I'm sad that you reply to one sentence and skip the entire elaboration as to how it could (possibly should) be done to those who can easily start working from home.
All people that can work from home here are given the option to do so in these times. Your employer needs to make that happen for you if they cannot guarantee you're safety like the required distance between one another and so on.
I am still going to work as well, as I work in an IKEA. My work does require me to be in the office area of the building. However, to those in the store and therefore don't have the option to work from home, have been granted security measures. Only 300 people are allowed in at any given time and their help desks are surrounded by plexiglass to name 2 examples.
My own colleagues are at home and we take turns per week who works alone from the office.
And that guarantees your safety? Awesome! FOH