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Movies you didn't realise were your favourite until like the 5th time you watched it?


I've watched The Descendants about half a dozen times. Each time I didn't really think it was my favorite movie, I just loved watching it. I didn't think too much about it in terms of it being a favorite or anything. I just put it on from time to time.

Then on the most recent viewing it hit me: how is this not my favorite movie?

You guys ever experience this before? I guess it would only really happen with movies that don't blow you away, but just sits in your subconsciousness for a while.
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Batman Returns really got better during the last couple of showings I saw in the theater. I always considered it great but Batman superior but I'm starting to have my doubts - it's incredibly funny I was chuckling out loud in anticipation of the dialogue.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Blade Runner to be honest. I watched it when I was younger but was like eh dafuq is dis shit and seen some parts of it on TV througout the years but never rly got into it until 5 years ago or something when I decided to get it and watch it again. Love it. Should rewatch it again.


Not five times but the first time I saw napoleon dynamite I was bored to tears. I was like the only guy in the theater dead silent. Watched it again a couple weeks later and I've loved it ever since. No idea what changed to be honest.
Blade Runner to be honest. I watched it when I was younger but was like eh dafuq is dis shit and seen some parts of it on TV througout the years but never rly got into it until 5 years ago or something when I decided to get it and watch it again. Love it. Should rewatch it again.

Yeah. Specifically the Director's Cut (or whichever one shelved the voice-over by Ford). I always thought it was cool but never paid enough attention.

On like the third or fourth watch I really paid attention and by the end I was convinced it was one of, if not the best, films ever.

Not five times but the first time I saw napoleon dynamite I was bored to tears. I was like the only guy in the theater dead silent. Watched it again a couple weeks later and I've loved it ever since. No idea what changed to be honest.

The comedy is almost British in a way. It's absurd but also cringe but also not *too* absurd.

I still randomly say "I bet I can chuck this over them mountains" whenever I'm carrying some heavy shit and struggling.
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Die Hard.
Got it when it released on VHS, and just watched it over and over without thinking too much about it, except that it was very enjoyable. Didn't even realize it was a classic since it was pre-internet (for me at least), and Bruce Willis wasn't even a known actor back then.


Blade Runner to be honest. I watched it when I was younger but was like eh dafuq is dis shit and seen some parts of it on TV througout the years but never rly got into it until 5 years ago or something when I decided to get it and watch it again. Love it. Should rewatch it again.
ppl in rain with lighty up umbrellas, holograms and over dramatic robots. why we teaching human sized toasters shakespare? people talking about candles burning, owls and tortoises in deserts

book was great, along with the film

Patrick S.

This is completely serious: Blade Runner with the Harrison Ford voiceover. I watched it as a kid and found it fascinating but boring, and the more I rewatched it, the more I loved it.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
One of favorites: Drive. The first I watched it, in theaters, I thought it was pretentious and wasted too much time on a bizarre love story. But after a few more watches I began to appreciate the finer notes of it, if you will, and grew enamored with the visual style and direction. The ending even hit me a little hard after a few rewatches, once I really digested everything.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Contact. As a kid, I would say I hated it but that is because the ambiguity of the climax fucked with me. In truth I was fascinated by it

It's a very thoughtful movie that had a profound impact on the way I think and my worldview.


Snake Oil Salesman

That movie gets better and better every time I watch it. Jim Caveziel was perfect for that role (naive, good hearted, psycho).


Not five times but the first time I saw napoleon dynamite I was bored to tears. I was like the only guy in the theater dead silent. Watched it again a couple weeks later and I've loved it ever since. No idea what changed to be honest.
My all time favorite comedy. The scene where he has the action figure tied up in his trapper keeper and tosses it out the bus window to watch it bounce is my all time favorite scene. I crack up every single time I see it. It speaks to my childhood in so many ways.
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