I have a question for evolutionists. In what way can evolution theory can be falsified?
Just to be clear I'm talking about evolution that is all life forms evolved from a common ancestor. I'm not talking about genetic change through time. Even most IDers agree with the latter definition.
I ask this question because no matter what the evidence against it evolutionists would hypothesize something up to uphold the theory.
For examples, there really are huge gaps in the fossil record. Many scientists such as the renown Stephen Gould have openly admitted it. That is why he hypothesized Punctuated Equillibrium - that evolutionary changed happened very fast in short spurts.
There are numerous amber fossils, fully preserved organisms that are said to be millions and millions of years old but they are exactly the same as organisms today. You would expect at least some evolutionary change. But the Evolutionists will say some organisms don't evolve because they don't have to or some variation thereof. To me that's a cheap cop-out and goes to show how Evolutionary theory is not falsifiable.
There is the discovery of well preserved dinosaur cadavers by
Mary Schweizter. She said she was completely shocked that it was so well preserved. They are supposedly 60+ million years old but she said she smelled the stench from it and she extracted blood cells from it. Scientists were expectantly incredulous so they said Mary didn't really find red blood cells but something else. But she later proved it was red blood cells. I mean if you believe it is really 60+ million years old then I really question your sanity. Now Mary hypothesized that flesh can be preserved for millions of years. What does this have to do with evolution? You see, instead of changing her evolutionary model she is trying to shoehorn the the dino cadaver inconsistency within the model. It's like no matter what they find you can't falsify it. The refutation of the "vestigial organs" and "Junk DNA" or "Noncoding DNA" as evolutionary leftovers sure didn't falsify it. So what will? Honest question.
Well it take genetic analysis to falsify it? Just other night I was listening to
Dr. Paul Nelson on Youtube and he references scientific papers that show that genes pop out of nowhere which contradicts Darwin's Tree of Life.
I was also listening to
Dr. Sternberg and Dr. Meyer debate Michael Shermer and Dr. Prothermo about the inadequatcy of a mechanism for whale evolution (awesome debate by the way... highly entertaining).
I'm always skeptical of things. Is that a bad thing? But what do I know. I'm not a scientist and not as smart as you evolutionists.