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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming


Some of those rankings are based on as few as two votes per episode, so yeah, kinda ridiculous calling them "PonyGAF's rankings".
Really? No one else is talking about this?

Concerning the song choice, I imagine that it's because it's the triumphant song in season 5 with the most recognizable instrumentals--the only part of the instrumentals of "Let the Rainbow Remind You" that stands out is the very beginning, and it's otherwise carried by the singing.

I really hope that brief shot of Sweetie Belle on stage means we're getting CMC cutie marks this season. I'm expecting the story to involve Sweetie becoming unsure about her singing skills until she is encouraged; an obvious route, but it should be good. While we've long suspected it, it's been outright confirmed that the map will lead the main six to specific locations for adventures. It'd be nice to get the exploring that we've been promised in past seasons, and we already know that these adventures won't be the subject of every episode. Also, this further justifies by "Challenge of the Superfriends" topic title idea. It's interesting that there's a scene of Starlight Glimmer running away from others, incidentally with the cutie mark that's on her toy; could it be that we're getting a tragic backstory for her? As for the hinting at the end... landscape warping? That's all I got.


If the CMC do get their CM eventually I hope they don't all get it in the same season. The closest friend you have suddenly seems a little different and distant - there are tons of stories and lessons they can write on that. Worst thing they can do is hand all three out in one episode.
If the CMC do get their CM eventually I hope they don't all get it in the same season. The closest friend you have suddenly seems a little different and distant - there are tons of stories and lessons they can write on that. Worst thing they can do is hand all three out in one episode.

Hmm, to leave a response spoiled or unspoiled, since it doesn't directly relate to any spoilers... Oh whatever.

I've felt that the best way to handle the CMC getting their cutie marks would be to have Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle each get cutie marks in their own separate episodes, have another episode involving Apple Bloom getting upset that she still doesn't have hers, and then in a fourth episode, Apple Bloom finally gets hers.


I've felt that the best way to handle the CMC getting their cutie marks would be to have Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle each get cutie marks in their own separate episodes, have another episode involving Apple Bloom getting upset that she still doesn't have hers, and then in a fourth episode, Apple Bloom finally gets hers.
That's the approach I would take as well.
Makes sense for Apple Bloom to be last given that she's been painted as the most anxious to get one since the start of the series.

Incidentally, I do hope that once the CMC do land their cutie marks that they keep the CMC legacy alive by acting as mentors/role models for other "blank flanks" to discover their own hidden talents.


More season 5 clips, including one likely not from the premiere.

No better time than now for the first CMC's CM

Another neat trailer.
Looking forward to seeing some of those locations hinted at in previous episodes; it's exciting that five seasons in we can continue to see the world expand organically like that.

Definitely put me down as another person keen to see
at least some of the Crusaders getting their marks this season. They've been kinda hinting at that pretty heavily lately, so it'd be nice to see them follow through and make it stick.


Kills Photobucket
Hmm, to leave a response spoiled or unspoiled, since it doesn't directly relate to any spoilers... Oh whatever.

I've felt that the best way to handle the CMC getting their cutie marks would be to have Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle each get cutie marks in their own separate episodes, have another episode involving Apple Bloom getting upset that she still doesn't have hers, and then in a fourth episode, Apple Bloom finally gets hers.

I will be disappointed if Apple Bloom doesn't get hers last. She's always been the most desperate to get her cutie mark and I think that needs to be addressed.


Small comic which contains shipping of Twilight Sparkle/Rainbow Dash. Shame the artist wishes to remain anonymous, for really the artwork is very, very nice. ;)


Full comic here - http://asksparklesanddashie.tumblr....that-day-precocious-puberty-missed-spike-by-a
Yep, Sunset Shimmer turned out to be a pretty great character. I know a lot of people would be upset if this happened, but I would love it if she showed up in season 5


Yep, Sunset Shimmer turned out to be a pretty great character. I know a lot of people would be upset if this happened, but I would love it if she showed up in season 5

It's amusing to note that Sunset Shimmer's great character comes almost entirely from EG2. She was nothing special in EG1 (actually, most of the ponies in EG1&2 are pale imitations of their FIM originals), but EG2 took EG1's simple "defeated villain" and turned her into something interesting.

Sunset in FIM S5 would be okay, but Sunset currently owns the EG series, so she should at least finish things up in EG3 before coming over, and that would make FIM S5 "too soon" for Sunset's arrival. Maybe season 6? Ideally, she should have a worthy exit inside the EG series (unless the EG series is cancelled before she can make her exit), but she should also have an introduction/entrance in FIM once she arrives there. Each series should show a different side of the door, and the crossing should make sense from both sides. I do think Sunset should move back to FIM sooner or later though.

Serious question: Human Sunset Shimmer, or Pony Sunset Shimmer?

In the past, Hasbro has dropped human girls in with the ponies, to make them relatable, and Lauren Faust apparently said "That ain't happening on my watch." But Lauren's watch is long past, and Sunset Shimmer isn't exactly human, she's a human-form pony. They could potentially use Sunset as a nod to G1, without falling into the trappings of G1, if they're smart about it. Unlike Twilight, Sunset has grown to enjoy things like walking on two legs and having fingers, so it would make sense for her character to want to keep her human form (or at least occasional access to it). Plus there's gag potential with Lyra (and EG2 proved with the stealth Bonbon shipping that they're well aware of the fan characterizations). Also, I would say that Sunset actually looks better as a human, unlike the rest of the EG cast.

Bringing Sunset Shimmer over to FIM as a human would be a risky move, with plenty of shark-jumping potential, so obviously it would depend on whether the writers were up to the challenge. Since I'm assuming the writers are up for the challenge, I'd say the risky move would be a good idea.
If they brought Sunset Shimmer to FiM I would much prefer her to become a pony again.

And you are right about her being bland in EG1, she was pretty much a stereotypical "cool girl" bully. But they really gave her some great character moments in Rainbow Rocks and i am super glad Twilight wasn't the one that saved the day.


Kills Photobucket
Well, there was absolutely no logical reason for her to remain in the Anthroverse after the first film. Everyone hates her, everyone resents her. The only reason she stayed was because there was a sequel in the world. I don't know how well she's fit in as a member of the main cast, but I would be all for her returning to study with Celestia again. She doesn't belong in the human world.


Pretty sure they'd have trouble framing shots and making human proportions fit in naturally with the Equestria sets.

Well, there was absolutely no logical reason for her to remain in the Anthroverse after the first film. Everyone hates her, everyone resents her. The only reason she stayed was because there was a sequel in the world.

She's also a serious criminal in Equestria at the end of that movie, by all rights, never mind her personal issues with Celestia. Post-EG2 it could probably happen with pardons and forgiveness and hugs all around, but then she'd also have to sever her ties on the other side and start fresh. Whether or not she'd really want to go back is an open question.


I kind of want to see a reversed Equestria Girls episode. I mean, come on. Human Rarity knows you have a castle, Twilight. How can you NOT give her a tour of it by now? That and there's some humor in them trying to get used to the whole being a pony thing, not to mention the whole "ponies usually don't wear clothes" thing for the visit and the possibility of having two Pinkie Pies meet. The Fluttershys would have a shy-off, I'm sure.

That and Sunset Shimmer meeting Celestia again. I'm sure they have some catching up to do.


Synopsis for episode 3 and 4.

Castle Sweet Castle

S05, E03 (First Aired: April 11, 2015) The ponies try to make Princess Twilight's castle feel more like home after finding out she's been avoiding it.

Bloom and Gloom

S05, E04(First Aired: April 18, 2015) Apple Bloom has high anxiety over getting her Cutie Mark and it begins to turn her life into a nightmare.


Re: Sunset returning to Equestria... eh. Maybe if the EQG franchise goes belly-up, otherwise I'd prefer to see her stay at Canterlot High and become the lead character.

If she was to return, I'd definitely want to see her back as a pony. Having humans walking around in Equestria would just be way too weird.

Synopsis for episode 3 and 4.

Castle Sweet Castle

S05, E03 (First Aired: April 11, 2015) The ponies try to make Princess Twilight's castle feel more like home after finding out she's been avoiding it.

Bloom and Gloom

S05, E04(First Aired: April 18, 2015) Apple Bloom has high anxiety over getting her Cutie Mark and it begins to turn her life into a nightmare.

Ooh, I like the sound of both of these. Three in particular sounds great to me, given
how cold and unwelcoming the castle is compared with the library.


Kills Photobucket
Hmmm. As for Episode 4.

I wonder if that clip of Sweetie Belle might be part of Apple Bloom's nightmare. Her friends getting theirs first. Said it before and I'll say it again, I will be disappointed if Apple Bloom gets hers first.

And yay, a likely 4th Luna episode before Celestia even gets one...


Hmmm. As for Episode 4.

I wonder if that clip of Sweetie Belle might be part of Apple Bloom's nightmare. Her friends getting theirs first. Said it before and I'll say it again, I will be disappointed if Apple Bloom gets hers first.

And yay, a likely 4th Luna episode before Celestia even gets one...
Well that or it's completely literal. All shall fear the enduring wrath of NIGHTMARE BLOOM! Mwahahahaha!
Synopsis for episode 3 and 4.

Castle Sweet Castle

S05, E03 (First Aired: April 11, 2015) The ponies try to make Princess Twilight's castle feel more like home after finding out she's been avoiding it.

Bloom and Gloom

S05, E04(First Aired: April 18, 2015) Apple Bloom has high anxiety over getting her Cutie Mark and it begins to turn her life into a nightmare.

Both sound potentially interesting, though of course, at this point, it's hard to say what directions the stories will go in.

And in older news, ED linked to this Wall Street Journal article about how unicorns are a big thing again because of MLP, and it looks really interesting, but I can't actually get past the paywall the way they said you could.

You can now get Pony debit cards! With season 1 Luna.

Following up on their Desu Daily anime site, Equestria Daily is launching a spinoff site for Steven Universe. I... may actually check this one out.
New character trailers, with Fluttershy and Applejack out. These have less effort put into them than the previous character trailers we got, but the latter does have clips from the premiere and what appears to be episode 3.
I don't think putting a bunch of soil on the floor of the castle will do much good, Applejack

EDIT: General promo, also with season 5 clips.
Odd that they matched Starlight (I assume) talking with a visual of Pinkie talking
Hi guys, I haven't really followed MLP in years but I remember the fandom being absolutely massive back in the days. I was just wondering what's the state of the fandom now? Still going strong?


Everything is moe to me
Hi guys, I'm not a brony but I remember the FiM fandom being absolutely massive a few years back. I remember hearing stories of fanfics that were longer than Lord of the Rings and a metric fuckton of fan created content. I was just wondering what's the state of the fandom now? Still going strong?
there are dozens of mlp fics longer than lotr now; the longest is 4x longer.
and i've read it

anyway, the fandom still chugs along even though the long hiatus has dulled things a bit. it's certainly not as massive anymore and probably wont be again, but it's still a pretty big fish.


Just out of curiosity, Pandaman, did you spent over 24 minutes writing up your reply? How do you still have his pre-edit quote in your post?

I've done that. Sometimes I'll write a reply, then I get distracted and go do something else before finishing it (like checking to see "Oh wait, how long was that MLP fanfic compared to LOTR? I better read both again really quick just to make sure"), then I come back to my half-written reply and if I'm paying any sort of attention I'll hit F5 on the thread to see if anyone else posted, but I'm not on the lookout for an edit.


ED interview with the crew of Fiendship is Magic #3 (Sirens)

Interesting to hear that it apparently won't be about their encounter with Starswirl, but rather will take place well before that (during a faux Greek period) and will be about them deciding to be evil.

It's an interesting interview. Looking forward to learning what a few of those "redacted"s are.

Hi guys, I haven't really followed MLP in years but I remember the fandom being absolutely massive back in the days. I was just wondering what's the state of the fandom now? Still going strong?

I'd say it's probably thinned out a fair bit from the critical mass it hit a couple of years ago, but there's still a pretty active community. Things should definitely perk up once there's some actual episodes on TV again too.
I've done that. Sometimes I'll write a reply, then I get distracted and go do something else before finishing it (like checking to see "Oh wait, how long was that MLP fanfic compared to LOTR? I better read both again really quick just to make sure"), then I come back to my half-written reply and if I'm paying any sort of attention I'll hit F5 on the thread to see if anyone else posted, but I'm not on the lookout for an edit.

I would make a joke about how he spent the time re-reading the fanfic in question but if it's that long, I'm pretty sure he needed more than ~24 minutes. :)

Just finished watching the original My Little Pony videotape without interruptions or distractions for the first time. It was really well made and enjoyable. I can easily see why it captivated Lauren's young imagination so.
Episode 5 revealed!
Tanks for the Memories
(Aired Date: April 25, 2015)
Synopsis: When Rainbow Dash realizes Tank must hibernate for winter, she decides the best solution is to keep winter from coming.

Despite the title, I doubt that Tank will be set free or anything. The fact that this is apparently the first winter that Dash has had Tank for lends credence to my theory that "Hearth's Warming Eve" takes place before "Winter Wrap Up" (though this also requires the CMC intro episode to be before it, and let's just throw in the common theory that "Fall Weather Friends" is before it for the heck of it). This episode sounds like it could either have obtuse jerk Dash or be a legitimately emotional episode; hopefully we don't start getting the former again.


Episode 5 revealed!
Tanks for the Memories
(Aired Date: April 25, 2015)
Synopsis: When Rainbow Dash realizes Tank must hibernate for winter, she decides the best solution is to keep winter from coming.

Despite the title, I doubt that Tank will be set free or anything. The fact that this is apparently the first winter that Dash has had Tank for lends credence to my theory that "Hearth's Warming Eve" takes place before "Winter Wrap Up" (though this also requires the CMC intro episode to be before it, and let's just throw in the common theory that "Fall Weather Friends" is before it for the heck of it). This episode sounds like it could either have obtuse jerk Dash or be a legitimately emotional episode; hopefully we don't start getting the former again.

Meh. Never was a fan of
. One of the biggest mistakes of season 2 IMO.
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