Mortal Kombat Secret Characters Refresher


It's almost that time! MKX is upon us in just one week! MK started the secret fighter trend in fighting games, IIRC. And as usual, I believe we will be in for some surprises when it comes to secret and unlockable fighters. I have stayed in the dark mostly about the new MK's roster, but without a doubt there will be secret fighters we fight against, and not all of them may be selectable within the game, normally (as per MK tradition). So, here's a refresher on what we have had thus far (and what became of them);

Mortal Kombat
Reptile - The progenitor. Not selectable, but a secret fighter one could face at the bottom of the Pit stage. He used both Sub Zero's and Scorpion's moveset.

Mortal Kombat II
Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot - Continuing with having characters you can not normally face unless certain specific conditions are met during normal play, these three were introduced. Also, all palette swaps. Like Reptile before them (who is now a normally selectable character), they used moves from the other "ninja's", and had better attributes, like faster walking speeds. You fight them in Goro's Lair from the original MK.

Mortal Kombat 3
Smoke, Noob Saibot - Now having been turned into a cyborg by his clan, Smoke is back as a secret fighter one could face, again. But for the first time in MK, you could enter a code to make him selectable character, accessible on the character select screen. For the most part, he had his own unique moves that resembled his moveset (Scorpions in actuality) from MKII. Noob Saibot was a fighter one could only fight, and due to there not being any actual "ninja's" (outside of the now unmasked Sub-Zero), Midway used Kano's silhouette as a fill in due to it resembling the outfit of the previously shown MK ninjas. You fight him in Noob's Dorfen, which is the area in the back of the Balcony.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Human Smoke, Classic Sub-Zero, Mileena, Ermac, Noob Saibot, Rain - It was obvious a demand for traditional "MK ninjas" was in effect, and this game had them in spades. Smoke is once again a secret character that can be unlocked, this version hearkens back to his pre-MK3 days. Plays like Scorpion, and is faster. Sub-Zero's new look didn't gel well with most fans, so his original mask n' all appearance was brought back. Mileena has her own original moveset, and is selectable via code as well. Ermac is a new character, based on a rumor dating back to the original MK arcade game. In the attract mode, you could briefly see another ninja named Rain, who was meant to be a red-herring type character, but for whatever reason was made into a fully playable character, along with a proper ninja version of Noob Saibot in the home versions of UMK3.


Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Chameleon, Khameleon, Human Smoke - In the PSX version of this release, a male ninja who switches between all the ninjas in the game's movset. Can be selected via a code. In the N64 game, the roster was not exactly the same as the larger PSX's roster. Instead of the male ninja, we get a different character named "Khameleon", who functions similarly to her counterpart. We also get Human Smoke again, who plays a little differently from his UMK3 version. He is normally selectable in the PSX version, however.

Mortal Kombat 4
Meat, Noob Saibot, Goro - Meat is a model glitch, and a secret playable character. Beating the game as a "meat" character in the arcade game actually crashes/resets the game. Noob was actually meant to be playable in the original arcade release, but it seems his model was altered slightly he became Reiko, a "new" character instead. He was brought back as intended as a secret character in the home ports. Goro is unlockable as well in the home ports.

Mortal Kombat Gold
Sektor, Noob Saibot, Goro - Both Noob Saibot (who now has a full fledged movelist) and Goro make a return as secret selectable characters. Meat is gone however, and in his place Sektor makes an appearance. While Cyrax's design changed a bit, Sektor looks most like their original MK3 era design.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Mokap, Blaze - Some of the most odd characters out of the bunch, we have Mokap and Blaze. Mokap (which is a play on "Motion Capture") is actually Carlos Pesina, brother to Daniel Pesina to played a host of characters in the first two Mortal Kombat games before being let go. He did all the motion capture for everyone in Deadly Alliance. Blaze is based on a rumor dating back to MKII about a character who was literally on fire in the distance on the Pit II stage being playable.

Mortal Kombat: Deception
Liu Kang - A nice secret kept until release, and the lone secret character of Deception. Liu Kang (who was executed in the intro of the previous entry) is back as a powerful undead warrior, controlled by the now Dark Rayden. Getting his is tricky, but the return is one of the strongest characters in the game.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Taven, Daegon, Blaze, Meat - Back with a redesign, and a new moves at his disposal. Meat is now the sole unlockable secret character outside of Taven, Daegon, and Blaze (who play major roles in the story mode). Blaze had a massive redesign, and is the final boss of the game.

Mortal Kombat (2011)
Reptile, Smoke, Jade, Noob Saibot, Quan Chi, Cyber Sub-Zero - In a very nice homage to the original games, once again Reptile, Smoke, Jade, and Noob are secret fights. Quan Chi, and Cyber Sub-Zero (who instead of Smoke, fell victim to their clan's betrayal) are unlockable through story mode.

My favorite MK character is Noob (the OG Sub). Ed Boon is also a big fan of his, so I'm hoping he ends up in MKX. Even if he isn't playable.


I always loved the mystery surrounding secret characters in MK's heydays. I wish they could recreate that magic, but I think with the advent of Internet gaming culture, it's just not possible. For example, didn't we know all of the secret characters in the latest SSB before the game even launched?


The genesis version of mk1 also had secret sonya, a green version of sonya who could freeze you with her ring blast and also use scorpion's spear.


Updated the OP with the last of the games. I omitted games like Shaolin Monks due to them not being fighting games.


OP, you also forgot the Reptile Battle in MK9. Getting 2 flawless victories on The Pit when something passes the moon and getting a stage fatality (like the original).


liu kang is probably the best still, when you take out the nostalgia of the first ones

I mean regardless of what you think of him in Deception now as a fighter; who the fuck expected ZOMBIE LIU KANG? they never did anything like that

good use of canon


Goro was not a secret opponent in MK4. He was added for the home version, but he was just a regular subboss before Shinnok as I recall.


OP, you also forgot the Reptile Battle in MK9. Getting 2 flawless victories on The Pit when something passes the moon and getting a stage fatality (like the original).

I sure did! I'll add him, pronto.

Goro was not a secret opponent in MK4. He was added for the home version, but he was just a regular subboss before Shinnok as I recall.

Ok. It's been awhile since I played MK4, and I wasn't sure if you had to do anything special to fight him (on console). I'll make the correction.


You should include how to unlock them!
Had no idea of the mk4 secret characters. Last mk I owned and payed attention though


Meat (now with a completely different design and unique moveset) is an unlockabe character in Armageddon too.


Armageddon also had 3 other unlockable characters (Taven, the main character of the story mode, Daegon, his brother, and the final boss Blaze), but Meat was the only one just unlockable, not a big part of the story mode or final boss.
This is what I miss most about fighting games: unlocking cool hidden characters by doing interesting things in the game. Now you unlock them by purchasing a $30 season pass...


I wish X would have hidden unlockable characters at launch. There could be but I'm doubting. I'd love to see Rain playable again.


Noob Saibot was a fighter one could only fight, and due to there not being any actual "ninja's" (outside of the now unmasked Sub-Zero), Midway used Kano's silhouette as a fill in due to it resembling the outfit of the previously shown MK ninjas.

Wait what holy shit, Mortal Kombat 3 didn't have scorpion? How did I forget this? What the hell?



Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Unfortunately, I think we already know the full roster of MKX. At most, characters we already know about will have to be unlocked (like in Smash Bros).

War Eagle

Great thread, OP! I hope there are some secret characters outside of the ones which are already konfirmed (which seems to be them all).


Tremor in MK Vita


I didn't include him because he is just a challenge tower character, even if playable. Similar to Cyborg Reptile. But, if everyone wants to include those kind of entries, we can. It could be interesting conversation wise.


Neo Member
Brings back memories of my brother and his friends theorizing about this and trying to unlock them back in the SNES days.

Thanks for this.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Sweet thread!! Any idea if MKX has any secret characters or have all of them been revealed? Still holding on to hope my boy noob saibot made the cut but it's starting to look doubtful.


Vanilla MK3's roster was such a disappointment

I remember being blown away by the game in arcades, but I totally forgot it didn't have scorpion. Suppressed childhood memories, I suppose. I must have been distracted by Kabal's spin dash thing (because that's all anyone picked at my arcade). That and I feel like UMK3 must have come out relatively quickly after that.


It sucked maining cyber sub zero and finding out people didn't always have him unlocked. Not too optimistic that he'll sneak into MKX as a secret but stranger things have happened.
This was a fun read

Vanilla MK3's roster was such a disappointment

So was the extra $60 I had to shell out for UMK3 on snes.

I remember unlocking Pong on my copy of MK2. I think one person in Versus mode had to get a 100 win streak. It was... Not worth it.


I'm sure there are secrets that are not easy to come across in X, in traditional MK fashion. People thought they knew the whole roster of 2011 close to release date. Same for the previous ones.
So was the extra $60 I had to shell out for UMK3 on snes.

I remember unlocking Pong on my copy of MK2. I think one person in Versus mode had to get a 100 win streak. It was... Not worth it.

Pong was 250 games played but it wasn't in the SNES/genesis versions.

Meat was not removed in MK Gold. You get him the same as MK4, by completing group mode.


Unfortunately, I think we already know the full roster of MKX. At most, characters we already know about will have to be unlocked (like in Smash Bros).

Yea, spoilers for secret characters:

there is none found so far from the people who've had the game for several days. Shinnok is the only unlockable but whats the point when he's been officially revealed fully and in the character select screen the game just tells you to finish story mode to unlock him so that ruins the surprise for those who came in blind.

Boon said there would be an unlockable but he's never to be trusted with these things so you never know. Some secrets in MK are hidden deep but I don't expect it to be anything substantial, maybe some hidden fights, wacky costumes, secret ality's etc like MK9


I remember being blown away by the game in arcades, but I totally forgot it didn't have scorpion. Suppressed childhood memories, I suppose. I must have been distracted by Kabal's spin dash thing (because that's all anyone picked at my arcade). That and I feel like UMK3 must have come out relatively quickly after that.

Umk3 dropped right about the time the genesis and snes versions of vanilla mk3 dropped. I remember it dropped simultaneously with the announcement that it was "sega saturn exclusive" and that's why the saturn wasn't getting mk3 like the psx had.


So was the extra $60 I had to shell out for UMK3 on snes.

I remember unlocking Pong on my copy of MK2. I think one person in Versus mode had to get a 100 win streak. It was... Not worth it.

The PS and Saturn versions were even less "consumer friendly." The PS had MK3, and the Saturn had UMK3. I guess Trilogy kind of included all that for PS, but still.
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