1) We can agree to disagree. Although MRNA therapy may get to the same answer, the math is different enough for me to make the distinction.
Yes, and that distinction is "mRNA vaccine" compared to "adenovirus vaccine," not "make up a new word for this over a pedantic dispute about how the proteins got made." It's like "electric car," we can distinguish it from "cars" in general, but just because it's electric doesn't mean it's a lamp post and not a car.
Can we unpack the REAL reason you don't want to use the word "vaccine," here?
Also, if they were so interchangeable with one another, FDA approval would be all systems go already, don't ya think? How's that working out?
It's working out extremely well. FDA approval requires two full years from the
start date of Phase III trials, which is still more than a year out, but so far all of the data is obviously overwhelmingly good, and full approval is pretty much guaranteed at the end of the waiting period.
2) For your citation request, a two second web search pops up articles like:
Scientists have said the infections are rare, but also to be expected during a mass vaccination program.
"Although vaccines have been shown to prevent COVID illness
in clinical trials, they are not 100 percent effective."
You understand there's a difference between "Not 100% effective" and "doesn't give you immunity," right?
No vaccine is 100% effective. But if you take the vaccine your chances of getting it fall 90% and the severity of your symptoms if you do get it also fall similarly. That's because it
fucking gives you immunity.
Am I, though? Let's take a look at the FDA has to say:
Introducing a new or modified gene into the body to help treat a disease
Why rewrite definitions when perfectly good definitions already exist? Oh, that's right, gene therapy is scawwy. Vaccines are neato, just like my flu vax I get every year!
THAT'S NOT WHAT IT DOES DUDE. It's fucking staggering how you can sit here and split hairs about "naturally grown proteins" and "lab grown proteins," and yet you have no problem labeling something that has nothing to do with your genes "Gene Therapy."
We went through this whole conversation and now you're retreating back into made up bullshit. Gene therapy is stuff like CRISPR. It
changes your genes. It's a permanent thing used to treat diseases that have a genetic cause. Gene therapy is a cool, cutting edge field that is being used to treat many previously incurable diseases but it has nothing to do with the Covid vaccine.
These mRNA vaccines are
completely different than that, it's a finite number of mRNA precursors which never enter the cell's nucleus and which produce spike proteins that are expressed from the cell, and then the mRNA breaks down. No genes are modified and each mRNA capsule gets used once and then breaks down. There' NO GENE EDITING.
You hear that?
It's becoming super obvious you have not a clue what you're talking about and you aren't understanding anything that is said to you. You're just parroting the same stupid shit as every idiot Karen on a Facebook QAnon group.