Agalloch - Marrow of the Spirit: What can I say here? Of course this is going to be on the list, considering they're my favorite band and all. Definitely a bit of a different sound than I'm used to hearing from them, but still wonderful. The analog production, while not everyone's cup of tea, really does a lot to add to the atmosphere of the album. The songwriting is, as usual, top notch. Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires might be the best song Agalloch has ever written, actually. I also absolutely love the Moog used on Black Lake Nidstang. Yeah, seriously, Moog. Who even uses Moogs anymore? Agalloch, that's who. And it sounds awesome. You can also hear the difference that the band finally having a permanent drummer has made, as well. Aesop Dekker has been with Agalloch since 2008, but this is his first time recording with them, and he does a remarkable job. Simply put, if not for DSHS, Marrow of the Spirit would be my favorite album of the year.
Agalloch: Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires:
Gallowbraid - Ashen Eidolon: I can hardly believe this is on my top 5, as A. It just came out very recently and B. It's not even an album, but a four song EP. However, despite this, the fact of the matter is that it's just THAT good. I've NEVER been more impressed by a band's debut record than I am with Ashen Eidolon. The first track alone (also called Ashen Eidolon) is nearly 15 minutes long, and basically contains an entire album's worth of good ideas in a single song. Coupled with the other three tracks (two shorter instrumental pieces and another full-length song), Ashen Eidolon is just ridiculously impressive. As long as singer/guitarist/bassist Jake Rogers can do a little more to differentiate his singing voice from that of Agalloch's John Haughm, I can see Gallowbraid's forthcoming full length album being the best album of 2011. 
Gallowbraid: Ashen Eidolon -