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Most venomous spiders in the world

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Fuck Brown Recluse spider, I live in Virginia and have heard of some being seen around my area.

EDIT: nvm, that's when I was in Georgia for vacation, not Virginia.


I was bit by a brown recluse last year around this time on my arm. I almost died, had to have a blood transfusion. Had jaundice and my red blood cell count was extremely low, think the docs said my cells were attacking the red cells or something. Here are some vids.
WARNING - If you are eating, or just ate, you probably don't want to see these vids

Me before having surgery to get venom or w/e the hell was in my arm, this was around a day or two after the initial bite, I was sent to another hospital out of town.

This is around two weeks after the surgery, the surgeons tried to stitch the skin back together in hopes that it would look normal, the necrosis still overtook that part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIsaRQrUvCA

Had to go to another specialist to have dead flesh removed and skin cleaned. I also had to were a skin vacuum for around 4 months to help it heal correctly/quickly

This is the wound vacuum. I had to carry this around everywhere and a nurse had to come to my house once a week along with me having to travel out of town to the specialist to have it changed/measured once a week. The black thing is a sponge, which would attach itself to the wound and would be painful as hell when they replaced it twice a week.

Now it's just one big long scar.

Category: Comedy



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I was bit by a brown recluse last year around this time on my arm. I almost died, had to have a blood transfusion. Had jaundice and my red blood cell count was extremely low, think the docs said my cells were attacking the red cells or something. Here are some vids.
WARNING - If you are eating, or just ate, you probably don't want to see these vids

Me before having surgery to get venom or w/e the hell was in my arm, this was around a day or two after the initial bite, I was sent to another hospital out of town.

This is around two weeks after the surgery, the surgeons tried to stitch the skin back together in hopes that it would look normal, the necrosis still overtook that part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIsaRQrUvCA

Had to go to another specialist to have dead flesh removed and skin cleaned. I also had to were a skin vacuum for around 4 months to help it heal correctly/quickly

This is the wound vacuum. I had to carry this around everywhere and a nurse had to come to my house once a week along with me having to travel out of town to the specialist to have it changed/measured once a week. The black thing is a sponge, which would attach itself to the wound and would be painful as hell when they replaced it twice a week.

Now it's just one big long scar.

Je sus christ.

Fuck those things. Just googled it and thankfully they're not in my area. Close, though.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
they are? glad to know one bit me at night and left a big fucking hole of flesh in my ankle. brb buying lotto tickets.

This is what scares me the most- being bitten in bed in my sleep. And I like to sleep naked. If a brown recluse bit my wiener I don't know what I would do.


I'm not really afraid of black widows anymore. They're too common.

A cure for necrosis would be something. That's basically a cure for bringing dead rotting skin back to life. Clearly scientists will create a zombie apocalypse trying to find a treatment for brown recluse bites.
I live in a country where most of the houses have Loxosceles Laeta (Chilean recluse), and lots of them, wondering around.

I'm from Chile, summer is starting and this spiders will be everywhere :C
I'm going to the south American next year including the Amazon, and this shit scares the living jebus out of me. The idea of being out in the jungle with no way to get help should you get bitten. I'm particularly worried about the tiny scorpions who are extremely lethal. But snakes are also big no-no, and then you have all sorts of tropical diseases.

I read a story about a couple going to Hawaii got some form of MRSA which nearly killed the woman. Apparantly she had gotten it on the plane. This idea of a staph infection carried on a plane that could have gotten on there from anywhere, is scary. so many things in this world can kill you!
I was bit by a brown recluse last year around this time on my arm. I almost died, had to have a blood transfusion. Had jaundice and my red blood cell count was extremely low, think the docs said my cells were attacking the red cells or something. Here are some vids.
WARNING - If you are eating, or just ate, you probably don't want to see these vids

Me before having surgery to get venom or w/e the hell was in my arm, this was around a day or two after the initial bite, I was sent to another hospital out of town.

This is around two weeks after the surgery, the surgeons tried to stitch the skin back together in hopes that it would look normal, the necrosis still overtook that part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIsaRQrUvCA

Had to go to another specialist to have dead flesh removed and skin cleaned. I also had to were a skin vacuum for around 4 months to help it heal correctly/quickly

This is the wound vacuum. I had to carry this around everywhere and a nurse had to come to my house once a week along with me having to travel out of town to the specialist to have it changed/measured once a week. The black thing is a sponge, which would attach itself to the wound and would be painful as hell when they replaced it twice a week.

Now it's just one big long scar.

Glad you're recovering man. I live in Florida so Brown Recluses are pretty common...fuck...
Just ftr it's the Redback Spider that's said to be found on toilet seats. One more reason to believe that Australia is the result of a death world shooting a continent that was too hardcore to deal with into space. I believe there's a song about it. The redback on the toilet seat that is.


I've been bitten by a baby Redback (felt like I was having an acid flashback) and a white tailed spider (flesh took years to heal properly).

Meanwhile I've deliberately killed hundreds of dangerous spiders and unintentionally killed thousands of others.

I'd say I'm well out in front on the leaderboards.
What about Brown Widow spiders? I had one chilling outside the door one morning. Fucking torched that web and the spider with it. Fuuuuuuck that. Everything about spiders is creepy as fug.



Chick is hawt with a huge spider fetish. I had a buddy that had a live wolf spider as a pet in his bedroom. His wolf spider was allowed to roam his bedroom. Always liked to be under his bed. One night his mom freaked out and killed it broom. Poor spider :(. I found that gif a turn on for some reason.
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