SteveMeister said:
Shog, that's gorgeous work! Got any more you can show us?
Not much cars. I haven't done many cars since I left school. Here's a few still left in my hard drive:
Please don't mind the lopsided wheels in that last render. I was so eager to see how this new program (Alias Sketchbook Pro) renders that I started to color a crappy quicky sketch even though the wheels were drawn badly. DON'T DO IT FOLKS! Bad habit!
Pimpwerx said:
Shog: What kind of wheels do you have these days. If I remember from your HG days, you were in the Ferrari club, no? PEACE.
Wha? I think you've confused me with some rich bastard. I drive an old Corolla.

Living in LA traffic, I want to spend as little time on the road as possible, and I put my money on other toys than cars.