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Liam Cullin (webmaster,
"And the writing. And the directing. I'll give credit to the writers (Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco) for having the balls to put this script on paper and to director Haggis for actually putting it on film. At times the words aren't pretty and the movie is pretty much laced with every racial stereotype you can think of, from blacks to whites to asians to latinos to middle eastern people. Not pretty - and this movie isn't for the faint-hearted. But the message about racial stereotypes and intolerance is loud and clear. (Although I didn't really understand the point of the asian people. It seemed their role was supposed to be more but ended up cut - and not very well.)"
Aaron Licht (some guy who went to the Toronto Film Festival)
"Following multiple lead characters with intersecting stories creates the danger that no single plot line reaches its full dramatic potential. The viewer may expect a gimmicky story arc resulting in all characters coming together at the single climax. Not the case in Crash. Each of the five lead characters have a fully developed story with their own dramatic climax. Grand coincidences of character intersection are easily overlooked for their thematic strength. Its a moving drama with a razor sharp sense of humour. "
Shlomo Schwartzberg (
2/4? stars
"There are some smart scenes in "Crash," such as one in which a black police chief explains why he has to tolerate a racist cop under his command, that are genuinely unsettling and thought-provoking. And there's some good acting in the movie, notably by Sandra Bullock as a lonely, angry housewife and Don Cheadle as a troubled detective. Yet "Crash's" virtues are undone by its heavy-handed symbolic imagery--i.e., the myriad car accidents that occur throughout the film--which generally fails to make meaningful the connections between us all."
Harry Haun (
no score
"Paul Haggis, in a flashy, razzle-dazzle debut as film director, surprises as much as he stuns, unraveling this credibly complex portrait of racial conflicts boiling and bubbling in L.A. of today. He came up the storyline himself, crisscrossing an intricate variety of interlocking plots while still stirring the cauldron of distrust and unrest in this melting pot. The script-by Haggis and producer Bobby Moresco, both men still wearing their Million Dollar Baby Oscar glow-musters some unexpected laughs as well."
Mark Jenkins (Washington City Paper)
no score
"Crude, heavy-handed, and manipulative at every turn, this is one of those Hollywood movies that confuses hostility with honesty. Even Ku Klux Klan members probably have more complicated motivations than the tiresome characters depicted by this array of underemployed bit players."
Emmanuel Levy (
"Lacking subtlety, the film's first part is too blatant in its expositions and too heavy-handed. Every character is on the verge of hysteria or nervous breakdown, which keeps the story tense, but also makes it preachy, predictable, and tiresome in the first chapters. Gradually though, 'Crash' ceases to divide its characters into good and bad, heroes and villains, and situates itself in the ambiguous gray area between black and white, turning victims into aggressors and vice versa."
Rich Cline (
"This is clearly meant to be provocative and challenging, wrestling with difficult issues and approaching the themes from all kinds of angles. The script keeps things nicely grounded in honest reality, avoiding obvious flashpoints for something much more meaningful and resonant. But this means that it's also extremely over-constructed, relying heavily on coincidence and emotional manipulation. Essentially, it's an examination of the symptoms, never touching on causes or solutions. And it gets increasingly heavy and pessimistic as it goes. But the film is so well shot and edited, with such complex dialog and acting, that it still has the power to change the way we see the world."