Great King Bowser said:
Never encountered any problems of the sort in Firefox, touch wood.
But not wanting to start another thread, and while I'm here, what's a good download extension for images that filenames go up in increments? I tried that magpie thing with its bulkster protocol thing and it didn't work. :lol
Or was I doing something wrong?
Try All in One gestures. There's a couple of gestures that can be used to increase or decrease the increment in an URL. i set them to up and down strokes respectively. There's also gestures to undo closing tabs and windows, which are great.
Ironically enough, my computer locked up (it's been doing that recently), and i "lost" all of my Firefox settings, and a few other open programs that normally have no problem after a crash had open files corrupted. i'm in the process of restoring things now.
And downloading Opera's not a bad idea. It's a great browser with more functionality than Firefox out-of-the-box and it's quite fast. Since i've been without my Firefox extensions, i've been using Opera off and on as a more secure and functional alternative to IE, which only sees light for Windows Update and the odd site that doesn't like any non-IE browser.