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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

Just read Friends Forever #19. The art was cute, and I liked the designs of the new characters, but the story was eh. It was the plot of "Suited For Success" except with all fault lying solely on Rarity's shoulders (somewhat like in "Rarity Takes Manehattan"). I've seen at least one person complaining about Rarity being out of character, but it's more that this is the sort of story that would have been done with Rarity a long time ago but somehow hasn't exactly. Thus, it feels like something she should have already gotten past, especially since she's more considerate in the well-regarded Rarity microseries issue, which also involves her helping to form a business.
How do Shatner and de Lancie get along? If there isn't some kind of bad blood between them, it'd be neat to get them both in an episode.


How do Shatner and de Lancie get along? If there isn't some kind of bad blood between them, it'd be neat to get them both in an episode.

I don't think Shatner's really feuding with anyone expect George Takei, but I think he's kind of "distant" from everyone.

Thinking about it, I'm actually surprised Robert Picardo hasn't had a guest role yet, seeing as how he randomly (due to his association with John de Lancie) saved a brony con once, and said "What's this? Ponies? Looks like fun, can I join?"


Kills Photobucket
Lack of guest stars on MLP has surprised me. Especially since Hasbro also financed "Pound Puppies" and the list of big name guest stars on that show.

And Shanter needs to provide the voice to Luna's pet, Tiberius.
I love scenes like this:

Star gazing is very cool


Just read Friends Forever #19. The art was cute, and I liked the designs of the new characters, but the story was eh. It was the plot of "Suited For Success" except with all fault lying solely on Rarity's shoulders (somewhat like in "Rarity Takes Manehattan"). I've seen at least one person complaining about Rarity being out of character, but it's more that this is the sort of story that would have been done with Rarity a long time ago but somehow hasn't exactly. Thus, it feels like something she should have already gotten past, especially since she's more considerate in the well-regarded Rarity microseries issue, which also involves her helping to form a business.

I really liked this one. You're totally right about it being kind of an early-Rarity story, but I enjoyed it just the same.

That could be fun.

I love scenes like this:

Star gazing is very cool

I like that one. Reminds me of one of my favourite scenes from early pony:

Movie news! It will be distributed by Lionsgate, and there is a basic plot synposis; though it's just "the main six go on an adventure and meet friends" basically. At least we know we are definitely getting the same characters and actors. The press release also mentions that Kristin Chenoweth (Wicked, Glee) will play a new character in the movie.


Kills Photobucket
Glad, and a bit surprised, that Jayson will be directing the film.

Disappointed to hear Meghan is writing it now. Guess Joe Ballarini was taken off the film, or only wrote the first draft.
Glad, and a bit surprised, that Jayson will be directing the film.

Disappointed to hear Meghan is writing it now. Guess Joe Ballarini was taken off the film, or only wrote the first draft.

Oh, didn't even notice that they listed the writer and director, among others. I wonder what happened to Ballarini writing; he was even happily tweeting about it when he was announced.

On one hand, I'm kind of disappointed that we're getting the exact same staff as the show, since it would have been interesting to see someone else handle the movie. On the other hand, this does minimize the risk of anything going wrong with the tone.

And yeah, sorry Doc, looks like Celestia is going to be captured again.


Kills Photobucket
Oh, didn't even notice that they listed the writer and director, among others. I wonder what happened to Ballarini writing; he was even happily tweeting about it when he was announced.

On one hand, I'm kind of disappointed that we're getting the exact same staff as the show, since it would have been interesting to see someone else handle the movie. On the other hand, this does minimize the risk of anything going wrong with the tone.

And yeah, sorry Doc, looks like Celestia is going to be captured again.

Honestly, I expect her to be killed. If this movie is to be the grand send off to G4 that many expect, I think killing off Celestia and Luna would be a quick way for an emotional hook. And would fit Meghan's M.O. of showing how big and bad her villain is by beating up the most powerful pony in the room.


I don't think Hasbro would let anyone die (I'm not sure Sombra really counts as he was a smoke-thing and didn't really seem like a pony at the time) in a show about friendship. The worst that might happen is Celestia isn't just captured, but gets permanently stripped of her powers.


Kills Photobucket
I don't think Hasbro would let anyone die (I'm not sure Sombra really counts as he was a smoke-thing and didn't really seem like a pony at the time) in a show about friendship. The worst that might happen is Celestia isn't just captured, but gets permanently stripped of her powers.

I think that would be even worse. Make Celestia actually useless rather than just a byproduct of bad writing.
I don't think Hasbro would let anyone die (I'm not sure Sombra really counts as he was a smoke-thing and didn't really seem like a pony at the time) in a show about friendship. The worst that might happen is Celestia isn't just captured, but gets permanently stripped of her powers.

If the movie really is the ending (which I still don't believe), then I expect for Celestia and Luna to return to whatever realm they came from, leaving Equestria to Twilight (and Cadance I guess).

Anyway, stuff from Bronycon interviews!

GM Berrow
* McCarthy was the one who provided her with the detail that Cadance used to be a pegasus for the first FiM chapter book. Berrow says that means it's canon.
* She was the one who chose the names Marble and Limestone for Pinkie's non-Maude sisters, because the initials of those three spell out "MLP".

Bunch of others
* Possible costars that de Lancie is interested in bringing onto MLP are opera singers he's worked with, Bryan Cranston, and William Shatner; I guess they're on good terms after all.
* In response to the accusation that Discord has become less chaotic now that he's good, de Lancie claims that Discord shouldn't be too nice and there may come a time where he acts "naughty" again.
* Charlotte Fullerton says that in the crazy cat lady scene of "Suited For Success", Pinkie's original last line was, "It's a slippery slope," instead of, "Give her time." I prefer what they went with.
* Rarity's fainting couch is unlikely to return; she has apparently grown out of it.
* The writers don't know what's causing the current hiatus, but suspect it's due to Friendship Games using the same cast and crew.
* Berrow said that a little girl once mailed her asking for her to be her Celestia and exchange weekly letters. Aww.
* "Amending Fences" was almost canceled late in the process, because guys at Hasbro noticed that Twilight had previously appeared in scenes with her Canterlot friends while they were just background characters. It's still surprising to hear about guys at Hasbro caring about continuity like that.
* In response to a question about how Rainbow Dash and Rarity didn't seem like they were achieving their professional aspirations, Fullerton reminded everyone that just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they won't, and Rogers said in particular to be patient about Rarity.
* In what's probably already known but is news for me, Larson wrote an early story for Gravity Falls. At the time, the characters weren't clearly defined and there were few script references, so he didn't enjoy working on the show.
* Episode premises that never came to be (directly quoting for this, names edited for consistency with the rest of my post):
Rogers: constant pitches for seaponies from her and just about every other writer every season
Berrow: Applejack secretly becomes a guerrilla artist named "Flanksy"
Larson: "Fillydelphia Ragtime", in which Applejack and Rarity went to Fillydelphia for a friendship problem and discovered that newly-elected mayor Flam had banned cider inside the city, resulting in AJ starting up a bootleg cider operation to keep from losing the Fillydelphia cider profits her family depended on
* After Unicon, the show writers were told by Hasbro that they couldn't attend any more cons, but they continued coming anyway. Writing this out, I feel like I already knew this, but whatever.
* It looks like Larson's Pennyroyal Academy series is working out well for him.
* Also probably already known but news to me, Larson worked on Sym-Bionic Titan.


Movie news! It will be distributed by Lionsgate, and there is a basic plot synposis; though it's just "the main six go on an adventure and meet friends" basically. At least we know we are definitely getting the same characters and actors. The press release also mentions that Kristin Chenoweth (Wicked, Glee) will play a new character in the movie.

Interesting. I wonder why Joe Ballarini departed?

Anyway, stuff from Bronycon interviews!

Some cool bits and pieces in there. Love the bootleg cider storyline, that could've been a lot of fun.


I don't think Hasbro would let anyone die (I'm not sure Sombra really counts as he was a smoke-thing and didn't really seem like a pony at the time) in a show about friendship. The worst that might happen is Celestia isn't just captured, but gets permanently stripped of her powers.

I don't have any specific expectations about the movie, but Hasbro ordered Optimus Prime's death for business desires that are alive and well within Hasbro today, and while they immediately got gun-shy and revoked Duke's death (it's just a flesh wound), killing Optimus turned out to be the best thing they could've done for that character/franchise (where are Duke and GI Joe now?), and they've killed him over and over again (from Beast Wars to Bayformers to Transformers Prime), trying to recapture that success. They even moved up to killing Bumblebee.

I wouldn't doubt that they would kill Celestia in a movie about friendship, especially if that's a thing that makes Mane Six's friendship stronger. If the writers want to go there, I think Hasbro will offer them a selection of guns.


I don't have any specific expectations about the movie, but Hasbro ordered Optimus Prime's death for business desires that are alive and well within Hasbro today, and while they immediately got gun-shy and revoked Duke's death (it's just a flesh wound), killing Optimus turned out to be the best thing they could've done for that character/franchise (where are Duke and GI Joe now?), and they've killed him over and over again (from Beast Wars to Bayformers to Transformers Prime), trying to recapture that success. They even moved up to killing Bumblebee.

I wouldn't doubt that they would kill Celestia in a movie about friendship, especially if that's a thing that makes Mane Six's friendship stronger. If the writers want to go there, I think Hasbro will offer them a selection of guns.

I've actually just rewatched The Lego Movie, and it reminded me that even in a PG movie there's a million horrible things you can do to people without expressly "killing" them. Sometimes those things can actually be nastier than just bumping someone off.

Just a thought, anyway. As Cheerilee says, Hasbro aren't new to killing characters. It might come off as a little surprising in the MLP space, but stranger things have happened.


I've actually just rewatched The Lego Movie, and it reminded me that even in a PG movie there's a million horrible things you can do to people without expressly "killing" them. Sometimes those things can actually be nastier than just bumping someone off.


" hey knuckles because of legal things out side of this comic, your entire family has been locked out of this existence via portal , and thrown in there one by literally who "

It gets really messed up when things get legal

I don't have any specific expectations about the movie, but Hasbro ordered Optimus Prime's death for business desires that are alive and well within Hasbro today, and while they immediately got gun-shy and revoked Duke's death (it's just a flesh wound), killing Optimus turned out to be the best thing they could've done for that character/franchise (where are Duke and GI Joe now?), and they've killed him over and over again (from Beast Wars to Bayformers to Transformers Prime), trying to recapture that success. They even moved up to killing Bumblebee.

I wouldn't doubt that they would kill Celestia in a movie about friendship, especially if that's a thing that makes Mane Six's friendship stronger. If the writers want to go there, I think Hasbro will offer them a selection of guns.

Then they can sell , in honor toys.

Then they could bring them back and then sell the " no we are actually super alive and way more powerful that you think toys "

I mean spikes a dog for marketing reasons, why not at this point


Wasn't feeling this short either. Visual gags from Pinkie are a dime a dozen, so there has to be more than that, and you could see the punchline a mile away. Also, did Dash's hair always have so much green, or is that unique to Dougworld Dash?
Pony Dash and human Dash part their hair differently. Pony Dash parts it between the yellow and the green stripe, putting the green on the back of her mane, while human Dash parts her hair in the middle of the green stripe, putting it on both the front and back of her hair.

On another note entirely, I drew something with pony again:

A somewhat simple idea, but since it's about five months since I drew something, I figured I wanted to share. I do like how the lineart came out in this one, though.
Oh neat. I'll check it out later.

Pony Dash and human Dash part their hair differently. Pony Dash parts it between the yellow and the green stripe, putting the green on the back of her mane, while human Dash parts her hair in the middle of the green stripe, putting it on both the front and back of her hair.

On another note entirely, I drew something with pony again:

A somewhat simple idea, but since it's about five months since I drew something, I figured I wanted to share. I do like how the lineart came out in this one, though.

Nice art, and good to know I wasn't crazy.

just finished season 4, and i think Tirek might be my new favorite villain

Yeah, he was pretty fun and had a neat fight, though he was more interesting before he got all swoll. BTW, you should check out the FIENDship is Magic comic specials. The second is about Tirek; it isn't nearly as good as the first and last specials (Sombra and Chrysalis), but it's decent.

Weird rubber ducks


Power corrupts.
Also they control magic with their brains, but their heads aren't bigger than the other kinds of ponies. Maybe there's some give and take? Phenomenal magic power, itty-bitty mental stability. Even for ponies.

...which actually explains why Twilight's breakdowns are so spectacular. Rarity, too, to some extent.

That's not Big Mac.

Anyway, Anthology V. I liked the Rick and Morty part, the Canadian wildlife part, the "press X to SHAUN!" part, and the ending credits, along with shorter gags like Twilight shooting lasers out of her eyes and Kirby Fluttershy, but I thought it was otherwise unremarkable. There were some impressively animated parts, like the FLCL recreation and the Pepe Le Pew part with Sweetie Belle, but I didn't think they were that funny. I also still dislike having to look at Flash Sentry in the segments including him.

Other good videos to come out of Bronycon:
Orbital Friendship Laser
Don't Stop

And I liked this comic for some reason. The Perfect Plan. (linked because big)

And one more thing. A discussion over at the Magic the Gathering thread made me realize: do we really need a separate OT and Community thread? It's not like either gets a ton of posts. A better idea would be to create a new thread at the start of a season in OT and close the Community thread, and then when the season ends, move the OT thread to Community.

When season 5 starts up again, I think it would be good to close this Community thread and move all discussion over to the OT thread. Then when season 5 ends, the entire topic will be moved to Community by a mod. When season 6 comes, we create an OT topic and close the old one.

Any objections?


Other good videos to come out of Bronycon:
Orbital Friendship Laser
Don't Stop

I like that "Don't Stop" PMV.

And I liked this comic for some reason. The Perfect Plan. (linked because big)

Ha! That's a really good one.

And one more thing. A discussion over at the Magic the Gathering thread made me realize: do we really need a separate OT and Community thread? It's not like either gets a ton of posts. A better idea would be to create a new thread at the start of a season in OT and close the Community thread, and then when the season ends, move the OT thread to Community.

When season 5 starts up again, I think it would be good to close this Community thread and move all discussion over to the OT thread. Then when season 5 ends, the entire topic will be moved to Community by a mod. When season 6 comes, we create an OT topic and close the old one.

Any objections?

Makes sense to me. Steven Universe operates on a single thread doesn't it? So long as we're using good spoiler etiquette I don't see it being an issue.
That's not Big Mac.

Anyway, Anthology V. I liked the Rick and Morty part, the Canadian wildlife part, the "press X to SHAUN!" part, and the ending credits, along with shorter gags like Twilight shooting lasers out of her eyes and Kirby Fluttershy, but I thought it was otherwise unremarkable. There were some impressively animated parts, like the FLCL recreation and the Pepe Le Pew part with Sweetie Belle, but I didn't think they were that funny. I also still dislike having to look at Flash Sentry in the segments including him.

Other good videos to come out of Bronycon:
Orbital Friendship Laser
Don't Stop

And I liked this comic for some reason. The Perfect Plan. (linked because big)

And one more thing. A discussion over at the Magic the Gathering thread made me realize: do we really need a separate OT and Community thread? It's not like either gets a ton of posts. A better idea would be to create a new thread at the start of a season in OT and close the Community thread, and then when the season ends, move the OT thread to Community.

When season 5 starts up again, I think it would be good to close this Community thread and move all discussion over to the OT thread. Then when season 5 ends, the entire topic will be moved to Community by a mod. When season 6 comes, we create an OT topic and close the old one.

Any objections?




And one more thing. A discussion over at the Magic the Gathering thread made me realize: do we really need a separate OT and Community thread? It's not like either gets a ton of posts. A better idea would be to create a new thread at the start of a season in OT and close the Community thread, and then when the season ends, move the OT thread to Community.

When season 5 starts up again, I think it would be good to close this Community thread and move all discussion over to the OT thread. Then when season 5 ends, the entire topic will be moved to Community by a mod. When season 6 comes, we create an OT topic and close the old one.

Any objections?

None from me

Makes sense to me. Steven Universe operates on a single thread doesn't it? So long as we're using good spoiler etiquette I don't see it being an issue.

I think that is an issue though. Have we ever decided what constitutes a spoiler? We have some people with very radically different views on what counts as a spoiler.


I think that is an issue though. Have we ever decided what constitutes a spoiler? We have some people with very radically different views on what counts as a spoiler.

Fair point. Maybe we need to just check out what other TV show threads do around here and follow suit?


And one more thing. A discussion over at the Magic the Gathering thread made me realize: do we really need a separate OT and Community thread? It's not like either gets a ton of posts. A better idea would be to create a new thread at the start of a season in OT and close the Community thread, and then when the season ends, move the OT thread to Community.

When season 5 starts up again, I think it would be good to close this Community thread and move all discussion over to the OT thread. Then when season 5 ends, the entire topic will be moved to Community by a mod. When season 6 comes, we create an OT topic and close the old one.

Any objections?

IIRC, we're running on an old set of rules. The MLP thread was among the first to get banished into Community, and people complained that the party was better in the Off Topic forum, where newcomers can join easier, and asked "Can we come back when the next season starts?" Evilore/the mods pondered and then said "New thread for new news. New episodes are an acceptable reason for a new thread."

I'm not sure there's any benefit in locking down this thread once a year just because another thread opens in the OT, or asking the mods to move the rebooted thread back to Community once a year (I suppose it might be generally refreshing, and might direct more people into the inevitable Community threads if there's a yearly push in that direction). Twice-a-year action seems like too much effort if you ask me, as the current system sort of runs itself. Of course, another Community thread I participate in (that's quieter than PonyGAF) has been requesting once-a-month thread title changes, so asking the mods for twice-a-year favors probably isn't a big deal.

Also, what would we do in a situation like... now... where the show is on hiatus? In addition to using the Community thread as an unofficial spoiler hideout (which loosens spoiler pressures on the OT thread), it's been suggested that people in the OT forum aren't too keen on the fanart side of MLP fandom (not referring to the Amirox thing, I mean, several years ago some Gaffers in the OT said they're only interested in the episodes, and wish to avoid the expanded "brony" experience), and the OT thread hasn't had a post in a month (due to the hiatus), while this one is bumped almost daily with fanart. If we're hanging out in the Off Topic forum for months at a time, passing the time with Community-style shenanigans, I suspect we'd be violating the "spirit" of our banishment.

I personally am fine with "whatever".
Come to think of it, we still need the Community thread to discuss fan projects like Anthology V.

Given that it looks like Friendship Games will indeed be airing among the season 5 episodes, though, it might be best to move Equestria Girls discussion over to the OT. Maybe the official comics too? Perhaps leaving only fan stuff for this thread.
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