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MSN: Gamers are Fighting Back Against "Hogwarts Legacy" with a Trans-Friendly Fantasy Game Pack-"Trans Witches are Witches"

Their ‘trans women are women’ mantra is the breaking point because if you look at it from the perspective of a bunch of aggressive biological males crying about women not wanting to share vulnerable and competitive spaces with them the absurdity of the entire situation becomes quite clear.
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What time is it?
This thread is hilarious.

Also it's such a terrible, disingenuous, spiteful, hateful take to just lie and call this a "poorly designed game"; this and hi-fi rush have started off 2023 with a huge bang.


Also on a side note, anyone else noticed how the loonies have kind of shut up since the sales and viewership figures came out?.
I'd like to think some of them have been humbled and put in their place, but i'm sure they are working on some kind of retaliation.:messenger_tears_of_joy: (and this card game isnt it)
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Gold Member
Also on a side note, anyone else noticed how the loonies have kind of shut up since the sales and viewership figures came out?.
I'd like to think some of them have been humbled and put in their place, but i'm sure they are working on some kind of retaliation.:messenger_tears_of_joy: (and this card game isnt it)
They've been bundled humble


I have 0 awareness about why the trans community is trying to byocott the game so I guess they have failed.

I don't care though. I'll get the game at some point in the future when it's cheap because I'm not a HP fan but those good reviews intrigue me.

Gaming is not the place to push any kind of ideology, awareness or whatever they want to call it. I'll sign petitions or even donate to change stuff that really matters, though. I'm a supporter of people being recognized for whatever they want. Takes zero effort. It's their business.
Game is literally written and voiced by someone charged with multiple counts of domestic abuse? No big deal.

Game is made with in a universe created by someone who is a real feminist who believes that immutable biological sex is important, but had no actual hand in the game beyond lore-checking? Burn the whole fucking world down.

Maybe High On Life isn't getting the attention because Roiland's wife is an actual, real women and they don't matter to trans extremists. Someone who caused real tangible harm doesn't get the news cycles.
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Question for those who don’t care about internet feuds, is this a bundle a sale or did they just pack together games at their full price?

My interest in saving money overrides any feelings about trans vs anti trans. Much like corporations.


Their ‘trans women are women’ mantra is the breaking point because if you look at it from the perspective of a bunch of aggressive biological males crying about women not wanting to share vulnerable and competitive spaces with them the absurdity of the entire situation becomes quite clear.
It almost feels like a psyop to destroy feminism from within.


Lmao, the Hogwarts devs literally put the most trans, trans I've ever seen in a videogame in the game for the trans and they hate the trans! It's fucking gold!

I'm so glad they can't enjoy the game.

Not only that but there are mods coming out that turn the trans back into a woman. So I hope the trans find out about that too!
That's a bit disappointing, as it somewhat alters the devs intentions. But at the end of the day mods are mods, there will no doubt be tons of nude lewd mods plus others that add more trans characters. Can't hate that!


What time is it?
Question for those who don’t care about internet feuds, is this a bundle a sale or did they just pack together games at their full price?

My interest in saving money overrides any feelings about trans vs anti trans. Much like corporations.

Buy 69 items for $60 Regularly ~$308 Save 80%!
It almost feels like a psyop to destroy feminism from within.
I mean most if not all of this culture war bullshit is being pushed and stoked by the rich and powerful to keep the lower classes divided and fighting amongst themselves rather than fighting to fix the only real issue, class and wealth disparity.

Been that way since before poor yeoman farmers were convinced to fight and die for extremely rich slave owners.


That site is not an official Microsoft site, right? Because that text in a official site would be totally shocking for me.


Can’t Git Gud
12 hours in. Meet 1 lady who spoke with manly voice.
And 1 lady who spoke about her wife. That it. Perfectly fine.
Game is freakin amazing btw


Do they have any other selling argument besides "magic" ? I don't buy games based on politics and their creators, whether they're trans, non-trans, gay, cis, male, female and all the other types.

Make a well-designed and fun game and I buy it. Otherwise
Get Out Theatre GIF by Tony Awards


Gold Member
Lol yeah no thx
Maybe there's a couple of good games in there but the vast majority look like badly made crap by and for the blue hair twitter crowd

I really don't understand one thing:

Let's say you belong to a minority group. Wouldn't it make sense for such a group to try to make a positive impression in any circumstance, so that people perceive them as nice people?

And by positive impression I don't mean doing whatever is needed, regardless if it's right or wrong, just to appeal to the majority group. I'm rather thinking of behaving like nice, sane, likeable people.

It is very unfortunate that this whole Hogwarts controversy sheds a very negative light on the transgender community, by making them look like RABID IDIOTS.

J.K. Rowling is not a transphobe, nor did she ever say something transphobic. It's a simple fact.

This whole Hogwarts controversy isn't actually about transphobia, it's simply about very basic reading comprehension.

Pretty much.
The sad irony of this whole thing is that the irrational, hypocritical, hateful and at times insane way some people have reacted towards this game and those who decide to play it has probably done more to fuel transphobia than Hogwards Legacy or JK Rowling ever could.

It just make me sad for the normal and rational trans people, of which there are many. Social media and these online discussions sometimes make everyone forget that the so called online "trans community" is just a minority of spiteful loonies that don't speak for everyone
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99.9% of the games from social justice itch.io bundles are trash tier, throwaway curiosities at best. There are so many better gaming options you could spend $60 on, but you know what they say about a fool and his/her money.


When it is all said and done, I really want to know what the final sales are for Hogwarts legacy total. That is why they will make another one, because of a crap ton of money it raked in, and all these weird boycotts will just make it easier thanks to the streissand effect.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Chad's makes mods for free.

Villains makes mods for mentally vulnerable and fragile people and charge them, using their mental vulnerability.

Don't be a villain.
Be a Chad.
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Controversial take...

I am beginning to think this trans alphabet stuff are actually making a reputation for themselves of being some of the most hateful, non-inclusive group of people out there. A year or so ago they were attacking comedy, now games.

I am sorry, but I cannot respect the opinions or beliefs of anyone that refuses to do the same for others.
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