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Ms. Spears, you've gone too far - WAIT YOUR TURN

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Banstick Emeritus

Shocking and appalling.


lol, I like the fact that as she is holding her crotch with one hand, and opening a dirty bathroom doorhandle with the other.. someone is STILL trying to hand her something to autograph!
i have it from good sources that the mysterious person in the bathroom is, in fact, BISHOPtl HIMSELF! Guess he's waiting for ms Britney to come in slob n bob on his knob.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
As much as she sucks, it also sucks that there's some jerkoff following her around everywhere taking pictures. I'm reminded of this quote: "Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him?"


Claus said:
Why is she holding her crotch like that's going to stop a flow of urine from spewing out of her?

I think she is holding up her hammer-pants/dress to make sure it doesn't brush against the ground. She should hold her feet up too!


Dan said:
As much as she sucks, it also sucks that there's some jerkoff following her around everywhere taking pictures. I'm reminded of this quote: "Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him?"

don't call bish a jerkoff!


I'm not sure what's worse. Britnesy hygiene, the fact that some reporter thought it was news-worthy, or the fact that someone decided it was worth posting here!
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