Feedback train leaving the station! Take everything with a grain of salt, I'm definitely not some sort of wonder child producer myself, and if you're sure something is exactly what you want it to be please feel free to internally tell me to fuck off. (or in a pm, but lets keep the thread civil).
Dope shit man. Wasn't sold on the trumpet initially but it grew on me. I like it a lot the only nitpicky thing I have to mention is that I found the downsweep to be really loud distracting and it occuring every 4 bars in certain sections(depending on wether or not you produced this in half time like I think you did) got old really fast. One question out of curiosity, am I hearing Juicy J's Yeah (Hoe) mixed in there or am I imagining things /D.
Hello Music Maker GAF!
Here are two videos off the recent record:
I honestly don't know shit about growly metal but I can get down with this so that's something. Sounds tight honestly. Can't be nitpicky about shit I know nothing about though /D.
Hey guys,
Here is a track that I uploaded on Soundcloud today
Pianos and synths and that kind of thing
I didn't like this all that much. I'll try to explain why though & I hope it's helpful. You start the track with a 4/4 kickdrum, which immediately makes the ear think the snare is going to be on the 2&4. But the snare/clap comes in on beat 3 and hits again on seemingly random beats afterwards. Which honestly makes the whole thing immediately feel suspect to me(emphasis: to me). You also introduce a clap around 0:40 and it feels like it hits on the one for two bars every 4 bars and it feels really strange to me. I sounds like there's a (white) guy with no rhythm clapping along to this shit and he's offbeat. Furthermore the chords on the piano sound kind of dull. I haven't transcribed this to check but it sounds like root position chords all the way through and as a result my emotional interest is limited. It'd be cool if you played with the inversions to create more emotional interest. The Arp sounded fine to me, and the section where it's more minimal with just the arp and clap on beat 3 sounded the best to me. I also found the song lacking in progression, as in it never felt like it went anywhere, you did introduce a melody at some point but it didn't captivate me and the track feels kind of one note.
I'm sorry if this comes off a little harsh and I definitely don't mean it in a bad way and you should absolutely continue honing your craft. I'm simply trying to provide the kind of advice I wish people had given me when I asked for feedback.
I didn't know Vape-Trap was an actual sub-genre. I dig it a lot, beats are good, I see what you're doing with the autotune and it's a hot sound currently so I get it. I did zone out on the lyrics several times because they're coming in so slow and melodic. I don't know if I'd bang it on repeat because I'm the kind of asshole that enjoys his hip hop to be slightly more cerebral and less about fucking or anime. But I think it sounds like you're getting the kind of sound you're shooting for and people are obviously digging it so I'm not hating on it.
I'm out of feedback juice for tonight, but I may be back tomorrow to give more feedback(I might also not be, musicians are flakey like that.) Now for a little bit of what I've been up to.
Been woodshopping so ridiculously hard lately and it's paying off in spades. I'm still not where I want to be but I'm having less and less issues with actually getting things to where I want them to be. I'm still not confident in the stuff I make but I definitely feel like I'm improving a lot in the areas I'm focusing on. I've mostly been spending time expanding my genre knowledge and really focusing on song structure. Also I finally read the manual to all of the vsts, and soft synths I've bought, which was long overdue so the sound design part is feeling a lot less fiddly. Still terrible at mixing though, partially because my ears are assholes and partially because I really don't enjoy it. The fun is in writing the music and creating the feeling for me, being a nitpicky asshole about whether or not the hi-hat or snare is too loud or soft, has got too much bottom end etc is not that enjoyable to me.
Now I just need to figure out what to do with all of this music I've been making(and mostly finishing!), because it's eclectic as all get out and I don't know if I should just say fuck it and upload it all to soundcloud or if I should start setting up alter ego's for different genres. Anyway here's a thing I made last week.
It's not done yet because it's too short and still needs mixing etc. but it's a pretty catchy nu-disco/house track I'd love to get some feedback on:
Wrong Ft Stien Bovijn