fury road is a good one. thats another world that i could just live inSomeone already mentioned Winter Soldier, but damn is that a good movie. Best MCU movie for me by a landslide. I could recite it by now.
Mad Max: Fury Road is another for me. Also Sucker Punch. That movie gets a lot of hate, I know, but I genuinely love it. It's super fun. Tron: Legacy is also underrated and I could watch it back to back and just never get tired of the visuals and the incredible score.
Interstellar for me. I love that movie and can watch it over and over again.
That little maneuver will cost you 4 hours!If Interstellar is playing on a station when browsing I can't help but watch the whole thing.
That little maneuver will cost you 4 hours!
Prestige is my number 1 favorite movie! Its magic (heh).CTRL+F Prestige
GAF I am Disappoint
Hot Fuzz>SoTD! Fite meShaun Of The Dead is the only thing that comes to mind. I always pick up on extra little things each time I see it.
Other than not, nah.
like what you like, crush the spines of your haters and snort their bone mealMight get some hate but......John wick and Avengers Infinity war and.........the first matrix.
By Die Hard in Space, I'm of course referring to the original Alien movie. Because it is the movie Die Hard, just from the Alien's perspective.I like Die Hard in Space. Good flick
I like how you think.![]()
Reason mindfuck of a movie.
Dumb and Dumber.
Bourne movies average a big moment almost every scene, let that sink in, most good movies average maybe 1 or 2 big moments, and so I'm willing to watch Bourne movies.
bumping this thread (it's a good one)Blade Runner does this for me. it's the atmosphere, the aesthetic, the sets, the music... everything. i think atmosphere is the biggest reason though. i just want to live in that movie. also Rocky, its my favorite movie and for whatever reason i never get tired of it. im not even sure why for that one, except that i just really love it and its inspiring. a guy i used to work with said he started The Winter Soldier right back up after watching it for the first time
what are yours?