I might as well give my reviews on the game:
+ The artwork is incredibly beautiful
- ... Only they're overly repeated
The game is no doubt beautiful and the assets are also detailed and beautiful. My problem is that the assets were repeated too much. Some provinces look almost exactly the same (the only one that was actually different was Hino) and even the dungeons look the same. There's almost to no variety of monsters in this game, they're basically only ninjas, imps, samurais, tengus,or the rare ghost warriors/evil ghosts. At least during the eating parts, the food looks good and delicious.
+ The gameplay is fun
- ...But it's incredibly shallow and will wear out quickly
The gameplay is fun for an RPG platformer because it's flashy, but the problem is that the gameplay is incredibly shallow. The only thing you can change here are the weapons which affects your status and with this, there's no variety at the very start of the game. The game could have been better if they did a customized skill implementation ala Tales of Graces style rather than this button mashing flashy system.
- The story is hard to follow and you'll get it in the end, not to mention it's overly wordy but the premise is pretty much... Basic
The story is not bad by any means but it's so basic that the presentation, adding in the wordiness, makes the story overstretched. I started out with Momohime and I had no idea what the fuck was going on until the end of the game or even during the midstory of Kisuke.
+ The music is good
Yeah, at least the music is pretty good. I liked the music because it evoked a Japanese feel during that era, and at least the music had a decent amount of variety. The OST was composed by Basiscape (Sakimoto, Namiki, and co.) and it's one of my few favorite tracks from them.
This game is basically a 6.5~7/10 for me.