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Movies you wish existed


a highlander sequel that actually works with the first one and world builds the immortals and living through the ages

3rd aliens, predator & terminator sequels that live up to the legacy, characters and themes of the first 2 movies

more pulp fiction

Bonus - and on tv

a series of woody h & Matthew m true detective tales


Gold Member
American MacGee's Alice



As much as I hate current Wizards of the Coast, Magic the Gathering movies would be epic if done correctly. I'd start with the brothers' war.

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The Man from UNCLE 2. Arnie Hammer will be recast if it even has a chance of being made though. Had some really amazing scenes courtesy of Guy Ritchie:


Robocop and Inspector Gadget, the buddy cop film

Star Wars Hand of Thrawn trilogy (proper Legends continuity not a "close enough version twisted to fit Disney canon)


Here is my wishlist:

1) "Bane - The Movie" with Tom Hardy

2) "Shadow over Innsmouth" by Guillermo del Toro - starring Tom Hardy

3) A crossover movie with Baby Groot and Baby Yoda

4)"Bucky - The Movie" starring Bucky and Tom Hardy as the villain

What's yours?

Zac McKracken - The Movie starring Tom Holland or Maniac Mansion xD
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Gold Member
This would have been one that needed a movie back when practical effects were still being used in 90% of cinema (pre-90's): film adaptation of Stephen King's short story Grey Matter. I know an indie company pushed to try making it into a movie a few years back but it may never get the full push.

Other than that, not really a movie that "never existed" but finding the full version will likely never happen: Director's cut of 'Cobra.' The uncut film is practically a whole different movie but for many reasons it will likely never be released.
They did Grey Matter in the new Creepshow tv show. Not a lot of effects but they looked practical with some cg enhancement.

And tell me more about this alternate Cobra....


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I want the LOTR treatment to Dragonlance. It’s an amazing series and Rastlin on the big screen could be a huge fucking hit with mainstream audiences.
This is exactly the first thing that popped into my head.


Junior Member
This is exactly the first thing that popped into my head.
Yup, but it can’t be half assed like previous D&D movies. It needs to be treated seriously and not slapstick cheap bs.

After that, jump over to Forgotten Realms and do Icewind Dale. Maybe do a prequel just for Drizzt and his origin story. There are so many great stories to tell.


Holy shit you people. No wonder we get nothing new from Hollywood, apparently all you want to watch is more sequels, spin-offs and cape shit.

I would love to see a movie about the rival Koreatown gangs coming together during the LA Riots to secure and protect their homes and shops from the pillaging and burning. Of course this would never be made in Hollywood for obvious reasons.
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More franchises that are run by fans of the source material.

Basically I just wish more companies took Marvel's approach with a main show runner like Kevin Feige and people who genuinely are fans of the source material. That would solve so many issues with game movies in particular. WB kinda had this with Zach Snyder but systematically undermined it while refusing to take any accountability: the evidence is there BvS's theatrical cut sucked because it got butchered to allow more buts in seats with a shorter run time and then WB used that as an excuse to hack up Justice League once Zach stepped down for personal reasons. Disney could have done the same with Feige but they were smart enough to just let him do his thing.


advanced basic bitch
A real sequel to Aliens. Not the garbage we got.

A sequel to Labyrinth while Bowie was still around and healthy. I don't think Labyrinth needs a sequel but I keep hearing they are going to do one anyway. It's not got a chance without Bowie imo.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Make it in the late 90s with early CGI effects for the submarine scenes lol.
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Guillermo del Toro's AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS starring Tom Cruise
THIS, such a goddamn missed opportunity... Don't know about Tom Cruise as the lead guy though, might be a bit too smooth. Guillermo's take on The Hobbit is also a painful near-miss

BTW The Call of Cthulthu could also be a great Indiana Jones type adventure movie

King Conan with Arnold Schwarzenegger, directed by John Milius, and scored by Basil Paledouris. :messenger_pensive:

This should also definitely be made, I wonder why it never got off the ground

Dark Souls: The Movie (but would probably work better as a Netflix series like The Witcher)


With Dark Souls the gameworld is definitely ripe for cinema, but I do wonder if it's possible to capture the feel of the gameplay and translate that into a movie. Unless you make a movie with two dozen protagonists who all die like dogs.

Dark Star

With Dark Souls the gameworld is definitely ripe for cinema, but I do wonder if it's possible to capture the feel of the gameplay and translate that into a movie. Unless you make a movie with two dozen protagonists who all die like dogs.
Haha yes! Each episode would focus on a different type of character: Knight, pyromancer, thief, sorcerer, weakling, nomadic bow and arrow hunter, etc. They would all die and win in different ways, and the story/lore would intertwine all of them as a team.
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Haha yes! Each episode would focus on a different type of character: Knight, pyromancer, thief, sorcerer, weakling, nomadic bow and arrow hunter, etc. They would all die and win in different ways, and the story/lore would intertwine all of them as a team.
Excellent idea! Hire this man plz studios
A true sequel to Beast Master. Keep the fantasy horror style with only natural light used to film scenes. This world was made for continuation of creatures, witches/warlocks, and barbaric sword fights. Rated R only because the studio had to edit stuff to avoid NC-17.
That’s the dream anyways....


Let's see:
  • a mega man legends movie
  • another vampire hunter d movie
  • a princess mononoke sequel
  • a surf ninja sequel
  • a summer wars sequel
  • a gambit movie
  • a storm x-men origin movie
  • a baki movie
  • a professor snape movie (the lily storyline was great i think)
  • a voldemort movie
  • a tmnt shredder foot clan origin movie
  • a hawkeye movie during the blink period ( he seemed so badass in the asian fight scene)
  • a yukio movie from deadpool ( so adorable)
  • a new street fighter movie
  • a zelda movie by ghibli
  • a devil may cry movie
  • a onimusha movie
  • mr. freeze movie
  • poison ivy movie
  • I'd like another Akuma movie
  • m bison

I could go on and on. I really like the idea of bad guy origin movies or bad guys being bad ass. Like why don't we have a vader movie with him just straight wrecking everyone.


I'd love to see the Red Alert series made into a gritty Saving Private Ryan style movie. A serious narrator talking about something serious happening while a squad of dolphins attacks a gunboat or psychic war bears attack a camp.
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1. Hard Boiled, based on the comic by Frank Miller & Geof Darrow. Supposedly it was in some kind of development years ago and there was talk about Nic Cage being attached, but I have no idea if any of that was true. This would be amazing if done well - an animated version would be incredible as well!

2. I want to see a movie like "Attack of the 50 ft Woman" done to the nines with modern tech. I haven't seen that one nor know the story, so maybe just do a totally fresh take - but honestly I'd love a film where there are two towering people clobbering the bejeezus out of one another (think 2X Ant Mans). I can appreciate why this hasn't been done yet (it would be very expensive to do it well, to the point I'd like to see). No monsters, no aliens, no robots, just two HUGE people duking it out over a metropolis, getting knocked over and destroying a city block in the process, etc. while the military tries uselessly to contain them.

EDIT: Great topic OP!
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