay, you hate Mortal Kombat. We get it; that's enough. You are coming off as a real troll now.
I never said it had good gameplay, but somehow I had fun (and must of been others also, since its still going), I just got sick of the genre (like most did at the end of the 16bit era) and for the most part still am (I dont currently own ANY fighting games now), just like I did with RPGs, I'd say my personality did a whole 180 however, I went from a fat shy rpg, anime, fighting game lover to a in-shape loud mouth who likes, sports/pickup and play games/ gamer and never looked back.


(and no im not calling true fighting game/rpg fans fat and shy SITDOWN!) :)


I like how Markryan is talking about others being childish while also throwing around the "real fan" nonsense.

If you play MK are you a "fake" fighting game fan? How exactly does that work?

I picked up the guide today. It's AWFUL. The strats are useless and it's incomplete. It barely lists any secrets and almost no fatalities. They hype up how they're going to reveal them on the internet. Wow thanks brady...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ZombieSupaStar said:
I never said it had good gameplay, but somehow I had fun (and must of been others also, since its still going), I just got sick of the genre (like most did at the end of the 16bit era) and for the most part still am

Oh, don't get me wrong; that's completely understandable, and the problem with fighting games is that the more complicated they get, the less new players they were bound to attract. It's most of the people who never got out of them that have this attitude that only "deep" fighting games are worth playing and don't understand that a less complicated fighter can still be fun as well. I enjoy all kinds of fighters myself, so it doesn't bother me. If a game is fun, that's all that matters. The fighting game elitist attitude is old and tired. I'd rather spend my time playing these games than whining about how it's not perfect (no game is) and pointing out flaws, or whining about how a game is broken because in tournaments against people I'll never play, certain characters are better because of a glitch/trap combo blah blah blah. If you're not playing with those people, shut up already.


The gameplay in mortal kombat has always been awful, it was basically the voilence that made it so popular, nothing more. I mean it was a slow misbalanced hard to play mess of a fighting game, and the most recent 3D version did little to change that fact. In conclusion, the new one is more of the same so I'll have to pass.


MK3 isn't slow.

If it's JUST the violence how do you explain it's continued success? Time Killers, Wargods, MACE...many have come and gone but MK remains. 12 years of success can't be explained away just with the violence.


MK2 was more broken then any of them, atleast the home version, finishing the game even on the easiest setting with 99 credits was nearly impossible.

Idono why it remained popular, in fact as far as I can tell it really didn't - after 1 and 2 it slowed down a bit and mortal kombat 4 seemed to basically kill the series. Midway attempted to revive it from the dead and managed to sell some games is all.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i get pwned for not liking a casual fighting game? hmm, i guess so.

reviews, opinions, etc.

and if any of you actually LIKE the attached mini-games, especially the Konquest adventure game, then we really need to talk. just buy the game and tell me Konquest mode isn't a laughable steaming pile of shit.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
chespace said:
just buy the game and tell me Konquest mode isn't a laughable steaming pile of shit.
Konquest mode isn't a laughable steaming pile of shit. It's a laughable, steaming pile of festering monkey puke wrought in the bowels of Boon and Satan's rotten love child.


chespace said:
i get pwned for not liking a casual fighting game? hmm, i guess so.

reviews, opinions, etc.

and if any of you actually LIKE the attached mini-games, especially the Konquest adventure game, then we really need to talk. just buy the game and tell me Konquest mode isn't a laughable steaming pile of shit.

As far as I'm concerned, not liking a casual fighting game (and scoring it accordingly) is fine. The problem is if you disliked it because it was a casual fighting game, as opposed to a 'hardcore' one. That's sort of like a movie critic knocking stars off a review because the movie he's reviewing is a comedy and he only likes action films. Now, if it's a casual fighting game done badly, and you rated it as such, that's entirely understandable.

So which was it, if you don't mind my asking? (I'm not looking to bust your ass about the review--well, not any more than I just did, anyway ;) I actually want to know because your response will determine the way I interpret it, which'll have a lot to do with whether or not I pick the game up tomorrow.)
MK1 is a classic, it gets by on just that, deserved or not, it's up for debate...
MKII, MK3, UMK3 could be competitive... MKTrilogy had a few broken characters, but still could be competitive...

the main problem is that from a competitive standpoint, it all took a steep downturn with MK4...
then MK5, which wasn't that good anyway, was just plain fucked by the blocking bug...

how can anyone take a game seriously after something like that?

the outlook on MK6: grim

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The Faceless Master said:
then MK5, which wasn't that good anyway, was just plain fucked by the blocking bug...

how can anyone take a game seriously after something like that?

Seeing as how it's been a LONG time since I played Deadly Alliance, and I couldn't find mention of this bug anywhere, what was the blocking bug that you are talking about?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Tellaerin said:
As far as I'm concerned, not liking a casual fighting game (and scoring it accordingly) is fine. The problem is if you disliked it because it was a casual fighting game, as opposed to a 'hardcore' one. That's sort of like a movie critic knocking stars off a review because the movie he's reviewing is a comedy and he only likes action films. Now, if it's a casual fighting game done badly, and you rated it as such, that's entirely understandable.

Your analogy is wrong. If you want to use the movie critic example, I would be knocking this "action movie" for shitty choreography, ass SFX, and an appalling script.

Don't worry about my score if you haven't read my review.


chespace said:
Your analogy is wrong. If you want to use the movie critic example, I would be knocking this "action movie" for shitty choreography, ass SFX, and an appalling script.

Which still doesn't tell me how you feel about so-called 'casual' fighting games in general. Would you find something like DOA3 similarly flawed (albeit perhaps to a lesser degree) due to its inherent 'lack of depth' or some such, since it's designed for 'casuals'? That's the sort of thing that'll let me put your review in perspective.

chespace said:
Don't worry about my score if you haven't read my review.

I've read your review; my copy of XBN's sitting at my elbow as I type this. I bitch when people start bickering about review scores without reading the accompanying text, and I generally try not to be a hypocrite, so I wouldn't've opened my mouth if I hadn't seen the review text first. What I wanted to know was the context in which I should take the review, especially after your remark about being owned for 'not liking a casual fighting game'. :p


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Tellaerin said:
I've read your review; my copy of XBN's sitting at my elbow as I type this. I bitch when people start bickering about review scores without reading the accompanying text, and I generally try not to be a hypocrite, so I wouldn't've opened my mouth if I hadn't seen the review text first. What I wanted to know was the context in which I should take the review, especially after your remark about being owned for 'not liking a casual fighting game'. :p

you should take the remark as me being sarcastic, reflecting the indignant cries of MK apologists in this thread who claim that the game shouldn't be held up to the same standards of other fighting games simply because it is a "casual" fighter. :p that whole label is an incredible copout, imo. you can be a complete scrub and have a great time with soul calibur 2, pulling off some spectacular moves in the process. i have plenty of fun with fighting games that are easy to get into. there are a ton of those that play more responsive and look better than deception. my complaint with MK, as i've stated in my review, is with its core gameplay mechanic.

it also doesn't help that i think the game's aesthetics are no better than airbrushed van art of the 1980s.
Lyte Edge said:
Seeing as how it's been a LONG time since I played Deadly Alliance, and I couldn't find mention of this bug anywhere, what was the blocking bug that you are talking about?
basically, when you transition from standing block to crouching block or vice versa, the game engine makes you stop blocking for a moment...


In light of your comments, I'm inclined to think the gameplay has what I'd consider legitimate problems, as opposed to nitpicks that were blown out of proportion thanks to an 'elite fighting-game connoisseur' mentality. And that's exactly what I wanted to know.

Thanks, Che. The followup was much appreciated.

Sho Nuff

chespace said:
it also doesn't help that i think the game's aesthetics are no better than airbrushed van art of the 1980s.



(btw this is a pictarue of me turning into scorpion and throwing a harpoon)


I just beat MK1 on the limited edition disc. It is NOT arcade perfect. There's sound glitches and slowdown. The gamplay is also way too fast and responsive. MK1 is supposed to be sluggish!
Anyanka said:
I just beat MK1 on the limited edition disc. It is NOT arcade perfect. There's sound glitches and slowdown. The gamplay is also way too fast and responsive. MK1 is supposed to be sluggish!
thats fucked up...


Anyanka said:
I just beat MK1 on the limited edition disc. It is NOT arcade perfect. There's sound glitches and slowdown. The gamplay is also way too fast and responsive. MK1 is supposed to be sluggish!

I could never throw either.

A big 'ol thumbs down.

I played MK;DA for a few days and really didn't like the changes that were made to the series (I also strongly disliked MK4). Anyways, I was just curious as to what this whole "blocking bug" is.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Forgotten Ancient said:
I played MK;DA for a few days and really didn't like the changes that were made to the series (I also strongly disliked MK4). Anyways, I was just curious as to what this whole "blocking bug" is.
TFM already said: if you went between a standing block and a crouching block, the game didn't register the "in-between" as blocking.
Anyanka said:
I just beat MK1 on the limited edition disc. It is NOT arcade perfect. There's sound glitches and slowdown. The gamplay is also way too fast and responsive. MK1 is supposed to be sluggish!
omg.. youve got to be fucking kidding me.

i dont know what else to say.

i reallllllllllllllllly hope they dont screw up 2 and 3 on the treasures collection as well.

that is very disappointing.

edit: are you playing the ps2 or xbox version , btw?
I played MK;DA for a few days and really didn't like the changes that were made to the series (I also strongly disliked MK4). Anyways, I was just curious as to what this whole "blocking bug" is.

TFM already said: if you went between a standing block and a crouching block, the game didn't register the "in-between" as blocking.

Ooops, I missed it. Thanks though, and yeah that would be really annoying. Like all MKs, I remember the computer being really cheap in DA and I hated the "Krypt" thing for unlocking stuff. Also, the characters all looked like plastic toys, the multiple fighting styles sucked, they ruined my Scorpion, and Liu Kang was absent. I dun think I'll like Deception, but I'll still have to give it a shot.


Anyanka said:
I just beat MK1 on the limited edition disc. It is NOT arcade perfect. There's sound glitches and slowdown. The gamplay is also way too fast and responsive. MK1 is supposed to be sluggish!

Are you serious? That's unfucking-believable!

The only real reason I may get this is cuz of Puzzle Kombat. Has anyone tried Puzzle Kombat online yet?

How fun is it?

Is the game a virtual carbon copy of Super Puzzle Fighter II?

Are the rules pretty much the same?
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