Picked this up yesterday. Overall, I'm digging this new type of Motorstorm. I played the snot out of Motorstorm OG and Pacific Rift, and this is an interesting change of pace.
I've only tackled 3-4 races so far, and as corny as the cut scenes are, I like them better than the biker gang aesthetic from the first game. The racing still feels like Motorstorm even through you're not tearing up sandy beaches or jungles anymore. What has me eager to see each new race isn't the cars, or the environments, its the 3D.
For others like me that have been waiting for a legitimate showpiece for my new 3D TV, it's officially here and very encouraging for the future of gaming 3D. When I ran my buggy through some water spraying from an earthquake shredded street, I had to literally stop myself from wiping my glasses to clear away water. Immersive as hell. Even the iffy cut scenes are in 3D too, and the layering effect is slick enough that I'm suffering through the poor acting.
Can't wait to get home and play more this evening. When PSN finally gets back up, I can see this game being a riot to play online. The course deformation happening on every lap will make for some tense multi-player sessions.