But we just had a Fluttershy page three pages ago <_<
Bye Raz. You will be missed.Ouch, you really didn't deserve that one. My condolences.
For anyone wondering, EviLore unbanned the word "cunt", saying that the forum has become too PC, and that oversensitive people who don't like it should learn to deal with it.
Then EviLore made light of rape, apparently as part of a lesson in deal with it.
Razek said "It's all fun and games until you've had someone close to you raped. Then it's not so funny anymore" and said a few more things with about the same potency. EviLore appears to have made an example out of him (and a couple others).
Season 3 clip from Comic Con NY
Looks promising
I smell Brigadoon.
Do want, but don't have courage to explain My Little Pony merchandise in the mail to family.
It was wrong of me to ever criticize the show's merchandise, because now there's going to be high quality stuff that I want but won't get.
Must not watch...only a month more at the most, right?
Season 3 clip from Comic Con NY
Looks promising
Pinkie's apparently into anthro
Pinkie's apparently into anthro
Yeah, I realized that too. Not that they should have known, but still...
but its a play on Tiger Beat, the old teen mag from back in the day.
From the link:Hoofed mammals can talk, while others cannot
Wow... that makes a lot of sense! And here I thought their choices were entirely arbitrary.
Season 3 spoilersI didn't know Steven Magnet and Dragons had hooves. It's almost like they pulled that out of their asses and mlp is ruined 5ever
You can't expect me to completely read sentences in full. Now if you need me I'll be in the corner wallowing in my shame of illiteracy.I believe "others" modifies mammals. As in, hoofed mammals can talk, other mammals can't. That allows for mythical creatures to still be able to talk.
My little pony now has more porn than DC comics.
moving up in the world!
My little pony now has more porn than DC comics.
moving up in the world!
My little pony now has more porn than DC comics.
moving up in the world!
Honestly i'm surprised that pokemon is higher than Touhou.I think it's more crazy to realize how much higher than Sonic it is.
I met a Brony in real life today.
He asked me if I knew any place where he could get a purple wig with pink bangs. I said no, and asked him why. Said he was dressing up as Twilight Sparkle for an anime convention.
And his 7 month old son would be going as Spike.
Then we talked about Steampunk novels.
Interesting fellow.
As long as he didn't smell.