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Muramasa Rebirth |OT| Japanese-tastic 2D Vanillaware Action, Reborn in HD


As I'm getting into the game proper now I've got a few questions for wii vets.

1) Any secret areas other than those demon/combat caves/caverns (have seals and tell what level you need to be) that I can miss? I'm not going to my objective areas (just exploring and shit) but I was curious if there were any 1 time events or something.

2) I was pretty beat when I started this last night and I missed the importance of the fullness mechanic. The food looks delicious though and now I suddenly want sushi.

1) Just buy the maps at the shops
2) Fullness is just a cooldown so you can't spam healing items/cooking.


I received my CE from Amazon today... Only to have the box smashed up badly. They packed it in a bubble mailer. Thankfully they already shipped another one out, and I'll get it tomorrow. Please don't be crushed. :(


Um...there was no waggle in the Wii version was there? I played with a Nunchuck + Wiimote and Classic Controller both...

Not to mention Gamecube as well. Used my Gameboy Player controller with its SNES style Dpad. The Vita pad will be a smooth transition me thinks.

Got my LE today, and I usually luck out with these things, as I order something else so they HAVE to put it in a box (Project X Zone was packed in a flimsy box along with the manga "Astro Cat"...but still, it was a box and thus dent free!). Thanks to Aksys's one day shipping delay, this game missed that shipment and wasn't so lucky. Came in a bubble mailer and one side was dented, though I've seen much worse. Still disappointing though. Not sure if I want to send it back for a replacement or tear it open and play it at work or when I get home. :-/


Just some shots I took. I know the pics lose some of their luster blown up but damn if it doesn't look amazing on the screen. Definitely one of the best looking handheld games ever.




I am in love with this game. My VITA truly shines with this gem. Gives me an idea of how beautiful Dragons Crown will look also. Play this game with good headphones gents and ladies or you might miss the wind blowing through the grass as you run through farmer villages or the pitta patta of feet as they swiftly touch the roof tiles of a town at night. Impressive!


Yeah man, from playing Muramasa my hype has become tenfold for Dragons Crown. More characters to choose from, more rpg stuff, and cooperative play. All those sweet graphics and animations too.

Hope it all comes together to make a great game. I'm having a lot of fun with Muramasa now so I know it's got a shot of happening.


Good god, I thought it looked good on Wii but the vividness or color whatever of the OLED and the pixel density make this look absolutely fucking amazing.

I don't know about exactly how many fps it is, but it plays like butter too.


I loved how this game looked on the Wii. Look on vita version is amazing. I'm looking forward to the cross play of Dragons Crown.
This game is fucking incredible. As a fanatic of fine art and the like, I must say this game (and the rest of Vanillaware's games as well) was made for me. The art style, the backgrounds, the enemy designs, the unique effects on each of the swords, the animations, the music, everything is absolutely sublime. It is a visual feast to play this game on the Vita's OLED. It's beautiful, I would say, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I frequently have to stop and take screenshots because everything is so damn gorgeous. Though, the screenshots pale in comparison to the game running on the OLED screen.

All of this makes any qualms that I could have with the controls, the combat system or the copy & paste to be easily overlooked. I think that the combat is very competent for a 2D platformer, but it is greatly overshadowed by the marvelous art design


Beat the game with Kisuke last night. Still have a number of his swords to unlock and challenges to complete. Also, there was a mention of alternate endings depending on which swords you use.

Will come back to Kisuke once I finish with Momohime. This game is already a better value then most AAA titles and it's only 35 dollars and a 459 MB download.


Pretty funny with all the folks complaining about the analog. Feels just like the Wii version to me, and absolutely more natural with the analog than dpad. No issues here.


Holy crap! Played Kisuke's first boss on chaos last night and it was as if he had a million HP. Game is tougher than I thought too... Dunno if I'll even try to platinum it. At best, I'll try to get every trophy but the fury ones and probably end up with a 90%.

Anyway, game is AMAZING. And it came in right in time for my flight this evening. :) So excited to play more tonight.
Stop bumping this thread. It’s torture! ;_;

And man, can't believe I missed the grind spot in Hida in the wii version. With those siren ladies you can get 200 plus exp with every battle and they respawn infinitely right before a save point. Gone from level 14 to 25 in like 30 minutes.

Almost too much to handle, so many new swords to forge.

Edit: And as you level up you actually get more and more exp so it almost takes as long as it did to go from 14 to 15 here as it does to go from 25 to 26. Absurd and wonderful.
Just hit level 40, basically cheating I suppose but it must be intentional given the placement. I bit the Wii version without much grinding, so I'll use that as a justification this time around. Never got the extra endings though.

Woops, meant to edit. Sorry!


Gives all the fucks
I'll have to remember that grinding spot once I reach it. Thanks for mentioning it.

Quick question, how hard is it to beat the game under 3 hours, assuming you go right from point A to B at all times? & which character would be better to do so?
Well it's Friday and looks like I won't be getting it till Monday now. F*** Newegg and The UPS truck they rode in on. Idiots had Friday as the delivery date till this morning then decided to take a day and ship it to 4 different places in my state basically going around me. Ok I'm better now. Hope you all are enjoying it.


Awesome pics Grisby. Did you finish yet? Also, love the stars at night in that lvl of your last pic.
Not yet dawg. I think I might be getting to the halfway point.

Yeah, the stars were pretty neat to see in that level. I wish there was a way to make the HUD disappear for a while though. The two shots without them are right before some cutscene/talky stuff started.
Woot, level 99 reached. Only took about 2 hours of actual play time. Do keep in mind enemy damage scales though, so it's only to be able to unlock the weapons whenever you want really.


Since it looks like the store here isn't guaranteed to be getting the import copies I decided to cut the middleman and order straight from Videogamesplus. It's much cheaper ironically.

I really hope they're still stocked up though. They only say that they ship within 24 hours when a game is in stock but there's no mention if they actually have it. Do they just delist the games when they're not available?


Woot, level 99 reached. Only took about 2 hours of actual play time. Do keep in mind enemy damage scales though, so it's only to be able to unlock the weapons whenever you want really.

So no point in grinding?

I'm playing on Chaos and the 2nd boss gave me fits. I grinded a few levels but it didn't seem to help. I ended beating him eventually.
I'm thinking about getting this game today, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. The combat looks pretty fun and the visuals are amazing, but I did buy Odin Sphere on PSN half a year ago and got bored with it pretty quickly. Would I still like this if I found Odin Sphere to be repetitive and boring?


I tried the caves for the first time. It was the first one I think. The recommended lvl was 9 or above. I went in at lvl 15 and still got owned :(

do I leave these alone until the end?
I know they're tied an ending and the best sword. But the waves never seem to end.

I'm thinking about getting this game today, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. The combat looks pretty fun and the visuals are amazing, but I did buy Odin Sphere on PSN half a year ago and got bored with it pretty quickly. Would I still like this if I found Odin Sphere to be repetitive and boring?

You probably won't like this then.


Sketchbook Picasso
I'm thinking about getting this game today, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. The combat looks pretty fun and the visuals are amazing, but I did buy Odin Sphere on PSN half a year ago and got bored with it pretty quickly. Would I still like this if I found Odin Sphere to be repetitive and boring?

You could. Watch some gameplay vids of the game if you really want to see.

The combat feels more like it's a focus in this game to me, and while the love of showing off how AWESOME food / making stuff is, is still part of the game, it's all quick, and not as detrimental.

While it still has backtracking, it's not a forced re-tread in the same way as Odin Sphere.

Also doesn't appear to have any technical issues, such as Odin Sphere's lag-aggravating last boss. Game always runs smooth!

I tried the caves for the first time. It was the first one I think. The recommended lvl was 9 or above. I went in at lvl 15 and still got owned :(

do I leave these alone until the end?
I know they're tied an ending and the best sword. But the waves never seem to end.

I remembered hating this spot on the Wii game with Momohime, and it's part of why I stopped playing! But this time:
what worked for me, is the fact that you can jump to meet the monks mid-air, and with a long sword, combo them from one side of the room, to the other. Unlike ground combat, you won't be getting poked in the back, hit by falling monks, or have your swords broken this way. Continue to run / air dash away, and let the monks come to you. Meet them mid-air, and then slash away!

Another bonus tactic
Use the weapon-switch Full screen cut when a new group appears, and then toss something like "New Moon" ability fireballs though the juggled enemies over and over. You will be able to kill off all the monks that just spawned on screen, while still keeping the offscreen ones, who are now approaching, at bay.

Hope that helps some! It actually gave me a new appreciation of the depth of the fighting engine / enemy strategy...
So no point in grinding?

I'm playing on Chaos and the 2nd boss gave me fits. I grinded a few levels but it didn't seem to help. I ended beating him eventually.

It's worth it in that the weapons you can forge will makes things easier to some degree given their improved powers. Just don't expect to then fly through the game because there is some major scaling in place.


Momohime definitely has a much harder time starting out. Her evil caves are generally much harder than the ones on Kisuke's side, and her bosses tend to be annoying pricks like Ippondatara who just love to break your sword outright, while Kisuke's bosses are pretty easy and a lot of his early sword arts are oh so exploitable (especially cyclone/gale and all of it's variants!)


Thanks for the advice guys.

Momohime definitely has a much harder time starting out. Her evil caves are generally much harder than the ones on Kisuke's side, and her bosses tend to be annoying pricks like Ippondatara who just love to break your sword outright, while Kisuke's bosses are pretty easy and a lot of his early sword arts are oh so exploitable (especially cyclone/gale and all of it's variants!)

Lol! I wish I read this before starting.. I'm rolling with Momohime myself.


got my LE last night, and have to say this game is phenomenal on the Vita. Pretty funny how the best looking game to come out all year is a Vita port of a Wii game. Not crazy about the LE pack-ins, but they're nice to have.


need some help, what exactly is the effect of the skills revenge/retribution ? the skulls just float around you and don't hurt the enemy like wasp fire/faerie bolt.


need some help, what exactly is the effect of the skills revenge/retribution ? the skulls just float around you and don't hurt the enemy like wasp fire/faerie bolt.

When you block something while the skulls are out, they shoot out homing projectiles. The skill isn't that great, imo.


I loved how this game looked on the Wii. Look on vita version is amazing. I'm looking forward to the cross play of Dragons Crown.

Dragon's Crown won't have Cross play but you will be able to share your save file between the Vita and PS3 versions


I got it today and played it for around an hour and holy crap does it look amazing. The amount of layers of art each screen has is incredible, and then couple that with the Vita's great screen, woah. Not to mention I find Vanillaware's art to be fantastic in the first place.

The music is great too and I made sure to put on some great headphones as suggested.

I couldn't be happier with this right now, lol.


Lol wasn't expecting that to happen. (Act 4 ending boss spoilers)
Ending up in a hot springs with the Boar boss got a pretty big laugh from me.

I'll eventually be able to get to all of these locked areas with the swords right? I thought I got a green blade but I guess it's a differnt shade of green or something.
I got it today and played it for around an hour and holy crap does it look amazing. The amount of layers of art each screen has is incredible, and then couple that with the Vita's great screen, woah. Not to mention I find Vanillaware's art to be fantastic in the first place.

The music is great too and I made sure to put on some great headphones as suggested.

I couldn't be happier with this right now, lol.

i bought the pulse elite yesterday to check it out since i had heard good things

and Murumasa is a fucking great sounding game but especially like that. Even my cheaper headphones makes it that much better.

Loving basically every part of this game, even though I had played a ton of the wii version


How does this control on Vita? I see a post on this page references that people are complaining about the analog.

Like a charm. I played through the whole thing just fine on the analog, but all the controls are fully customizable if you don't like the default.


The Wii game is in my top 10 favorite games this gen.

I want this game so bad, but I think it's still too early for me to get a Vita.


Hooray, so glad to see the love for this game is strong. It's my favourite Wii game and one of the best games of this generation IMO. It's just so beautiful and is an absolutely joy to play, experience and be immersed in. The art draws you into this magical interpretation of the Genroku era and, combined with the swordplay, the game is simply mesmerising.

My copy is in the post...hopefully it arrives soon!

RE: Control complaints. Not sure how the Vita's analog stick will compare to the Wii's one for this game, but I played through the whole game on Wii using the analog stick.
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