Professional Schmuck
Remember, the first part of speciation is isolation!
Mustaphadamus said:However using it to explain the beginnings of life is no different than someone believing a higher power created life. Both take belief/faith, because there is no definitive proof to say one way or the other.
Aside from the obvious part where I tell you that no biologist worth anything thinks they know what the origin of life is, that at best it's a bunch of ideas, I want you to imagine you're on your bathroom break at work, and when you come back to your desk, a sandwich is sitting on top of it. Co-worker A explains that another co-worker had an extra sandwich and left it there for you. Co-worker B explains that a leprechaun dropped it off.Mustaphadamus said:great post. I agree in that I have no problem with evolutionary adaptation. That is something observable and we have seen that in our life time. Something as minute as skin becoming lighter in colder climates or darker in warmer ones. Hair changing under certain conditions etc. However using it to explain the beginnings of life is no different than someone believing a higher power created life. Both take belief/faith, because there is no definitive proof to say one way or the other.
Mustaphadamus said:great post. I agree in that I have no problem with evolutionary adaptation. That is something observable and we have seen that in our life time. Something as minute as skin becoming lighter in colder climates or darker in warmer ones. Hair changing under certain conditions etc. However using it to explain the beginnings of life is no different than someone believing a higher power created life. Both take belief/faith, because there is no definitive proof to say one way or the other.
They're completely separate issues with separate probabilities of happening.gohepcat said:Huh? I don't understand this. You have a problem with the creation of the universe or the origin of live on earth?
I didn't realize people had an issue with this. Why would you have no problem with evolution but with the origin of life?
:lolastroturfing said:4. if apples didnt grow on trees and you made a table with apples on the table how would you find the missing link inside the apple?
astroturfing said:damn so much atheism here.. so sad
tell me this "scientists"
1. why do whales have no feet if they could walk a few thousand years ago??
2. the sun, we go around it but how does it know HOW to feed plants like it does with light particles and molecules?
3. if a monkey throws a ball into the air, and catches it with two "hands", how does it know it's a ball?
4. if apples didnt grow on trees and you made a table with apples on the table how would you find the missing link inside the apple?
...JGS said:They're completely separate issues with separate probabilities of happening.
One can actually be science while one simply tries to use science to back up something completely and totally unsubstantiated and imo unlikely.
Annnddd....that's all I have to say about that.
he's joshing you.Kinitari said:Uh... are these serious questions, or are you Joshing me? It's hard to tell in this thread. If they're serious I'll do my best to answer each question.
Ok then. How do you believe life started, if not by some form of scientifically explainable occurences?JGS said:They're completely separate issues with separate probabilities of happening.
One can actually be science while one simply tries to use science to back up something completely and totally unsubstantiated and imo unlikely.
Annnddd....that's all I have to say about that.
astroturfing said:damn so much atheism here.. so sad
tell me this "scientists"
1. why do whales have no feet if they could walk a few thousand years ago??
2. the sun, we go around it but how does it know HOW to feed plants like it does with light particles and molecules?
3. if a monkey throws a ball into the air, and catches it with two "hands", how does it know it's a ball?
4. if apples didnt grow on trees and you made a table with apples on the table how would you find the missing link inside the apple?
Uhh, what's wrong with saying God did it?Madman said:Ok then. How do you believe life started, if not by some form of scientifically explainable occurences?
Kinitari said:Uh... are these serious questions, or are you Joshing me? It's hard to tell in this thread. If they're serious I'll do my best to answer each question.
Pandaman said:...
you're not much better than a young earth creationist then.
... Alright.astroturfing said:it's hard to tell indeed.. so yea i'd like some answers.
astroturfing said:damn so much atheism here.. so sad
tell me this "scientists"
1. why do whales have no feet if they could walk a few thousand years ago??
2. the sun, we go around it but how does it know HOW to feed plants like it does with light particles and molecules?
3. if a monkey throws a ball into the air, and catches it with two "hands", how does it know it's a ball?
4. if apples didnt grow on trees and you made a table with apples on the table how would you find the missing link inside the apple?
JGS said:Uhh, what's wrong with saying God did it?
It has at a minimum the same level of proof behind it as "scientifically explainable occurences".
To your second part, no it doesn't. We have already manually formed RNA through processes like what would be in nature.JGS said:Uhh, what's wrong with saying God did it?
It has at a minimum the same level of proof behind it as "scientifically explainable occurences".
JonesFTW said:i apologize in advance if op or somebody else already addressed this question and i didn't read it but,
how did birds evolve from a land/sea creature? I think wings would be a bad mutation for a land animal. they didn't grow huge ass wings in one day. I think wings or nubs soon to be wings would be a bad mutation. and that creature would die and wouldn't pass on it's mutation.
This is deja vu. You disproved abiogenesis by your proof.Madman said:To your second part, no it doesn't. We have already manually formed RNA through processes like what would be in nature.
To your first part, the issue is the God answer can be applied to anything, like it has in the past. The sun rising and setting? God. A flood happened? God. Someone died? God. Life started on our planet? God. See the problem?
Kinitari said:Yay a good question!
Okay, so I don't know if you've heard - but it's pretty widely accepted now that birds are the modern day descendants of dinosaurs. First just looking at the skeletal structure, you can see the similarities.
Going beyond that, feathers came from specialized scales, they would be good for wicking away moisture and keeping warm - just thinking about it, you can probably see the similarities, and a lot of Dinosaurs we thought to be covered in just regular reptile scales have actually been improperly represented - the velociraptor for example probably looked more like this:
From there you got gliders, dinosaurs that glided - and I guess the rest is history.
JGS said:If God can be applied to anything (Which I don't do) that means I can use it right?
How? Finding out RNA can be made naturally is an important piece of the abiogenesis puzzle.JGS said:This is deja vu. You disproved abiogenesis by your proof.
If God can be applied to anything (Which I don't do) that means I can use it right?
Where's your evidence it happened otherwise?:lolMumei said:What does that have to do with anything? I could claim that a wizard did it to every possible real world phenomena you could name, but that wouldn't be valid, either.
Where is this evidence for "God did it" that you thinks makes it valid?
Yeah I'm partly messing up the thread and apologize.JonesFTW said:all this theism/atheism talk. you all should major in philosophy as i am! [and become jobless!] jk double major, anyway
i have advice for everybody on this thread, take a bite out of humble pie. I ate the whole pie. And i just made one for you!
yes you are, you share the creationist mindset that allows you to look away and prescribe god wherever you feel like it. That mindset is the problem, that mindset will always be the problem. It doesn't matter if you believe the earth is billions of years old, because you believe that out of personal convenience. when you want to shove your god in a gap, you still will.JGS said:Really? Why is that?
You mean that even though I believe the universe is billions of years old, that evolution exists, & science isn't the work of the devil, I am the same as a guy who believes the world and universe were created in seven 24 hour days and lived next to dinosaurs?
How very Puritanical of you.
And I'm the one that is close minded?:lol
how convienent, you managed to prove my point while i was making it.JGS said:Where's your evidence it happened otherwise?:lol
What makes you think I need to verify anything to you if you can't extend the same courtesy? If you don't believe God did it, why would I care?
JGS said:Agreed.
I think it has more to do with possibly a couple of things.
1. Evolution is almost always tied to origen of life theories even amongst evolutionists. No one can tell the difference. I have no problems with evolution. I have all kinds of problems with them telling me how life started. A lot of people do.
Kinitari said:From there you got gliders, dinosaurs that glided - and I guess the rest is history.
Dever said:Not true. I've never seen evolution tied to abiogenesis, in my experience "evolutionists" stress the point the point that evolution is concerned with the diversity of life, not it's origin.
I take it I won't be getting an explanation about how I disproved abiogenesis with my proof.JGS said:Yeah I'm partly messing up the thread and apologize.
I just figured it would turn to a religious slant and I wasn't wrong, but I'm assuming that's not the intent so I'll depart.
JGS said:Yeah I'm partly messing up the thread and apologize.
I just figured it would turn to a religious slant and I wasn't wrong, but I'm assuming that's not the intent so I'll depart.
Evolution provides a natural explanation of how all the various plants and animals formed. It is an explanation that contradicts what is in religious texts. Yes, I know people like to paper-over the contradiction and say 'god may have used evolution' and blah blah blah. But that is nothing but rationalization . . . and it works for many people . . . perhaps most.Trojita said:What does evolution have to do with a possible afterlife?
Do you read the Bible as if its some sort of holy scripture?JGS said:Really? Why is that?
You mean that even though I believe the universe is billions of years old, that evolution exists, & science isn't the work of the devil, I am the same as a guy who believes the world and universe were created in seven 24 hour days and lived next to dinosaurs?
That is a pretty harsh way to put it. But I agree with your final statement.Seanspeed said:Do you read the Bible as if its some sort of holy scripture?
If so, then yes, you're just the same. Actually, you're simply a half-ass Christian who's trying to sit on the fence, when there's no fence at all, but a gigantic ocean sitting in between the two belief systems.
Science and religion aren't reconcilable, to put it simply.
And how about quorom sensing?Mario said:So, one of the things that has been really interesting to me about evolution is the simultaneous or co-dependent evolution of symbiotic systems. Sometimes used as an argument against evolution, symbiosis is actually considered by some a driving force behind evolution forcing faster change in organisms involved in symbiotic relationsips.
"Symbiosis played a major role in the co-evolution of flowering plants and the animals that pollinate them. Many plants that are pollinated by insects, bats, or birds have highly specialized flowers modified to promote pollination by a specific pollinator that is also correspondingly adapted. The first flowering plants in the fossil record had relatively simple flowers. Adaptive speciation quickly gave rise to many diverse groups of plants, and, at the same time, corresponding speciation occurred in certain insect groups. Some groups of plants developed nectar and large sticky pollen, while insects evolved more specialized morphologies to access and collect these rich food sources. In some taxa of plants and insects the relationship has become dependent, where the plant species can only be pollinated by one species of insect."
For an example of how complicated symbiotic systems can become, see this short video
"Parasitic Mind Control"
JonesFTW said:i apologize in advance if op or somebody else already addressed this question and i didn't read it but,
how did birds evolve from a land/sea creature? I think wings would be a bad mutation for a land animal. they didn't grow huge ass wings in one day. I think wings or nubs soon to be wings would be a bad mutation. and that creature would die and wouldn't pass on it's mutation.
speculawyer said:Evolution provides a natural explanation of how all the various plants and animals formed. It is an explanation that contradicts what is in religious texts. Yes, I know people like to paper-over the contradiction and say 'god may have used evolution' and blah blah blah. But that is nothing but rationalization . . . and it works for many people . . . perhaps most.
But if you are going to be really honest about it, evolution shows us that these holy books are filled with mythical stories created by desert people thousands of years ago. Either that, or god is a complete prankster who gives us a book with lies to us about how the world was created.
So the question I was answering was why some people don't accept evolution (thus, we'll ignore the people who reconcile the two). And the reason they don't is because that would mean their religion is a lie.
Seanspeed said:Do you read the Bible as if its some sort of holy scripture?
If so, then yes, you're just the same. Actually, you're simply a half-ass Christian who's trying to sit on the fence, when there's no fence at all, but a gigantic ocean sitting in between the two belief systems.
Science and religion aren't reconcilable, to put it simply.
need a google maps style zoom in version of this :O~Kinitari said:
Actually, new evidence might suggest that it's the reverse: said:Yay a good question!
Okay, so I don't know if you've heard - but it's pretty widely accepted now that birds are the modern day descendants of dinosaurs. First just looking at the skeletal structure, you can see the similarities.
JesseZao said:Why we don't have flying humans yet?
More than 98 percent of all DNA, was called "Junk DNA" by molecular biologists, because they were unable to ascribe any function to it. They assumed that it was just "molecular garbage". If it were "junk", the sequence of the "syllables", i.e. the nucleotides in DNA should be completely random.
However it has been found that the sequence of the syllables is not random at all and has a striking resemblance with the structure of human language. Therefore, scientists now generally believe that this DNA must contain some kind of coded information. But the code and its function is yet completely unknown.
In June 2004 a team at Harvard Medical School (HMS) reported, that they have, in a yeast, found a "Junk DNA" gene that regulates the activity of nearby genes. While common genes work by giving rise to proteins, this gene works by just being switched on. Then it blocks the activity of an adjacent gene.
Socreges said:Actually, new evidence might suggest that it's the reverse:
Pretty complicated family! Either way it stands that birds and dinosaurs are very closely related.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the reason for this thread would be well thought discussion, instead of pissing on each other. I mean, you can't expect not to have religion come into question with a thread like this, it's only natural.Kinitari said:Updated the OP with a few more things, religion seems like it will forever be brought into the discussion, so I guess rather than shying away from it, it's better to face it head on. If someone is religious and in disbelief of the validity of Evolution, please come and debate and discuss, we'll try to keep it civil.
astroturfing said:damn so much atheism here.. so sad
tell me this "scientists"
1. why do whales have no feet if they could walk a few thousand years ago??
Talk Origins said:Modern whales often retain rod-like vestiges of pelvic bones, femora, and tibiae, all embedded within the musculature of their body walls. These bones are more pronounced in earlier species and less pronounced in later species. As the example of Basilosaurus shows, whales of intermediate age have intermediate-sized vestigial pelves and rear limb bones.