Too many Pinkie Pies, not enough Pinkie Pie cosplay girls.
So people are already discovering the MLP Easter Eggs in Scribblenauts Unlimited
I REALLY want to get the game myself, but I just don't have the money for a WiiU right now.
Might help to quote that old post from June. Hope you don't mind SPR.
Well, after the dissapointing Nintendo conference lets bring some fun easter eggs about one of the games that was in it (and that was why I couldnt talk before the conference).
I worked as one of the artists in Scribblenauts Unlimited (this was the first time I view the final product and it looks really good) so one of the things I had to do was create new objects and characters (and they were A LOT lol).
Well, one of the new things the game have, if you have played the old games, you will find that finally male characters will have a totally redrawn male, and vice versa (even things like Abraham Lincon will have a female version of themeselves for example), so basically we had to draw the double amount of characters (and the new ones) for this game.
There were so many characters to draw I started putting easter eggs (not easily findable) in the "new" characters, and so we come to the references.
Ive putting this under email tags so its only a suprise for PonyGAF (even if its not really earthsaking or anything, is a fun eater egg), so quote me to see the text ive write here:
The mane six in human form are hidden inside the game. And no, putting female cowboy or cowgirl doesnt summon applejack, its not that easy lol.
But yeah, you will find a human that resembles Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack in the game. Theres also hidden Spike, Big Mac and Applebloom.
I think the easiest to find will be Rainbow Dash, but lets see how much time people take to find them all.
There also another character "cameo" in the story, but I dont know If I cant talk of it yet because even if they have say that theres an animated story I dont want to spoiler anything about it"
Welp, DjPon3 was discovered fast hahahaha.
Yep, that was an easter egg an the most obvious of all. Scratch is probably not because of Vinyl Scratch though (the artists didnt put the names), but the character design is, as that one was done by me. Is a story character and one of Maxwell's brothers.
But i have some sad news, the majority of the rest of the easter eggs were erased. So pinkie (female bowler), twilight (female golfer), Applejack (female football player), Rarity (female news anchor) and Fluttershy (I dont remember what fluttershy was, ¿soccer player?) are not in the game any more (the hair has been turned into generic hair sadly). Im not sure if they deleted Rainbow Dash (she didnt had rainbow colour hair though, and I think she was in female athlete).
BUT you still can find Spike, Big Machintosh and Applebloom.
Theres a randomizer for sports people, so if you write football player you will have two different teams. One has orange gear with an apple logo (and the girl and boy versions in that team, if you look inside the helmet are applebloom and big mac). The other team with green gear have a purple dragon that throws a green flame.
Maybe I can get some shots of the football team this afternoon.
And If I have some time I would love doing scribblenauts drawing versions of the cast and uploaded here. Maybe even try to make them in the game with the new object creator (if I can handle how to create good hair).
Welp, DjPon3 was discovered fast hahahaha.
Yep, that was an easter egg an the most obvious of all. Scratch is probably not because of Vinyl Scratch though (the artists didnt put the names), but the character design is, as that one was done by me. Is a story character and one of Maxwell's brothers.
But i have some sad news, the majority of the rest of the easter eggs were erased. So pinkie (female bowler), twilight (female golfer), Applejack (female football player), Rarity (female news anchor) and Fluttershy (I dont remember what fluttershy was, ¿soccer player?) are not in the game any more (the hair has been turned into generic hair sadly). Im not sure if they deleted Rainbow Dash (she didnt had rainbow colour hair though, and I think she was in female athlete).
BUT you still can find Spike, Big Machintosh and Applebloom.
Theres a randomizer for sports people, so if you write football player you will have two different teams. One has orange gear with an apple logo (and the girl and boy versions in that team, if you look inside the helmet are applebloom and big mac). The other team with green gear have a purple dragon that throws a green flame.
Maybe I can get some shots of the football team this afternoon.
And If I have some time I would love doing scribblenauts drawing versions of the cast and upload them here. Maybe even try to make them in the game with the new object creator (if I can handle how to create good hair).
Well someone discovered RD just last night. Said you had to do it a few times before she showed up.
I have little tolerance for bullies and the excuses for why they treat others like shit.
BTW Where are people discovering all this, I want to take a look at that thread.
I came across it on Derpibooru actually. I then pointed out your post. And then another found Rainbow Dash. I relayed the info about the content getting cut because I didn't want people spending hours for something that was no longer there, but I probably should've kept my mouth shut about the remaining ones still in the game. Oh well.
but they were bullied themselves, man
it's like, a cycle
Applebloom starts us off by hiding in an armoire,
She's getting ready to greet a cousin who has traveled in from afar.
Applejack rolls her eyes and tells her not to stress,
while Applebloom dirties her room with all manner of dress.
The pair arrive at the Friendship Express station,
The crusaders arrive and bounce with anticipation.
The crusaders plan out what persuasion they'll need,
and the train finally arrives with the cargo of Babs Seed.
For Babs the crusaders try to meet every need and service,
But upon being swarmed the other filly seems nervous.
They take her to the clubhouse and show her around,
but a positive reaction just cannot be found.
So they bring her outside to show her their float,
But Diamond and her toady show up to gloat.
They point out Babs has a blank flank as well,
but all thoughts of Babs being a crusader she does quickly quell.
She turns on Applebloom and her crusading pals,
She makes fun of their club and joins the other gals.
Babs then shows almost no self-control,
She kicks over the pumpkin and out the door it does roll.
With the bullies she finally has found her niche,
And upon being threatened calls Applebloom a snitch.
They decide to avoid her, how hard can that be?
We then cut to a song about Babs and her terror spree.
To the clubhouse they return with their tails between their legs,
But outside Babs is waiting to knock them down a few pegs.
She and the others have claimed the clubhouse for their own,
They pull up the ladder; from their house they've now been thrown.
This all proves too much for poor Sweetie Belle,
The others grab an umbrella while she does cry and yell.
They all end up staying at Sweetie's parent's place,
They all mope about in sadness and disgrace.
Sweetie again says they should tell an adult,
The others refuse because of a childish insult.
Applebloom looks out and then hatches a plan,
She'll make the guest of honor the jerk in her clan.
They sneak out to the barn in the dead of the eve,
and from her normal colors Sweetie Belle gets a reprieve.
She gets dust thrown on her that turns her mane gold,
but she soon learns there are plans that she's not being told.
The dust, some gears, paper, and a kitchen timer...
Their plans even puzzled your striated rhymer!
The crusaders then begin with their enigmatic scheme,
and borrow a montage and some music from the venerable A-Team.
During the montage Scoots seems to get her cutie mark,
but upon further inspection her flank still remains stark.
The crusaders finish up just as the dawn breaks,
And we cut to a mare selling her carrot cakes.
It smells good enough to put Spike in a food coma,
But Pinkie breaks the stream and floats off on the aroma.
Babs soon arrives and Sweetie Belle flubs her lines,
While the other two crusaders groan from insides it's confines.
They manage to make Babs get into the machine,
while the crusaders sit back and prepare to watch the scene.
However, AJ walks up and reveals new information,
Babs had been bullied; this trip is her needed isolation.
The crusaders then realize they've got 60 seconds to abort,
They chase down their float; their own plans they must thwart!
They hop in Pinkie's contraption and begin hot pursuit,
But when they try to save her Babs gives them the boot.
Pinkie makes puns and Applebloom rolls her eyes,
they give chase again but the Apple careens to its' demise.
They jump through the door and get Babs out through the side,
But then they cannot get out. They're along for the ride.
They then keep going and hit the lake with a thud,
They climb out of the wreckage now covered in mud.
Pictures are taken and AJ comes down to check,
Babs is now stunned. They saved her form that wreck!
We cut back to the farm where the fillies get clean,
Sweetie shouts about irony when they admit to being mean.
Babs wants to start over, and the crusaders agree,
Scoots then bangs on some drums in their house on a tree.
All doubts of further hatred this meeting does parry,
While Sweetie reads and proves she is NOT a dictionary.
Babs gets her cape and we cut back to the train,
where the bullying pair treat the crusaders with disdain.
Babs then threatens to tell their folks of her actions,
And finally proves her loyalty to the better of the factions.
She gets on the train and laughs are shared by the rest,
And now people know what to do should bullying need to be addressed.
So apparently calling a Sony fanboy a "Sony Pony" is a thing now, but it's not a thing on GAF anymore, because it's been banned, as has enlightening people to the true bliss of the PC Master Race.
So apparently calling a Sony fanboy a "Sony Pony" is a thing now, but it's not a thing on GAF anymore, because it's been banned, as has enlightening people to the true bliss of the PC Master Race.