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My family's guinea pig is getting put down today, how do I cheer my mom up


So this is a long story, so bear with me:
  • Growing up, my sister and I always wanted a pet but my parents always said no. My mom didn't trust us to be responsible enough and my dad has always had a problem with pets ever since the dog his parents owned growing up got along poorly with him.
  • When she was in college, my sister mentioned to her friends that she wanted a pet but could never get one. So for her 20th (?) birthday, they went ahead and got her a guinea pig. She took care of it a while, bringing it home (the college is two hours away) when she came home for a weekend or two. My mom fell in love with her (the guinea pig) over these trips.
  • Eventually, my sister went to Med School, and then her residency. Over time, as part of this process, the guinea pig (her name is Twix, because her coat had all of the colors of a Twix bar) slowly just ended up staying at my parents full-time. When my sister was in Med School, I ended up going to college as well and my mom grew a deep attachment to Twix, treating her as a third child.
  • My mom would put in large amounts of work for Twix, going out of her way to find new and fresh types of food for her, going out to the backyard with a pair of scissors to cut grass by hand to feed Twix, deep cleaning her cages often, letting her roam freely outside her cages and setting up small areas for her to sleep in and enjoy. Basically, she gave Twix all the love one would a child, and put as much work into Twix as one would a child.
  • However, as of recently Twix got older and started reaching the end of her expected lifespan. I saw a problem here, as when Twix passes away, my mother would get incredibly depressed. I brought up the idea of getting another guinea pig before Twix passes away (to cushion the blow when the time would finally come) but was shot down by my mom--she has convinced herself that getting another pet would be a bad thing because she would end up loving it and putting in the same amount of work, as well as have to bear the loss of losing that pet too when it would finally pass away.
  • Today, my dad texted me that they're at the animal hospital because Twix wouldn't eat or drink water yesterday and that her feet were swelling up. They talked to the vet and were told that it was likely a tumor and that the best thing would be to put her down, which my parents agreed with. My dad told me that my mom was devastated at all of this. In the past we've had some scares and my mom would become upset at even the thought of losing Twix, but the time has actually come to pass now.

In the past, I've had a good share of issues with my parents (my mom still holds a deep and undying grudge towards me for deciding to become a computer engineer instead of going into medicine like my sister and dad), but we've since mostly made good and don't know what to do. A friend suggested I get another pet for my mom but given her response to my earlier suggestions and how she ended up with Twix, I don't see that ending well. I honestly expect my mom to try to get me to return it if possible, or getting very angry at me if that isn't possible. What do you guys suggest?

And before anyone asks, here are some pics of Twix:






goodbye old friend, you'll be missed
A cute little girl. Sorry :[

I had a guinea pig as a kid but he got sick and had to go live with the vet. That's...what my mom told me what happened anyway


Guinea Pigs typically only live to be 4-8, so I imagine on some level she is prepared for this, even though it's always tough to lose a pet.
I doubt there's anything you can say that will magically make your mother feel OK about it, but if you mention that she provided Twix as happy and healthy a life as possible and that you're there if she needs anything that'll probably help.
Sorry for your guinea pig...

I don't have any idea what you could do to make your mom feel better. She might just have to live with the pain for a good while. I lost my favorite cat 2 years ago and I still miss him dearly. Losing a pet, especially if you consider them a part of your family, is never easy.
Sorry for your loss.

Find another Guinea Pig that looks vaguely like Twix. Apologetically tell your mom a story that you bred Twix in secret because you couldn't stomach the idea of her legacy not living on. Introduce her to Twix Jr.


Twix seems like she's had a good life, sorry to hear about her illness. To me the really important thing with pets is to try and replace them very quickly. That void from a dead pet can make it worse, and it's the same with humans really. I didn't want to be at home much after my mum died because her lack of being in the places she normally was, was a constant reminder. With pets you can avoid that by getting another.

You say she doesn't want another but if you can find a place that sells them and explain the situation, they may let you return it if she really doesn't want another one.


Losing a pet is really hard, but it will get easier with time. Eventually it may be a good idea for your mom to get another pet, but now isn't the time for that. There really isn't any fixing this, it just sucks.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Get your mom a cat. They live longer and are mostly hands off in terms of care.


We've bonded pretty deeply with our two pigs; they are very charming and sweet creatures. It's going to be really tough for my S/O and I when they go. My condolences OP, and my only advice is to understand and accept her grief.
My dad just texted me that they've done it.

I'm so very sorry for your loss, snap. I went through the same thing with one of our guinea pigs (Magnitude) a couple of months back and it was the worst feeling ever. My wife and I have had guinea pigs since we started living together in 09, and over the years we've lost 3. It's never easy but then I remember the fun times we had and it brings a smile to my face.

I wish you all the best and I'm sure Twix and my boys are getting acquainted with one another over the rainbow bridge.
[*]However, as of recently Twix got older and started reaching the end of her expected lifespan. I saw a problem here, as when Twix passes away, my mother would get incredibly depressed. I brought up the idea of getting another guinea pig before Twix passes away (to cushion the blow when the time would finally come) but was shot down by my mom--she has convinced herself that getting another pet would be a bad thing because she would end up loving it and putting in the same amount of work, as well as have to bear the loss of losing that pet too when it would finally pass away.

I always hear this mindset from people who never had pets before, who then get them and they pass away. I think it is something people should experience in their life (maybe not a super young age), but to experience loving and raising a pet and ensuring they have a wonderful life before they pass away. It teaches you to ensure you do your best each day to enjoy life as you know they won't outlast you.

Definitely don't get her another pet to force it on her though, some people have a hard time getting over pet loss. You can look up to see if your local shelters offer pet loss support (my wife volunteers and runs a biweekly pet loss gathering) so she can go and talk to others who are dealing with the same grief.


Be there for her, but let her grieve in her own way. Trying to make her happy right away can just prolong the grief.

She may feel the need to hide her sadness for you and mourn silently without anyone to talk to. Do what she needs you to do, not what you want to fix things fast.

If she cannot deal with the loss of a pet, you shouldn't give her a pet.

You sir are an unfeeling asshole.

Death is part of life.
Sorry OP :(

If she cannot deal with the loss of a pet, you shouldn't give her a pet.

I assume you are saying that OP shouldn't get her a pet right now? Because your post reads a little different, so I am hoping you are not saying you shouldn't get a pet if you can't handle losing the pet.


My mom would put in large amounts of work for Twix, going out of her way to find new and fresh types of food for her, going out to the backyard with a pair of scissors to cut grass by hand to feed Twix, deep cleaning her cages often, letting her roam freely outside her cages and setting up small areas for her to sleep in and enjoy. Basically, she gave Twix all the love one would a child, and put as much work into Twix as one would a child.

This really hit me. I took resonsibility for a neglected dog when I was about 12, but she was old and died a few months later when she grew ill and paralyzed in her back legs. Hurt so bad I hardened up and swore off pets until my late 20s. I didn't get another dog until 3 years ago, and it softened me right back up and now I wanna cry at everyone's pet stories.

Those are really lovely pics. Sorry for your loss.


I'm really sorry to hear this, snap. These pictures are adorable. I don't know how to cheer up your mom, but the stories of how much work she put in taking care of Twix are really wonderful to hear, and I hope she'll get through this alright.


Aww, she's so adorable! Sad to hear about her having to be put down :(

I had a Guinea pig as a child (Only pet I've ever had) and I was very sad when he died (when I came home from school one day he couldn't stand up, he died in my arms :( Part of me thinks he waited until I made it home so I could say goodbye).

I don't know what you could do to make your mom feel better, but I hope she's gonna be OK.
I read up that Guinea pigs are social animals and you shouldn't have only one, so I bought my granddaughter a pair, Neptune and Nep-Nep.


My guinea pig is dying. He lost is best buddy two years ago and was happily troopering on he loved having the whole cage to himself.

Hes 4 months off being 7 years old which is something im very proud off hes had a long life and has run into no complications throughout.

These past few days hes literally just stopped eating anything. He noses around looking n smelling but wont eat anything but will happily drink. Otherwise he just lays around and makes very very odd noises. Gonna take him to vet tomo but i think for his age theres gonna be no helping :(


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I have two guinea pigs to stop my family getting a dog they also won’t take care of. Brushfyre and Cinnamon (because my 8 year old daughter doesn’t know stripper names) and I love them and take care of them.


But I’m ok with this arrangement.


Sorry for your loss. Looks like a cute cavy :)

That being said, it is horrible that she only had one guinea pig. They’re social animals and it’s cruel to leave them in isolation. In some countries (like Switzerland) it isn’t even legal to just own one.

That’s also a tiny ass cage.

Anyone who is thinking about getting a guinea pig, you should be prepared to own two (or more) and to give them the space they require.

More guinea pig photos! Here’s my three boys, from left to right: Aki, Mura and Momo.



i would love to get a pet rat from everything i've heard about them but their lifespan being so short keeps me from doing it


Sorry for your loss. Looks like a cute cavy :)

That being said, it is horrible that you only had one guinea pig. They’re social animals and it’s cruel to leave them in isolation. In some countries (like Switzerland) it isn’t even legal to just own one.

That’s also a tiny ass cage.

Anyone who is thinking about getting a guinea pig, you should be prepared to own two or none and to give them the space they require.

More guinea pig photos! Here’s my three boys, from left to right: Aki, Mura and Momo.


Its alot bigger honest its biggest one pets at home sell.

He had a best friend but he died 2 years ago. But pinky loved roaming alone he was so happy having it all to himself.


Its alot bigger honest its biggest one pets at home sell.

He had a best friend but he died 2 years ago. But pinky loved roaming alone he was so happy having it all to himself.

I was talking to the OP :p

I couldn’t guess the size of your cage from that one photo.

It’s good that your boar managed to soldier on by himself afterwards though. Sorry for your loss. I have three pigs from ages 6 months to 3 years old and I already worry about what I’ll do when they eventually pass.


But I’m ok with this arrangement.

^_^ Guinea pig wheeks are some of my favourite sounds.


She's adorable, I'm so sorry. I've lost pigs before and it's heartbreaking.

I have three pigs right now and have had three others before them. I'm man enough to admit that I love guinea pigs. We got some for the kids, and I fell in love with them. Their cage is in my office, so I get to talk to them all day.

EDIT: Dang mobile image sharing...
Sorry for your loss. Looks like a cute cavy :)

That being said, it is horrible that she only had one guinea pig. They’re social animals and it’s cruel to leave them in isolation. In some countries (like Switzerland) it isn’t even legal to just own one.

That’s also a tiny ass cage.

It looks more like a travel cage to carry her around the house rather than a live in cage. Especially since there's no food or water bowl in it.


She's adorable, I'm so sorry. I've lost pigs before and it's heartbreaking.

I have three pigs right now and have had three others before them. I'm man enough to admit that I love guinea pigs. We got some for the kids, and I fell in love with them. Their cage is in my office, so I get to talk to them all day.

EDIT: Dang mobile image sharing...

How old are the two on the left? Are they related?

It looks more like a travel cage to carry her around the house rather than a live in cage. Especially since there's no food or water bowl in it.

Aha! You may be right. I certainly hope so.
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