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Muramasa Rebirth |OT| Japanese-tastic 2D Vanillaware Action, Reborn in HD

Playing for the first time in Chaos mode and holy shit this first boss seems impossible. Any tricks to beating him? I just memorize the pattern and try to get a few standing shots in here and there but I can't really get any combos off. But he eventually hits me enough times to kill me.


Playing for the first time in Chaos mode and holy shit this first boss seems impossible. Any tricks to beating him? I just memorize the pattern and try to get a few standing shots in here and there but I can't really get any combos off.

Momohime or Kisuke? I imagine it's the latter, in which case you need to apply a little bit of hit and run in between attacks, as that boss isn't very combo friendly. Also, abuse the hell out of the cyclone secret art; you're fully invincible during it and can deal lots of damage, plus you can spam it right as it ends and you won't get hit.


RE: Control complaints. Not sure how the Vita's analog stick will compare to the Wii's one for this game, but I played through the whole game on Wii using the analog stick.

I was kind of wondering this, I don't have a Vita so can't play but was curious since action can get pretty heavy at times how the small nub compares to the Wii. One of the challenges literally had like 15-20 waves of enemies and wore out my finger with the nunchuk. Really want to get this version though just for the new characters available.


Any tips for Momohime's third boss (
)? Just having a bit of issue and not sure if I'm just too weak or approaching the fight incorrectly.


Any tips for Momohime's third boss (
)? Just having a bit of issue and not sure if I'm just too weak or approaching the fight incorrectly.

He's a jerk. What I did was that I equipped swords with arts that hit multiple times (wasp and faerie bolt are great for this) and just mashed at him, then used an art every time he was about to counter, which is usually enough to break his sword and juggle him for a while.

Also, hope you don't mind that I borrowed your thread title from the original Muramasa thread.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Btw are the DLC characters out already? Buddy of mine said he checked PSN but wasnt able to find them.
Momohime or Kisuke? I imagine it's the latter, in which case you need to apply a little bit of hit and run in between attacks, as that boss isn't very combo friendly. Also, abuse the hell out of the cyclone secret art; you're fully invincible during it and can deal lots of damage, plus you can spam it right as it ends and you won't get hit.

Yep, Kisuke. Guess I just have to do the lame hit and run. Thanks.


Yep, Kisuke. Guess I just have to do the lame hit and run. Thanks.

If you really want to be more aggressive against him, remember that dash attacks go through enemies. For that boss, it's pretty easy to do basic ground attacks, then dash through them before he attacks, leaving him vulnerable since all his attacks have a long recovery time.

Btw are the DLC characters out already? Buddy of mine said he checked PSN but wasnt able to find them.

Nope. No dates either, I wouldn't expect a thing until after VW are done with Dragon's Crown.


My copy was waiting for me when I got home yesterday, put a few hours into it already and it's even better than I remember it on Wii. Jump button feels right as opposed to strictly using up. So gorgeous too. I've actually been using the dash and roll a lot more this time around, makes for more satisfying fights.


Gives all the fucks
How does this control on Vita? I see a post on this page references that people are complaining about the analog.
You can switch it to the D-pad, which is what I did & had it so items are selected via analog stick.

I assume I should wait until I get all the barriers to start backtracking for stuff like collecting all the accessories and beating all those demon caves (already beat 2 of them, one of which I was about 25 levels over the recommendation).


I assume I should wait until I get all the barriers to start backtracking for stuff like collecting all the accessories and beating all those demon caves (already beat 2 of them, one of which I was about 25 levels over the recommendation).

Yup. Part of accessory collection includes re-fighting every boss in the game, since they become available to fight again after you've gotten ending A for a character, so it's best to leave it for postgame since
you unlock the ability to warp everywhere.


Yup. Part of accessory collection includes re-fighting every boss in the game, since they become available to fight again after you've gotten ending A for a character, so it's best to leave it for postgame since
you unlock the ability to warp everywhere.
Wait, really? I've wasted so much time backtracking. :(


You can switch it to the D-pad, which is what I did & had it so items are selected via analog stick.

I tried this last night and it didn't go so well. I was having a hard time aiming those diagonals correctly. I'll give it another shot today.

Putting block on L and dodge on R definitely helped a lot.


Gives all the fucks
Yup. Part of accessory collection includes re-fighting every boss in the game, since they become available to fight again after you've gotten ending A for a character, so it's best to leave it for postgame since
you unlock the ability to warp everywhere.
Oh wow, yeah, totally gonna wait until I beat the game to do stuff if I'm able to do that for getting the best ending.

As for making blades, are there any that are made available for doing certain things aside from beating bosses?


You can get some blades from beating a few evil caves during post-game, but other than that most of them are tied to boss fights.

Since someone is bound to forget the names, these are the blades you need to have equipped to get Endings B and C for each character.

Ending B:
The Threads of Fate
Descent in Misery
You get one of each for beating a character's Ending A.

Ending C:
Oboro Muramasa
The final sword, requires all 107 other swords to forge.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
If you really want to be more aggressive against him, remember that dash attacks go through enemies. For that boss, it's pretty easy to do basic ground attacks, then dash through them before he attacks, leaving him vulnerable since all his attacks have a long recovery time.

Nope. No dates either, I wouldn't expect a thing until after VW are done with Dragon's Crown.

Damn ok so its not out yet, thank sfor the reply back!


Any tips for Momohime's third boss (
)? Just having a bit of issue and not sure if I'm just too weak or approaching the fight incorrectly.

Don't use long swords. Regular swords will hit him fast enough that you will be able to break his sword. After that just go combo heavy until you can hit him up in the air and then abuse the air dash to combo him some more. It's easy enough to tell when he is starting up a move so roll, jump or preferably dash out of the way.


3 hours in and every time I get to a new section I stop and gaze lovingly at the scenery. Even the cooking looks fantastic, really shows off the OLED.


3 hours in and every time I get to a new section I stop and gaze lovingly at the scenery. Even the cooking looks fantastic, really shows off the OLED.

I always get a little hungry whenever I see that food. It all looks so warm and delicious.


Note to self, don't attempt Cave of Evil challenges if you're 5 levels below the recommended level.
Forgot how much I hated Tengu until now.


To people who played the Wii version, is there anything different about this version that makes it worth getting?

Judging from the OP, the new characters are DLC?
To people who played the Wii version, is there anything different about this version that makes it worth getting?

Judging from the OP, the new characters are DLC?

Jump button makes the game so much more enjoyable for me. Most of the controls are remappable, I have evade on R and Block on L for example. Really changes the flow.

Other than that there's nothing new gameplay wise. I honestly think the new translation alone makes this version worth getting. It adds a lot of flavor to the story and it comes off as considerably more sinister in general.

The DLC doesn't seem to be done, and won't be for a while. Isn't out in Japan either.


On act 6 or 7, can't remember lol. Getting near the end of the map though so I think I'm closing in on Momohime's ending. Rocking 3 regular swords because I cant stand Long Swords, too damn slow.

I do have some complaints in that I seem to be facing the same variety of enemies (although they did introduce two new 'big' guys) and some of the environments have sorta started repeating. Oh, and it blows when an enemy goes off screen yet you can still attack them. I hate not seeing them.

Other then that I've been having fun. I've been wondering what the translation of the Wii version was like in some scenes compared to Rebirth. It's pretty decent stuff.


Are there towns, or NPC's or side quests?
Small one screen 'towns' where you can buy shit. There are a few NPC's here and there but it's mostly moving through environments killing dudes till you get to a boss. No side quests but there are optional demon cave challenges.


Should you be progressing through both character's stories side by side, or should you simply do one and then knock out the other's? Or does it not matter at all?


Passing metallic gas
Playing for the first time in Chaos mode and holy shit this first boss seems impossible. Any tricks to beating him? I just memorize the pattern and try to get a few standing shots in here and there but I can't really get any combos off. But he eventually hits me enough times to kill me.

Lmao pauly. I started on chaos. Get it together son. Use the teleport slashes to switch sides on him when he's about to attack..jump float teleport slash to dodge him when he goes airborne.


Gives all the fucks
Finished Momohime's story last night. Tried exploring some more, but remembered I can't break the white barriers. Think I might just deal with getting the trophy for the sea monster, then change characters.

Any suggestion as to which cave of evil to do for not taking damage. I could've SWORN I did it for the God of Pestilence, especially since I was immune to poison and it showed I had full health, but the trophy didn't pop up.
I grabbed this and I know it's been said before, but this game is ridiculously gorgeous. Started Momohime's story on Chaos, and I'm enjoying it so far. Just finished her second boss.


3 hours in and every time I get to a new section I stop and gaze lovingly at the scenery. Even the cooking looks fantastic, really shows off the OLED.

Those food scenes made me want to try japanese food so bad. And they always made me hungry, especially with Momohime's VA making it sound James Franco pie gif good.


Finished Momohime's story last night. Tried exploring some more, but remembered I can't break the white barriers. Think I might just deal with getting the trophy for the sea monster, then change characters.

Any suggestion as to which cave of evil to do for not taking damage. I could've SWORN I did it for the God of Pestilence, especially since I was immune to poison and it showed I had full health, but the trophy didn't pop up.

God of Pestilence is by far the easiest, but you still have to not get hit by the mist even when immune, cause it counts as getting hit even if it does no damage.


Gives all the fucks
God of Pestilence is by far the easiest, but you still have to not get hit by the mist even when immune, cause it counts as getting hit even if it does no damage.
Alright, guess I'll try again. Rather annoying there's no "restart" option, so you pretty much just have to beat him, then try again.

Reason bout the whole 4 character DLC thing was wondering earlier even though got an answer on that its not out yet was at amazon its there in the description.

"Additional Characters - Play in four additional scenarios as different characters!"

Wow, yeah, they need to change it to state they're DLC characters. Not even the back of the game box states the characters, let alone the fact there's DLC.

Speaking of which, it mentions the touchscreen can be used. What exactly are they referring to? Perhaps one of the DLC characters allows you to use it?

Awesome, no damage during a cave of evil, beat the sea monster, and
met the mermaid.
Back to exploring around as Momohime.


Okay, so quick question. I just finished the game as Momohime. Does Kisuke share the same save slot or will loading my game and picking Kisuke get rid of Momohime's save?


These enemies...



This music...

Seasonal Beauties




Those enemies are
huge exp sacks that give tons of exp per kill and are forced encounters, so they're GREAT for powerleveling. You cab easilly get a few extra levels farming them for a few minutes!


Those enemies are
huge exp sacks that give tons of exp per kill and are forced encounters, so they're GREAT for powerleveling. You cab easilly get a few extra levels farming them for a few minutes!

Yeah, actually, I remembered doing this back on the Wii version. When I got to them again on this version I said to myself, "Wasn't there something up with these guys...?". After the first battle concluded with them, I was like, "Oh, yeah...". =D


Gives all the fucks
What's that music that plays when you're
traveling up in the clouds to fight that boss that looks like she has the same body type as the Amazon from Dragon's Crown?
Probably one of my favorite songs in the game.

& looks like I've done everything I can with Momohime for the time being, at least until I can break white barriers.
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