It's because American obscenity laws are based on what is thought to be sexually gratifying, and it is the opinion of the government of the United States that no one would find such extreme violence or other disturbing content to be sexy. It's also why you sometimes see some pretty fetishistic -- but not conventionally suggestive -- material on television, even in shows ostensibly meant for kids to watch.Considering I can turn on basic cable and watch blood being spewed everywhere on almost every crime drama or cop show, as well as shows like Bones and Supernatural, but the mere thought of a nipple accidentally showing on live TV sends the country into a tizzy... All I gotta say is, we need to work on the fucking puritan ideas. This is ridiculous.
My parents were pretty relaxed towards sex and that kind of explicit stuff in movies over violence.
The odd thing about that being I was way more awkward watching a sexually charged scene with them in the room compared to violence.
I find that fascinating
Attitudes towards sex in a specific culture don't always relax over time. I wouldn't be all that surprised if the coming generation of kids is more conservative about sex than their parents (our gen) or grandparents (teenagers from the 60-70s).
I've seen "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife" in my 8th grade history book, uncensored, and that's fine, but any small amount of nudity on photos in the same book are completely censored.
Is seeing a pair of boobs really that damaging?
Seems like seeing a penis is even worse! D:Is seeing a pair of boobs really that damaging?
This is the real reason these ratings exist. It's not about whether or not sexual or violent imagery harms children (we all know it doesn't), it's about parental embarassment; and adults feeling weirded out by their kids' sexualities.
I wonder how Americans react to classical art like this:
Heh, show your 11 year old child the wolf of wall street, lets see how he or she turns out dad.
You can poke an eye out with one of those.Is seeing a pair of boobs really that damaging?
American parents are stupid. This is not new news.
Dude, when I saw my first boob online when I was 13, it changed my life forever. I started questioning everything about myself and life.
Then I saw a Neogaf sized penis and I stopped questioning everything as I became enlightened.
The penis is evil! It shoots seeds.
I wonder how Americans react to classical art like this:
It's like the moment breeders ejaculate and fertilize an egg they forget the first 18 (possibly 40) years of their lives. lmao.
What is a NeoGAF sized penis? Asking for a friend of course.
Long and hard and full of seamen!This is a good representation.
Long and hard and full of seamen!
Who has kids when they're 40?It's like the moment breeders ejaculate and fertilize an egg they forget the first 18 (possibly 40) years of their lives. lmao.
Who has kids when they're 40?
That's super lame, in my opinion the latest a should have kids is early to mid 30s in order to have fun and enjoy life with them without getting tired all the times.My parents, coworkers, and friends.
I wonder how Americans react to classical art like this:
Violence is cool though
Yay jumping to conclusions.
I wonder how Americans react to classical art like this:
I remember watching Netflix' Daredevil and they wouldn't show a girl's nipple but I got to see gruesome murders and even brains splattered in the pavement. But a nipple from the boob of a perfectly healthy woman is where we draw the line.When I was 11 years old, my father took me to see a Charles Bronson film. It was the most realistically violent thing I'd ever witnessed up until that time and it really left an impression on me. Oh, but no worries, because he made me cover up my eyes during the sex scenes.
well violence didn't get them into their current predicaments, did it?
American parents are morons. They worry about their 12 year old son seeing a sex scene in a rated R movie and will do anything to prevent him from seeing a hollywood movie with too much explicit content. Meanwhile, he's watching hardcore porn on his iPad and mobile phone unbeknownst to them.
I wonder how Americans react to classical art like this: