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My First PC Graphics Card


Hmmm - Diamond Stealth 64 count?

First "3d" card would be the 3dfx voodoo 1. My favourite old card set up was Voodoo 2 SLI.


I know budget is a problem, but if i change my VGA i always tend to pick up one of the best in the market, they're the most important piece of a gaming PC so i tend to buy the best in price/performance, for example last year i changed my 7970 with a r9 290.
my first card was a 3DFX Voodoo 3, PCI, 12 mb I think. Absolute loved it, as it made jedi knight, half life, and some other misc games I had back then look so much better.

I think I still have the actual card in my closet somewhere, as a momento.

I had an S3 or SiS, 4MB, can´t remember well, then I added a 3DFX Voodoo 2 8MB and could not be happier, everything looked sweet. Then I added another one 4MB through some bridge connection this babies had. Great times.

Can´t remember well the next one, I think it was 3DFX 32MB. And yes I am old!!

Now I just have consoles (3DS, PS3, PS4 and Wii U) and a crappy notebook, my last PC was an AMD 3200, GeForce 6800


SVGA - bonkers stuff at the time :)
Later my friend bought S3Virge and that was like ultra high end stuff :)


This was my first GPU. S3 Virge. Absolutely terrible.

It run Virtua Fighter 1! This automatically makes it awesome :)

I remember playing Half Life 2 for the first time with this baby


I bought this for Oblivion launch [gigabyte version]. What a disappointment.

Picked up an nVidia GeForce4 MX 440 64MB at a Best Buy to slap into my crap-tacular HP Pavilion desktop I had when I first started out.

I remember playing NFS: Underground with it and was struggling with low settings at 640x480...

Real time reflections? Wait what? I dont remember NFS: U having those.


I remember playing Half Life 2 for the first time with this baby


Man I bought a Geforce 6600, turned out it was a PCIe card when my motherboard was AGP. I was studying computer science at university at the time too (of course I told no one). Could only switch it for a similar priced AGP 6200. Just awful. True story of how I became a console gamer


Got my first computer that wasn't a "family" machine about 3 years ago (HP Pavilion junk), and I got upgrade fever as soon as I got employed at a university job. Within 3 years, I went;

AMD APU (What came with the machine)
Radeon 6670 1 GB
Radeon 7550 1 GB
Gtx 750 ti 2 GB

And now I have my card I'm sticking with for a few years, the GTX 970, which was put into my very first home built PC this summer.
I was still in high school and I got a new pc. However, I couldn't play BF 1942 because of the integrated graphics card. So for my birthday I got a 9800.



I think it was this thing, a "Trident 3D" card. All I remember is that it had 4MB of RAM. I think


I bought it to run emulated PS1 games better. I didn't know at the time that when it comes to emulation the CPU matters most, so it didn't help much. :p I think a Pentium-100mhz at the time. Honestly, I don't know why I got it exactly.

The Goat

First real, dedicated video card I bought, was a Diamond FireGL for my NT workstation. Ran games like shit, but was good for 3D programs. Thing was like $1200, lol


Diamond Monster 3D with Voodoo 2 chipset.

First game I used it for was Mysteries of the Sith. Didn't know you had to activate it in game, so my friend and I were less than impressed at first.

Then we turned it on and...

Seriously can't remember gaming on my PC before. Been hooked since.


3dfx Voodoo3 3500 and Nvidia RIVA TNT2 Ultra => GeForce 2 MX, GeForce 2 Ti

I used the Sapphire R7 260X for a while and it surprisingly ran well for being an entry level card. Most games ran on 1080p High/Maxed settings with the exception of shadows (medium/low), ambient occlusion (SSAO), tesselation(usually off), and AA (SMAA/FXAA); 45+FPS.
Technically my first graphics card was some ATi RAGE card that came with my first HP Pavillion PC, but my first proper PC build had this bad boy:

Hercules 3D Prophet Geforce 256

That card got me through the early 00's in style
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