Ray Wonder
Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
We are growing stronger....
anyone update to fl studio 12? the user interface looks much better
Haven't yet, a bit too much for me right now. That new mixer is nice.
We are growing stronger....
anyone update to fl studio 12? the user interface looks much better
This stuff is really groovy. I especially like Video. Is that your voice on all three tracks? It's really nice and deep, a great match with the music.i'm a singer/songwriter/wannabe producer, so most of the stuff i've done are collabs. but here are some i'm proud of;
Listened to everything. Great stuff, really loved and favorited Arrogance. The part that starts around 2:05 all the way to the end is delicious. Thanks for the follow by the wayMy EP is out!
Man, this is really cool. When I do listen to electronic music it sends to be more mellow, but I love the spacey feel. I want this in a game.Subspace Cavaliers by Agent Whiskers
what uppppppppp, i've been super stale musically so i'm stoked to see this thread pop up.
i'm a singer/songwriter/wannabe producer, so most of the stuff i've done are collabs. but here are some i'm proud of;
http://amg-v.bandcamp.com/ has a bunch of junk too, lately i've been spending a ton of time studying mixing and learning all of the ins and outs of my DAW (Reason). hoping to drop some new solo stuff on you guys soon and get some cc!
It makes me happy to see some more new faces in here <3. We're growing!
what uppppppppp, i've been super stale musically so i'm stoked to see this thread pop up.
i'm a singer/songwriter/wannabe producer, so most of the stuff i've done are collabs. but here are some i'm proud of;
http://amg-v.bandcamp.com/ has a bunch of junk too, lately i've been spending a ton of time studying mixing and learning all of the ins and outs of my DAW (Reason). hoping to drop some new solo stuff on you guys soon and get some cc!
Listened to everything. Great stuff, really loved and favorited Arrogance. The part that starts around 2:05 all the way to the end is delicious. Thanks for the follow by the wayFollowed you back.
so here's the ep that i'll be releasing shortly, it's my contributions to the psyscrolr soundtrack with a few remixes and stuff. enjoy!
Nice! First off, congrats! I'd love to be in on a game soundtrack someday. Secondly, I dig the hell out of The Depths of Fun. Really catchy tune!
I'm gonna try to start writing music again here, so hopefully I'll have something to share with you guys again soonish.
Yup! Super stoked to get some new blood in here. Post more stuff, people!![]()
Hey Kwansu, I listened to some of your stuff before your edit and I really like your DK remixes! I just didn't post anything at the time because I'm trying to not be every third post in this thread >.> But definitely keep it up man I really liked it. Aquatic Ambiance is a banger.
We are growing stronger....
anyone update to fl studio 12? the user interface looks much better
so here's the ep that i'll be releasing shortly, it's my contributions to the psyscrolr soundtrack with a few remixes and stuff. enjoy!
Thanks man! Glad you dig itI listened to your stuff, too. I think my favorite right now is Adrift. I'm a sucker for good guitar harmonies, and those ones at 1:12 get me real good. The whole second half of the song is really cool, too.
We should do some kind of challenges..
I used to participate in music challenges on tigSource.
Here's their most recent one. They're pretty fun to do.
I'll try and do another lengthy feedback post when I get the chance, but I wanted to share my new original trance tune. it's very short compared to usual trance songs, but I really like this one and am hopeful others will enjoy it too.
Short Trance Song
I'd be down for this. It'd be fun to do a trial run on it just to see what participation would be. I wonder if it would be better to just run it in this thread or make an off-topic thread to get more people involved.
Hey y'all! First time poster, long time listener.
Okay, that's a lie. I just found this thread :X
Don't have anything original of mine to post (yet), but I'm hoping for a little clarification on something...
I use Reason almost exclusively, specifically Reason 5 (I would kill for Reason 8, but don't have the money at the moment). I've dabbled a bit in Logic Pro, but I just love the workflow and visual design of Reason better. I've never done much beyond just dicking around and doing random things until I figure things out, but I'm now starting to delve into the rear-side of Reason...
I understand how to use Gates. Pretty simple, and amazingly useful.
I don't understand how to use CV properly. I understand the concept behind it: it's control voltage. It controls the amount of voltage (the relation of on-off an action will produce), but... how the hell do I use this to my benefit? You can chain two sequencers together and have one be the main control for both filters, yes. But... I just... I don't... How. My brain shuts down when I try to do it on my own. I follow the examples I see on tutorial sites, but I just don't know how the heck to apply it to anything that might be of benefit to me!
Probably not the best idea to start going down this rabbit hole after having two drinks, but here I am!
This doesn't apply just to Reason, so I'm hoping someone here can break it down a little simpler to me...
edit: okay fine, I'll share this: The Library
Are there any other communities you guys and gals participate in?
I'm not the greatest "producer" or composer and I'm very picky about what I enjoy but I hope my feedback helps you. My criticism isn't made to be a personal attack on you or your songs, but how I truly feel about the track.
I haven't listened to all tracks in full length (skimmed over some songs) but the mix sounds well done and clear; no distortion, clipping, etc. It would be cool if you guys did an "alternative chillax" mix to some of the tracks as I preferred them to the heavy metal stuff. Just a suggestion.
Did you use VEC samples and Nexus on this? It's 2 years old so I don't know how relevant my feedback will be, heh.
Your hip hop instrumentals have a really nice atmosphere to them and sound cleanly mixed. Good use of samples to create that kinda "eerie" or "ethereal" feeling and a cool mix of electronicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Good drum work as well. Enjoyed the feel of Laura Gold.
PeaceTime & Risis - Drum Skin ft. Chaucie
The atmosphere is interesting here. Kinda deep house, chill, swagger. Interesting use of drums and instruments too. Would've been nice to have an actual "breakdown" where the song just kinda breathes a bit, introduces a new melody or some sort, then builds up again.
The mix itself sounds kinda muddy and "weak" in terms of the percussion. The kick doesn't really stand out and some reverb/delay to the snare (or an entirely new sound) would make it fit in much better. If I knew how to properly mix, I would give you pointers.
Sweet Jesus you're in a lot of stuff. The lead singer of Sons of Origin sounds similar to a famous band or maybe a mix of two, can't put my finger on it. Didn't really feel the lyrics or vocal melody much, but the composition was well done.
Your blues stuff is much more enjoyable and your voice is nice as well. The Very Thought of You really captures that 40s/50s feel incredibly well (sorry I'm not really familiar with Swing/jazz timelines). Love the composition and chord progressions and would like to be able to write like this some day (and also sing!)
Your psyscrolr tracks capture the feel of VGM quite well and I feel gets the point across. However, I would suggest that you try and use some reverb and panning to create "space" in your sounds so that everything doesn't sound so dry. It's like creating the image of something large or farther away but with audio. Then again, it might just be your VST/samples that limit you.
Heh, sounds like you're just messing with stuff for now. The clicky noise in Load It Up is way too loud and it's basically just trolling me by saying, "you can't lower this noise so I'm going to keep clicking." The pads later in the song are interesting chords though I can't really hear them.
NIght on the Town sounds truly experimental. It's like entering Silent Hill where you think, "hey this is pretty nice." then you see the true horrors and everything is surreal and distorted. I can't really judge this type of music because I don't listen to it and I don't know what you're looking for.
I've skimmed through some tracks and as I posted for RP912, I can't really judge this as I don't listen to this gen-aire of music. I've never seen the word chimerical but your artist name is very fitting.
Please increase the volume of the piano you have in the background. It's barely audible but sounds incredibly melancholy or lower the volume of the eBow(la) and try cutting the high frequencies a bit as it's kind of harsh on the ears. Maybe lowering the volume will aid that. Also near the end, the guitar clips (distorts) though you've noted that. I can totally imagine a slow-mo war sequence where the dude looks around seeing his pals die and scream in agony. This was fun to listen to.
Are you using ez Drummer in Cry of the Planet? Great guitar playing, this is reminiscent of grunge and I barely hear rock covers sound like this. You should really finish your album or upload more tracks. It's quality stuff.
This is the type of music I'd imagine Max Payne hearing during the nightmare sequence or a heavily botched acid trip. I mean this in the most sincere way possible. I cannot judge this properly as I don't know how to judge noise music, but it's quite interesting to hear how different each GAF member is.
Depths of Fun is interesting. Not your tradition chiptune song as chiptune is usually happy but this sounds more "explorative". I know that's not a word, but this reminds of me those SNES side scrollers where you're just going through a jungle or something.
Summer Feeling makes me feel weird when listening; it reminds me a lot of modern complextro/madeon-pop/french house but the sounds you're using are totally not the norm and the chord progression doesn't really "change" a lot. The elements are there, it's just totally different and I would like to see it progressive some more.
There is no song, but I listened to your two latest ones and I'm not exactly sure how or what you're trying to make in terms of genre. You've been making music for over a year and you're making good progress IMO. I would focus on composition and choosing better sounds unless if the sound you currently have is what you want. Of course, it's much easier said than done but remaking your favorite songs is a good way to learn.
"WOAH DUDE this is totally GNARLY man. Ive been looking for chill nigga beats for yearssss... buy you better share this with your friends your FRIENDS YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD BITCH"
The title is absolutely hilarious and so is the comment.
Regarding Chill-N****-Beat-1, the drums are really lacking in the punch department, especially the kick. Smoker's Relight is a great sample pack for jazzy hip hop/bossanova stuff so I'd check that out.
Regarding VSTs, Massive, Omnisphere and Trilian are good ones to look at. Massive is capable of making some very unique and atmospheric sounds while Omnisphere has some great vintage and cinematic stuff. Trilian is a bass.
I absolutely hate the sound of EZ Drummer just cause it doesn't really fit well into mixes and it's so easy to tell that it's EZ Drummer. It's something about the reverb that it uses that makes it lack any punch or power. Superior Drummer sounds leagues better (and is also 30x the size and cost).
Regarding the mix, this would sound decent for an audition tape but please get rid of EZ Drummer if you can. I mean everything sounds pretty good and clear, but there's something that's missing. Maybe try and emulate the effects and position of the original vocals? Your voice sounds kind of distant in the tracks while the guitars are heavy and boomy. Maybe mixing around the vocals and using a different drumkit would do wonders.
Listening to Another Land and the high frequencies are pretty harsh, especially the vocals. Did you use some sort of preset on the master channel? Regarding the drop, it lacks a lot of the punch and bass that usual electro house songs have. The sounds you're using could be better as well but if you're making them yourself, keep at it. You have the song structure down, but I'd try and emulate what your favorite producers are doing in terms of sound choices. I'm interested to see your progress a year from now.
Sorry for the long post, but I hope everyone appreciates my feedback. I may post one of my tracks here soon too so you guys don't think I'm a lying sack of potatoes.
something im workin on if anyone wants to try it out
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40086894/Casino Large.mp3
This is pretty cool.
Reminds me of Aesop Rock.
Them synths....lawd![]()
I was thinking the same thing. This thread is awesome, but we're still pretty sparse! I just wonder who would be down. If it's just a few of us, we might need to wait until we accumulate a few more people. Just posting a thread out in OT might work.
With CV you can add an ADSR to make a pad sound like a lead by changing the attack, or a lead sound like a plucked synth by changing the sustain/decay, or release.. Etc.
I used to use Reason 5. I loved it, except for that you can't add in VSTs. You can only find Reason Refills. I moved back to my original DAW, FL Studio.
something im workin on if anyone wants to try it out
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40086894/Casino Large.mp3
Go through the trouble of setting up an artist page and uploading my album to Grooveshark.
Grooveshark shuts down a week later.
I also post most of this stuff on my Soundcloud as well.
oh i guess i shouldve been postin here all along
i made a topic for that lol
Harlem Saints. Like some other have mentioned, it's pretty scary to put your own stuff out there. In general I enjoy performing, but presenting your own stuff for critique is pretty daunting to me. Hold me, GAF.
I'll listen to more stuff this week. Hope to become an active participant.
Hope you guys get a chance to do a clear recording but from the glimpses I heard, you sounded pretty good though I was hoping you would do a shredding solo, heh.
Well that's another one.
Yeah I just heard the news :/ Really sorry to hear that dude.
I had never thought to get Grooveshark while it existed, and I'm actually sorta kicking myself for it. Woulda been another avenue for exposure aside from Soundcloud, iTunes and YouTube X_X
Welcome new dudes. Another mega-lengthy post. If you guys don't like this, then I'll PM them or something. My criticism is not meant to be an insult but rather how i honestly feel. Please don't take it negatively.
It'll only help you to understand the "science" behind music so you can become better at the more technical stuff and compose better. I admit that I barely know anything behind the science of music production, but I've been relatively dedicated to getting better for many years.
Ghost: I enjoyed the piano section. Had a really cool progression that reminded me of PSX era stuff like Silent Hill and RE save rooms. Not a big fan of the glitch stuff and I'd try to make the guitar beefier if possible. I had a quick listen to your other Amass tracks but it really wasn't my cup of tea.
Can't really judge this either but it made me scared.
Would really enjoy more reverb on the sounds to make it more atmospheric, specifically the claps and like a low pad or something to fill in the gaps. Enjoyed the drums when the snare came in. Interesting production.
It sounds very muddy and "drowned" out. Not sure if that was what you were aiming for. I would add some more punch to the kick and snare as well. Sounds like the track would benefit from banging drums. Enjoyed the piano sample in the latter too. Kinda trippy stuff.
Ceiling FanAre you using Nexus? Some cool vibes in this one. Enjoyed it when the 8th note melody came in around 1:12. Felt like the song really picked up there. Nice brass synth as well. I would focus on selecting better drum samples for better immersion like m83 drums or something. Keep at it!
Video is interesting. Sounds very Odesza/Stumbleine-y though I'd prefer a bit more synths and melodies but I guess this genre of music doesn't really do that. Also would've enjoyed a kinda shuffling hihat pattern (like a tambourine) to keep the song moving but this isn't my favorite genre so take that as you will.
I think the majority of people here are electronic focus though there are about 2 members who do rock/guitar music and one guy who does blues (though he hasn't posted here for a while). I'm an electronic music guy myself, but I will try to be as constructive as possible. Also, I am certain most of us are here to help each other improve so no need to fear!
Adrift: Regarding the vocals, it's off pitch at points throughout the song. I mean this in the most sincerest way possible, but maybe singing lessons would help a lot with those pitch issues. I enjoyed the guitar melody at the bridge, you guys seem pretty good at those and guitar playing in general. Also, why are your songs very quiet? I would also try amplifying them a bit so people don't get scared if they get a notification or something. Sun & Sky also needs an introduction. It comes off so hard and strong right off the bat.
Hope you guys get a chance to do a clear recording but from the glimpses I heard, you sounded pretty good though I was hoping you would do a shredding solo, heh.
Well that's another one.
Haha, it's not a big deal, just a waste of time more than anything. I don't even know how good of a service it was for exposure. I just knew some people that used it so I threw my stuff up there.
BTW I am working out some ideas for our thing, but I just picked up a job for the summer so my work on it is probably gonna be the slow but steady type. Don't worry though, I'ma keep at it![]()
Here is something I've been making today, and I'm not sure If I will continue. What do you guys think?
Here is something I've been making today, and I'm not sure If I will continue. What do you guys think?
My band Exes made huffington post. We are super stoked.
Just recorded a new song over the weekend too. Hopefully out for the summer!
Cool ambient vibes with this. The bitcrushed synth seems to be a bit harsh though that may be my speakers.
Congrats on your new deal! Not a big fan of the genre, but everything sounds professional (from the vocals, melodies, mixing, etc.). Wish you and your band great success. What do you play by the way?
Guitars and lead singer. I also write all the music. It tooks us forever to get that huffington post article up, it's amazing to finally see it. We've been emailing back and forth since November to make it happen, it's crazy how slowly things can be churned out.
My band Exes made huffington post. We are super stoked.
Just recorded a new song over the weekend too. Hopefully out for the summer!
I make beats (mainly boom bap hip hop, but i've been experimenting).
gotta check out some of the stuff that other GAFfers are dropping.
Sorry about this guys, but my EP was recently featured in the Georgia Straight and im so shocked/excited about it :O :')!!
Not sure if I'm done with this one yet. It's called Miles, for now.
Great idea for a thread! I never knew it existed. Some fantastic music in here, although I'm not at all surprised.
My band just released our first demo recording (home recorded), so it would be great to get some opinions on it:
I may tweak things further, but we solely need something to send to venues and build up a small following.