ruby_onix said:
It wasn't about ease or difficulty, it was so that they could own the rights instead of licensing. It turned out to be a bad idea, because it costs more in the short term and (AFAIK) nobody has ever seen any long term gain.
So that was the real reason. I supposed it could be something about licensing, but seeing as there wasnt any gain to it, I always thought that it was really to make the translation easier for the opnings. Lots of this italian and old spanish openings have very similar type of music for animation openings.
Still, it needs to go, seems that Italy is the only one still using it and it doesnt look good, at least the video part of the opening.
I always thought when I was smaller having scenes from the series in the opening awkwardly trying to go at the pace of the new song felt cheap, now I think it feels cheap, horrible and spoilery.
BTW, watching the first episode they also moved the opening from being after the episode's prelude to starting with it. Why would they fucking do that, the kids are not stupid, they know what they are going to watch even if you dont start with the opening.