Professor Beef
You have a lot to learn.CHEEZMO said:I would if I knew how to manipulate shiz.
You have a lot to learn.CHEEZMO said:I would if I knew how to manipulate shiz.
Hmm.Narag said:Take clean art and apply bubbling instead.
Hmph, hmph. You're right. Revised! Now with a better Spike freezeframe too.Regulus Tera said:Too many bubbles, dude. You have to be more selective.
DrForester said:WHERE'S YOUR LYRA NOW!
Well when the actual toy is a recolour I think it makes sense to recolour the artwork too.AdawgDaFAB said:It's beyond absurb how they are just recoloring the stock art of the Mane 6 for the pictures of these. It's one thing to reuse the molds for the figures but that art is atrociously lazy.
Sorry, semi-cannon.CHEEZMO said:Mac x Anyone other than Fluttershy* is Heresy.
*Or Braeburn.
Then why was he still infatuated with Smarty Pants even after Celestia dispelled the "Want it, Need it" spell?DrForester said:Nothing cannon about it...
Because he's a fucking weirdo who likes things intended for little girls.Link Man said:Then why was he still infatuated with Smarty Pants even after Celestia dispelled the "Want it, Need it" spell?
Thnikkaman said:I imagine Berryshine Punch being embarrased of her full name.
takua108 said:Just to let you know, guys, every time you say "cannon" when you actually mean to say "canon," an IRL pony dies.
Link Man said:So, waiting on new episodes, I decided to rewatch Lucky Star.
I know, Konata would have a field day with Fluttershy.Jintor said:Oh dear lord
That's hilarious.Orcastar said:This explains everything:
Well except the names...
If you aren't going with the 2 pilot eps then pretty much this. There are episodes that people rate as being better than these, but not as introductions to the series.Narag said:Swarm of the Century, Dragonshy, and Bridle Gossip were the ones I'd always seen mentioned.
Pretty much this. The episodes are great because we already had a season worth of stuff establishing the characters, so when everything went crazy and they started acting completely opposite to their normal personalities it meant something to us. For a first time viewer it wouldn't have as much impact and the episodes would basically just be waiting for Discord to show up again and do more crazy stuff. If you showed someone apprehensive to the show those eps first it is likely they might just like him more than anything else and not care about the show when they find out those are the only eps he is in.Narag said:"Spike, Discord's escaped! Recruit a team of ponies with attitude!" - Celestia's Floating Head
Seriously though, I think it's more that those two episodes carry more weight with defined characters rather than having fresh characters acting contrary to their nature without ever fully establishing what their nature actually is, there's no real mythology without earlier eps, and Discord tends to steal the spotlight anytime he's around.
Easiest way is to start at the beginning and say "Give it a few episodes, because the tone changes."Acerac said:Why is there never any support for the first 2 eps of season 2? They introduce everypony extremely well and are some of the funniest out there.
The only problem is that you might need to give the slightest of introductions, but I think it is a good tradeoff.
Any fanart that stubbornly refuses to accept Derpy's name is immediately ruined for me.Link Man said:I'm going to go against convention and suggest "Green isn't Your Color" as a good introductory episode. It reinforces the characters' personalities without need for prior knowledge, and is quite entertaining.
But enough of that, here's some fanart of questionable humor.