The working classes are deserting labour in their droves to vote to give the far right a mandate to radically rechange the constitution of the country.
Corbyn has presided over this. 2 out of 3 Labour councils voted to leave. It is an absolute disgrace to the name of the party, and a betrayal of working class people across britain.
We are the ones who are allowing this to happen. A strong labour party and this would never have happened in a million years.
The Leadership is entirely disconnected from the normal people of northern britain, and increasingly in wales. All of the things that Corbyn's supporters like about him, the voters on the doorstep detest about him. I know this first hand. I've knocked on doors. I've campaigned. I've heard the abuse directed at him.
He has lost control of everything except a sycophantic, middle class, alien party membership. He quite simply has to resign, and if that means taking those members with him then it's a price worth paying. This country needs a strong labour party if we're going to avoid a drift into a century of right wing politics.