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Most obnoxious bumper sticker in AZ.

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Some old lady was in the left lane today proving that satan is very real and likes oldsmobile. I was bored so I started studying her car and there was all kinds of stupid shit on it, but what really got me was her bumper sticker:

"Driving under the influence of Angels"


This is one of the reasons why us christians shouldn't use bumper stickers.

1) they're typically very lame
2) like vanity plates they give off an air of superiority
3) if you happen to pull some stupid move or cut somebody off you're not helping to improve the image of christians

You know, you'd think peyote would be the big thing in arizona.
bumper stickers arent very flattering since people pick them because they feel it identifies them. Buddy, if you can be described in one shitty joke sentence, end yourself.


bumper stickers in general ruin cars. unless you're wacko leftist/rightist, then the more the better!


Bumper stickers are allmost invariably stupid. Why the hell do people think I care that their crap car climbed Mt. Washington? I saw one on a jeep the other day that said "It's a Jeep Thing, You Wouldn't Understand". Well Jeep man, I guess you win. But you still suck.



People think that they are funny, but in all reality they are drawing to much attention to the fact that they are dumb shits!


It's a reference to Blue Shift, which is either a manifestation of the Doppler effect or an expansion pack for the best-selling game Half-Life


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Iceman said:
You know, you'd think peyote would be the big thing in arizona.

I thought it only grew along the Texas/Mexican border? It grows out there too?

aoi tsuki

Traumahound said:

That's the only bumper sticker I've ever laughed at.
If i ever had a bumper sticker, it'd be something like this. Something that 99% of the population simply wouldn't get. i don't want a bumper sticker that displays my political affiliation or some stupid cliche/joke that's only funny after a few drinks.


I see and hate the following in So Cal


Silly boy, trucks are for girls.

Both of these are typically found on Ford F-350s that are raised on lift kits, and has some drastically stout woman driving it.


"[town name]:
A little piece of heaven."

Your town sucks if you live in So Cal, sorry.
"I saw one on a jeep the other day that said "It's a Jeep Thing, You Wouldn't Understand". Well Jeep man, I guess you win. But you still suck."

Holy shit. A friend of my best friend has that on his jeep. :lol

I've made fun of him a bit for having it, but in a way that i dont think he quite caught on to the fact that i was making fun of him.
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