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Muramasa Rebirth |OT| Japanese-tastic 2D Vanillaware Action, Reborn in HD


Just beat the 2 campaigns. Damn, now the game REALLY starts huh? Starting to unlock the white barriers and the more awesome swords. This game is just fantastic.


alright only 3 trophies left,,,,speedrun and fury mode man this is gonna be rough

4 Trophies left for me, all accessories, speed run and all endings on Fury mode.
Still not sure which accessory I'm missing, have to go through everything again.


Just beat the 2 campaigns. Damn, now the game REALLY starts huh? Starting to unlock the white barriers and the more awesome swords. This game is just fantastic.

I hear that bro. I finished Momohime journey yesterday. That ending I got was soo good.
Now Im on Kisuke.


I wonder if he meant if Kosuke or Momohime's campaign would be easier to do a speedrun.

I'm 110% sure that's what he meant.

I'll probably attempt this on easy mode. I'm at the final boss for Momohime (Chaos). I'll do Kosuke on easy most likely.


Fyi, Fury mode uses Legend mode controls (you get downed in one hit, but can block most shit unless it's stuff that auto-breaks swords).

I find Kisuke's side easier to speedrun cause it has less bosses that waste a lot of time not giving you chances to attack like Ippondatara and Chimera on Momohime's side.


Gives all the fucks
Which boss is easiest to not take damage on? I've heard that Kisuke's first one is the best to try it on.


I think Momohime's first boss is easier. Slow, predictable attacks, no weird hitboxes or patterns like the Oozaru Ninja's giant shuriken, and no half-health rage mode where he stops reacting to hits/gets super moves.

...Alternatively, Fury mode forces you to no-hit every boss anyway.


Which boss is easiest to not take damage on? I've heard that Kisuke's first one is the best to try it on.

Blue Monk is the easier of the first two bosses imo he basically just tries to bodyslam you, and will occasionally throw out some weird monk item that explodes into fire pillars(really easy to avoid)


Gives all the fucks
Guess I'm starting a new save file to re-do Momohime's story, then. Oh well, shouldn't take long.

Need to grab a map or something on Gamefaqs to prepare myself for a Kisuke speed-run. Last thing I wanna do is find out I went the wrong way & have to re-load my last save.


You /could/ just refight the blue monk during postgame. He doesn't get any harder, and you need to do it anyway for an accessory.


Gives all the fucks
Wow, was not aware you could re-fight story bosses. Might as well do that to get the accessories. Just go back to the locations that you originally fought them/where it's marked "Cleared"?


Yup! Technically he does get harder, as the postgame rematches scale to your level but... its the blue monk, he's easy anyway.


Gives all the fucks
Only suggestion I can offer for the Cave of Evil relating to toads is use the accessory that prevents poison (that, & maybe level up for stronger swords). First attempt, I failed, but made it so I was immune to poison and go through it.

& maybe stock up on healing items.


Geez some of these evil caves are really though especially the poison toad one.

I thought they were tough at first. Once you get better swords and come back. The caves become super easy. I was able to do most without healing.

Only suggestion I can offer for the Cave of Evil relating to toads is use the accessory that prevents poison (that, & maybe level up for stronger swords). First attempt, I failed, but made it so I was immune to poison and go through it.

& maybe stock up on healing items.

accessories help a ton. The anti-toxin amulet? may be too good.


So my first copy of the LE arrived from Amazon completely bashed in, so I requested a replacement. The second copy just arrived in the exact same packaging as the first, but is miraculously pristine.

I should just start pre-ordering LEs with flimsy boxes from retail stores, haha.


Play Asia are pretty good with packaging (you can select what type you want). Probably a little more expensive though. I can't buy games from Amazon anyway so it's an easy choice for me.


Which boss is easiest to not take damage on? I've heard that Kisuke's first one is the best to try it on.

I got 999 combo and no damage on the Giant Centipedes. It took 2 tries and was pretty easy as long as you are on top of watching your blade's health.


Could someone that obtained Platinum trophy compare their accessories with mine?
Been trying to get it but I'm at 86 ryo with Momohime and still no trophy, in other words I checked, double checked and grinded a shit ton but still nothing.

So kindly state the name(s) of the accessory and where I could find it (if you happen to remember where you got it from).





Gives all the fucks
I got 999 combo and no damage on the Giant Centipedes. It took 2 tries and was pretty easy as long as you are on top of watching your blade's health.
Wow, yeah, that's pretty much the one place you can get a maxed out combo, let alone anything higher than 200. Got that (once again, love the reference to 999 in the trophy name) and beat the monk boss w/o damage.

28 minutes into Kisuke's story and 2 bosses completed. Seriously helps to have bronze mirrors to cut down on time. Only thing that sucks is that because I'm on speed-run mode, I can never forge any new swords because I don't have the souls.

3rd boss defeated & 43 minutes in. Have a good feeling I might be able to do it if I'm almost at the 1/2 way mark (& this is taking short hot springs breaks). Just need to make sure I have bronze mirrors to cut down on a lot of time.


Could someone that obtained Platinum trophy compare their accessories with mine?
Been trying to get it but I'm at 86 ryo with Momohime and still no trophy, in other words I checked, double checked and grinded a shit ton but still nothing.

So kindly state the name(s) of the accessory and where I could find it (if you happen to remember where you got it from).

It looks like your missing the Dragon God Mask make sure to go back and fight the Big Oni from the Hell level in Yamashiro, the entrance is at the bottom of the map on the far right, there isn't a 'clear' image their like with the other dungeons.

No Love

Really enjoying the game. Its simple but man dat artwork... gets me so pumped for Dragon's Crown. The hack n slash gameplay kinda reminds me of The Dishwasher from XBLA. I luckily got my copy + preorder in tact from Amazon, no smushed case for me.


Gold Member
is this game really worth the high price of admission they're asking for? im just a little hesitant since every time i buy a freaking game it ends up on PS+ 2 months later o_O..


Gives all the fucks
Phew. Made it to the final save spot on Kisuke at 2 hours, 21 minutes. Says my final time was 2 hrs, 40 minutes. Overall, his story was MUCH easier, if not for the fact the bosses weren't as difficult. Hell, 2 of them barely attacked most of the time. Even managed to get the trophy for all hot springs events viewed as well.

Now to do some leveling up. Only at 22 and almost have no blades forged whatsoever for him.

So finally checked behind one of the white barriers. Is it pretty much just
the zones/bosses from the other character's story behind each one?


It looks like your missing the Dragon God Mask

Perfect, that was exactly the one I needed for the trophy :)

As for the person above asking whether the game is worth it, view some clips on YouTube then decide for yourself
You could get it for 35 USD off the US PSN, while PS+ is nice and all it doesn't change my gaming behavior.


Gives all the fucks
HOT DAMN. I attempted a white Cave of Evil at level 87 (despite saying 92 or higher) and freakin' finished it by using a ton of lower-tier healing items. Helped that I leveled up about 6 times.

Least I'm prepared when I have to do it as Kisuke. But damn, the worst one is out of the way.


It's pretty rough! You also break the game when you beat that evil cave, 'cause the accessory you get from it gives you infinite spirit meter even when blocking attacks.


Gives all the fucks
So if I'm hearing this correctly, the Fury Mode trophies can be done by just switching the difficulty, going to the final boss and beating him without having to deal with replaying the game again, right? Can't I just equip the accessory that doesn't decrease my sword meter and maybe cook up the food that allows for invincibility? Or does the game only allow me to choose the difficulty on a new game?

Edit: Nevermind, unlocked the difficulty & it won't let me choose it. Only if I start a new game. Don't think I'm gonna attempt it if it means I gotta redo all the evil caves (unless I can do the easiest ones or whatever).

& oh how I wish you could skip the credits each time you beat the time.


The trophies for fury mode are only for getting the endings. You only need to do the evil caves that give you swords, and only with one character.


Gives all the fucks
True, but that still means I have to re-do each campaign and refight the final bosses 3 times each. Unless the game wants to be kind & re-start me at the area I'm in each time I die, I still don't think I'm motivated enough to try Fury Mode. Maybe I'll check a guide for some advice before attempting it.


True, but that still means I have to re-do each campaign and refight the final bosses 3 times each. Unless the game wants to be kind & re-start me at the area I'm in each time I die, I still don't think I'm motivated enough to try Fury Mode. Maybe I'll check a guide for some advice before attempting it.

That's how dying in Muramasa works...


Gives all the fucks
Wow, didn't know that. I only died in boss battles, so I wasn't aware. That makes things a bit easier. I thought it'd take you to the last shrine you passed or saved.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I might as well give my reviews on the game:

+ The artwork is incredibly beautiful
- ... Only they're overly repeated

The game is no doubt beautiful and the assets are also detailed and beautiful. My problem is that the assets were repeated too much. Some provinces look almost exactly the same (the only one that was actually different was Hino) and even the dungeons look the same. There's almost to no variety of monsters in this game, they're basically only ninjas, imps, samurais, tengus,or the rare ghost warriors/evil ghosts. At least during the eating parts, the food looks good and delicious.

+ The gameplay is fun
- ...But it's incredibly shallow and will wear out quickly

The gameplay is fun for an RPG platformer because it's flashy, but the problem is that the gameplay is incredibly shallow. The only thing you can change here are the weapons which affects your status and with this, there's no variety at the very start of the game. The game could have been better if they did a customized skill implementation ala Tales of Graces style rather than this button mashing flashy system.

- The story is hard to follow and you'll get it in the end, not to mention it's overly wordy but the premise is pretty much... Basic

The story is not bad by any means but it's so basic that the presentation, adding in the wordiness, makes the story overstretched. I started out with Momohime and I had no idea what the fuck was going on until the end of the game or even during the midstory of Kisuke.

+ The music is good

Yeah, at least the music is pretty good. I liked the music because it evoked a Japanese feel during that era, and at least the music had a decent amount of variety. The OST was composed by Basiscape (Sakimoto, Namiki, and co.) and it's one of my few favorite tracks from them.

This game is basically a 6.5~7/10 for me.


Give Fury mode a shot, Ultros! I felt like the added risk of avoiding getting hit actually makes the gameplay truly shine, as it makes you learn the more subtle intricacies of it such as invulnerability periods, attack recovery, which special arts are super good, which ones are super suck, and learning how to string super longer combos than you'd normally think possible, all in top of the "ninja" thrill of never having anything touch you.

The variety in super arts is severely underlooked because of how easy it is to beat the normal game while shrugging through encounters with lots of health/recovery items and just using normal attacks. With that aspect eliminated, you start looking at the swords themselves to learn which blades are actually better than others, even when they have a lower attack power.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Give Fury mode a shot, Ultros! I felt like the added risk of avoiding getting hit actually makes the gameplay truly shine, as it makes you learn the more subtle intricacies of it such as invulnerability periods, attack recovery, which special arts are super good, which ones are super suck, and learning how to string super longer combos than you'd normally think possible, all in top of the "ninja" thrill of never having anything touch you.

The variety in super arts is severely underlooked because of how easy it is to beat the normal game while shrugging through encounters with lots of health/recovery items and just using normal attacks. With that aspect eliminated, you start looking at the swords themselves to learn which blades are actually better than others, even when they have a lower attack power.

I wanted to try Fury mode but I thought some bosses would be IMPOSSIBLE. One hit deaths? I don't think I can do it.
I'm not too far into the game, but I'd agree with Ultros. I saw a few cut scenes and just zoned out. They were trying to be overly complicated and I realized I didn't know what was going on and didn't care too either.


I'm a little confused about the fury mode trophies. I read that you need to clear the whole game in fury mode for them, but how do you go about doing that once you load up your save? Since everything is still cleared, do you just go back to where all the bosses were? I think I'm missing something obvious about it.


Gives all the fucks
Nothing carries over. You have to redo everything. It's pretty much a 2nd playthrough with each character.


I'll probably put it off for a while then. Really enjoyed the game but going through again so soon will probably sour me on it a bit. Thanks for your responses!
So what's been the overall verdict? Good amount of fun content for the price? I'm totally OK with a grind, so if it has a grind that is actually worth doing, I'm cool with it.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
So! I am playing up to the Giant Centipede boss as Keisuke.

How to defeat these folks I wonder.

Also, Long Sword sucks :( Or maybe I am just so sucky at them.
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